What do you think?
I had taken two of my grandsons to the movies to see "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". They dressed up in Halloween costumes as a super hero. Both dressed as "Thor". They both had fun and enjoyed the movie. On the way home from the movie they had a conversation between the two of them that I thought was cute and funny. I came home and told my dh the conversation and we both laughed. I posted on fb and got many likes and comments about how cute it was. I shared the story with my brother and we both laughed and got such a kick out of it.
Ok, now for my issue. My SD30 & her dh came to pick up their son who had spent the week with us. Their son is the 7 year old and the 4 year old is my bio gs. I thought the conversation between the two boys was just so cute that I had to share it with my SD30 & her DH. I shared the story and my SD30 & her DH just stare at me. They don't laugh, they don't even crack a smile. They only give me the "the deer and head lite gaze". My dh just stands there and says nothing. Later, after my SD & her husband leave, I mentioned to my DH that they did not even smile. His response to me was that "maybe I needed to learn how to better tell a story."
I am so angry. You would think I would learn. I have been married for 12 years and he seems to always make excuses for his kids. It would be nice if just once he could validate me, but hell no, he can only make excuses for his kids.
Below is the conversation. You be the judge and tell me what you think.
Conversation from the back seat of my car on the way home from the movies between my grandsons ages 7 & 4.
SGS7: GS4, how old do you think I am?
GS4: three
SGS7: three? I'm no where near three.
GS4: when are you going to be three?
SGS7: I will never be three again. I'm seven.
Thank you for listening.
I think it's one of those you
I think it's one of those you had to be there things. I don't find it funny, cute but not funny.
If I read it on Facebook , I would think you the type whom has to post every little thing you, your kids or grand kids do.
Why are you ANGRY about SD and husband not finding the story funny? :?
Story is cute, but not overly
Story is cute, but not overly funny. Perhaps because parents with young children around here these cute conversations between the children all the time.
I don't really understand what DH was suppose to 'take sides' over. So they didn't smile and/or laugh at the recap of something the kids said and you retold? Why was it afterwards discussion material with DH? Now had SD and her husband said something out of line or rolled their eyes as in 'what a simpleton Jam is'? Yeah, ok.
Had you told a joke at a neighborhood BBQ and nobody laughed, would you expect DH to 'take sides'? But this was SD so it's different somehow, I suppose. It just feels like one more 'up yours' snubbing that you as SM has likely been treated with.
Anyway... you had a great time and very much enjoyed your outing with the grandkids. That's what counts and it's a afternoon with Grandma these kids will remember and a treasured memory be. You're a great grandma who enjoys her grandkids. Even though SD and her husband are stuffy fuddy duddies.
Perhaps all of the likes and
Perhaps all of the likes and comments on Facebook were all fake and the SD SIL were the only ones being honest about the story.
I would take honesty over having a bunch of people blow smoke up my butt any day. Had so many people not done the fake, polite chuckle thing, the OP may have realized sooner that the story really isn't a knee slapper. ThEnjoy the whole thing with SD and SIL would have been avoided.
Her husband was still rude.
Her husband was still rude. Initially he found it funny, but then when his pretty pretty princess did not, he told OP that she needed to learn how to tell a story better.
He was rude, SD was rude. There is no reason to be rude here. Smile and nod and move on. It's a cute silly story.
It's called manners.
Jam, I honestly think you are
Jam, I honestly think you are being too sensitive on this. Humor is often a very personal thing - what may be funny to one person (or a dozen) may not be to another. It's that simple.
I think you've taken a simple situation and turned it into fodder to make a point show how your DH doesn't support you, but always takes his DD side. It is a stretch, in this instance. I do understand how you may be feeling, but sometimes we need to step back and realize that not every word, look or action by skids is worth agonizing over.
You should not "be so angry" over something like this, as it's really insignificant in the greater scheme of things.
I think I understand why you
I think I understand why you are angry, it seems mostly at dh and that's understandable. I'm thinking that sd was mortified that the younger grandchild thought that her son was younger than himself. You know how people compare kids all the time? Well it's even worse amongst grandchildren. Well Johnny was speaking in sentences at 2 years old, Oh really? Suzy was speaking three languages at 2 years old.
No it is not funny to me, it
No it is not funny to me, it is one of those 'guess you had to be there' type of things. However if someone had taken my child to a movie I would smile and say something like "I'm so glad they had a good time together, thanks for taking them" or something along those lines. And your dh could have said something similar. nothing there that warrants a 'deer in the headlights' look
Holy cow…how did this blog
Holy cow…how did this blog into people thinking the OP post too much on facebook….is mad because people don’t think she is funny or she was asking for a fight….?
I feel that OP is not angry because they did not find the story funny about their kid. (which is weird IMHO that they did not even smile about it). I think she is more angry that DH basically put her down when he told her “maybe she needed to learn to tell a story better.” And weather that is true or not, he was extremely rude about it.
To OP…I would be a little miffed. Maybe not really angry but I would get over this quick and learn not to say anything about his kids that he may see as a put down to them. He feels you put them down so he put you down.
Honestly...I think your DHs
Honestly...I think your DHs response was funnier than the conversation between the two kids. The kids conversation was cute I guess, but I can see not laughing about it. I wouldn't have been offended by your DHs comment either, unless there was some really cruel tone of voice used or something, but then my DH and I poke fun at each other all the time.
Mountains out of molehills.
Mountains out of molehills. This is nothing worth being mad over.
It's entirely possible your retelling of it was off. If you told me this story and you were cracking up about how funny it was, I would probably look at you with a deer in headlights look too... because I don't think it's funny. It's a little cute, but not funny.
Anyhow, to me the "learn to tell a better story" comment was likely his way of awkwardly trying to patch it up?
It seems to me that you are mad at your DH for saying something a little off or wrong, when apparently you did the same thing.... so.......
If you don't want to hear
If you don't want to hear your dh defend his daughter, don't put him in that position. Your story was not THAT amusing. Your SD is 30. Get over it and ignore. This was not something worthy of a fight.
I don't think them not even
I don't think them not even smiling had anything to do with how you told the story so your DH's response was off base. He could have just shrugged it off instead of saying it was because of your storytelling.
Maybe he was upset that your GS4 was saying that his GS7 acts like a 2 year old and he took it out on you.
Thank you for your responses.
Thank you for your responses.
I guess if I had to pick funny or cute I would go with cute. I simply thought it was cute and had a good laugh about it.
My anger comes from 12 years of history. It seems that no matter what is going on if it involves my dh kids he defends them, makes excuses for them or just throws me under the bus.
You have to come to the
You have to come to the realization that she is his kid. He loves her despite and in spite of the fact that she is not a perfect human being. Just like many kids love their BIO parents even though the parents are crappy.
My SD for instance KNOWS her mom is a mess, but it's ok for HER to say it but she will defend her mom or get upset when OTHERS say anything about the wackamole that she is.
You KNOW your DH is going to defend his daughter yet you are still going to him with attempts to show him how evil she is. I think it should be pretty clear that HE is not the one to vent to about his darling daughter's actions.
If he is a good husband and generally is helpful, supporting and has your back the rest of the time, you are going to have to accept that his daughter is off limits when it comes to complaining.
I am thinking his response (which was a bit rude) was probably born of the frustration that you are making your relationship with her HIS problem. He is probably well tired of hearing about the minor slights. You keep trying to put him in the middle, as if he can do something about his daughter's reaction. You are clearly sensitive to this and to him this is just another broken record recording of you telling him what a horrid person his daughter is. He is sick of it and showing you that he is tired of it.
You need to do your best to ignore her attitude and vent to your girlfriends who will be a much better audience.
I have a feeling this is not
I have a feeling this is not the first time this cold fish attitude has occurred with SD and her husband. And why do I know? Because I went through the same B.S. for over 20 years. A one time occurrence of the 'deer in the headlights look' is one thing - years of it happening over and over again is something else. This type of invalidation can be very subtle and hard to pin down to DH. I am just wondering if, over the years, you have also had to endure rolling eyeballs and impatient sighs.
When I was in 'win over SD mode', I was always being made to feel like I had made an ass of myself, saying something SD didn't think was amusing or interesting or something she didn't approve of. Plus - DH seemed to get a big charge in putting me down in front of her. She and her husband were just plain rude and had no social graces. Period. DH did not know how to be a husband. Period.
I have not heard from SD in 5 1/2 years - my choice, and it has been absolutely wonderful not to have to experience that feeling of invalidation and belittlement.
You DO realize that you will never win with SD. If you take the trouble to try to form a compatible relationship with her her she will treat you like you are a dummy. If you withdraw and let DH do all of the communications with her, then you are being cold.
The solution is to do what makes YOU feel like the winner. Give DH the choice of demonstrating to SD that you are to be treated respectfully in your home or limiting your interaction with SD and her husband. If you are taking care of their kid, they should show some sort of gratitude for it.
!!!exactly what Sandy said!!!
!!!exactly what Sandy said!!!
I would also guess this is not the first such dismissive reaction to OP.
Eh. Don't talk to her anymore.
Thank you Sandy. It has been
Thank you Sandy.
It has been a long time since I have posted anything here and you are so right. My sd has been cold, rude, deliberately tries to make me look like the bad guy and goes through my dh to control me. I agree I can never win. I have discovered that the better I treat her the worse she treats me but when I back off and go on and have a life with those that truly want a relationship with me, that is when I find she is reaching out being sweet and giving the appearance of really wanting a relationship. All she really wants is the opportunity to be cold, rude, and use me.
I am really more angry at myself for falling for the b.s. AGAIN!
I have discovered that the
I have discovered that the better I treat her the worse she treats me but when I back off and go on and have a life with those that truly want a relationship with me, that is when I find she is reaching out being sweet and giving the appearance of really wanting a relationship. All she really wants is the opportunity to be cold, rude, and use me.
Yes, they can't stand it when you stop reaching out and chasing them, and show them indifference. They want to have the opportunity to snub you, to have the upper hand.
You need to disengage from her and STAY disengaged. I know it's hard sometimes, I think it's more natural to want to get along than not, but you are just going to keep getting hurt.
You and your DH had a laugh
You and your DH had a laugh about it. Either he found it funny/cute originally or he was being polite.
THEN he says "maybe you need to learn how to better tell a story"? A$$hat.
I thought the story was
I thought the story was pretty adorable! Is it possible that your SD and H didn't even smile because they are jealous of how well you get on with their son? That seems to be the case in my house. I'm good enough to watch the SGC but my SD would have a meltdown if they seemed to prefer being at my house having fun as opposed to being at their own home. And my DH would do the same thing yours did. These men and their dramatic daughters drive me nuts!
I think in Stepland we have a
I think in Stepland we have a tendency to overthink and analyze every little nuance to death, especially if we're in a less than ideal situation.
IMO, sometimes the best we can do is disengage to a degree and remind ourselves that it is what it is as we consider the source.
No, it probably wasn't that funny but it didn't call for that rude of a reaction.
So many times we treat skids or BM like we would any other human being and it goes over like a fart in church.
It's not you, it's them.
Remember who they are and try to let it go.
SD30 and her dh likely have
SD30 and her dh likely have giants sticks up their butts, and your dh like all of ours will defend them no matter. Be glad you're not in the "Stick up the butt club."
this has nothing to do with
this has nothing to do with the cute story and everything to do with how you feel about your DH not validating your feelings and sticking up for you in a way that you would like him to. I get it. I feel you, but try and not waste any of your energy on this. If his kid and her dh want to be dry dicks let them, don't let it ruin your day or get your goat. you just have to find it in your heart to accept that your DH makes excuses for his kids behavior.
Jam, your step family is much
Jam, your step family is much like mine. There's so much cognitive dissonance occurring, so many mixed signals flying, that it's hard to discern what's real and what's pretense.
You've blogged about other instances with your skids where things seem to be okay, and then the skids did or said something shi!!y. There's a lot of pretense going on, and it's easy to take things at face value and be lulled into thinking all is well.
To be blunt, I don't think your skids like you or what you represent one bit. And their relationship with their father seems to be one mostly of convenience with little in the way of emotional attatchment. They all seem resentful and entitled, which could stem from the divorce or PAS. At any rate, you seem to be where I was, caught in a dynamic where everyone is expected to paste on a smile and play Happy Family while clearly something else entirely is going on just below the surface. Youre a kindly, well-adjusted woman trying to navigate where dysfunction has been present for a very long time. You did something nice for your SD and her spouse, and in return they behaved passive aggressively towards you. Do you get the significance of that? In concert, without prior planning, they were both rude to you. That's their default setting. And then your H took their part. Again, that's his default setting.
So, you slipped up, let your guard down, and got slapped. We've all done this, and it says far more about their character than yours. Time to refocus on building a big brick wall between you, your skids, and their interactions with your H.
Thank you Exjuliemccoy for
Thank you Exjuliemccoy for your post. I have read your post several times. It really describes my life in stepland and I think you hit the nail smack on the head. I will be working on that brick wall and will remind myself anytime they are around that their default setting can and will pop out at any time.
It's like when SD and my DH
It's like when SD and my DH get together, doesn't matter who's present, they have to form their bond and bully. They only do this, when there are other people around. If it is just the two of them, they just gaze at each other, like they have a private joke.
It's a narcissist game that will never end in my case. I am totally disengaged and just don't care any more. When DH and I are away from SD, all is well. So SD is not allowed to come near me; I mean not even near me.
There's no longer family events, where I am civil; I just don't go to the family events. I do wish I was a mouse in the corner, because I don't believe they have a good time, without someone to bully.
Amazing. I could have written
Amazing. I could have written this post Sammi. It occurred to me the other day that my DH has two completely different sets of morals, values, and ethics - one he shows most days to me, my kids, and everyone, and one that he shows whenever his kids (or anyone they grew up with) are involved. It is like 2 different people. I would never marry or date or be involved with the alternate persona. I don't want or expect the good DH to change...I just don't ever want to see the other one again. And as long as SD and SS stay away, I don't see that persona - the one who is a bully, a liar, secretive, mean, contemptuous, and supportive of behaviors he would never normally tolerate.
Thank you. It is oddly
Thank you. It is oddly comforting to know I am not alone, although it is sad that there are so many common issues.