DH's observations about SGS and I
DH let it slip that he is pretty impressed how much OSGS has taken to me, 'considering it's not encouraged'...what DH really means is that it's pretty much discouraged!
OSD will get OSG all worked up before a visit with DH & I, saying things like "are you excited to see Granpa DH?!" "Grandpa DH loves you soooo much" "Tell Grandpa DH about..." "Ask Grandpa DH about..." and on and on, she has even admitted she does this for DH, and for YSD as well
And then when SGS sees DH or YSD, he is all worked up. OSD will say loudly how much SGS loooooves DH or YSD, she will giggle like a schoolgirl when SGS runs to either one of them, and be sooooo sweet to SGS paying him so much attention
Of course she doesn't do that for me, nor would I expect her too.
What she does do is actively discourage SGS by not acknowledging when he does come to me. She will get testy with him and tell him to move if he wants to sit beside me, she will tell him off for following me around or for even talking to me she'll cut in and tell him off about something, or pay no attention to him as long as he's around me
For my part, I never chase after the kid. If SGS comes to me then I'm always warm and receptive, but I don't go out of my way.
At the bridal shower for YSD recently, when I got there BM was carrying OSGS around. Within 30 seconds of him seeing me, he yells "Grandma Disillusioned, try the punch" (he had made it and was all proud) when I said sure I would try a little glass he says, no, try a big glass LOL, then waits until I've sipped it. When I made a big deal saying that was the best punch ever, he laughed. BM put him down, and her and I were discussing what needed to be done, and SGS comes up inbetween us, takes my hand, asks me to come with him he is going to help me with my tasks, and starts dragging me away with him
But the best was last week when everyone was here. As soon as SGS walked through the door he ran to me. And when I went to the kitchen to start cooking, he comes up and takes my hand, asks me to come in the living room and sit down. I do, then ask him why, and he says "I just want to hang out with you"
Sooooooo cute!
DH noticed and said again how impressed he is, all considered, without any encouragement that child loves me.
I realize that will most likely change one day after years of being alienated from me, but in the meantime, he is a sweetheart and makes my day
Oh, and because OSD was angry with DH & I, we noticed SGS was stand-offish with DH this time too
This child is very smart, and
This child is very smart, and much closer to SSIL than OSD, he has a little mind of his own in the end I think
Kids are not stupid. If you
Kids are not stupid. If you can get them young enough and demonstrate to them engaging, mature, adult behavior they will recogize toxic people even when those people are a parent or other family member. Stick to what you are doing. As he gets older, start broadening his exposure to the extended blended family dynamic. He will need the information to be able to assess the situation for himself and protect himself from the toxic manipulations of the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool which it does appear he is challenged with considering the behaviors of your idiot OSD.
My son is far closer to my parents than he is the Sperm GrandParents or my wife's parents. He took our family name when he was 22 because as he says "I am a Rags, I have always been a Rags, I want you to adopt me." So we made that happen.
Good luck and stay the course. Your SGS will always know who his true family is and from you have shared it is likely that at least part of his true family is someone he does not share a common biology with.
You're a devilish one now
You're a devilish one now aren't you Sally :jawdrop:
Wow, what great insight and
Wow, what great insight and advice Rags!
As always, that was inspiring makes me feel hopeful that not all will be lost with this little one in our future relationship.
And I value what you said also as I know you're talking from experience.... You've clearly been successful as a step-parent, and considering the things you share on this board, I'm so not surprised with that!