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SK's Are Considered Kid's?

Lady's picture

This really makes my toes curl up everytime somebody tells me Sk's are young they are just kids. They will grow up someday.They just dont realize what they are doing cause of their age. :sick: .Sk;s are 23,26,32.They are kids? WTH? I told this person I would be glad be swap places with her and she how long she would be mistreated.I told her I am 47 years old so I guess that means I can go beat the hell out of them if they dont obey me and then I will get by with it cause I am kid too at 47. LOL.

Anon2009's picture

I'm 33. When I was in my 20s I made my fair share of stupid decisions in my 20s that now make me wonder what the he11 I was thinking. I'm sure I make some choices now that will make me wonder what the he11 I was thinking when I'm 60. But it never would have occurred to me as an adult to treat any fellow human being the way these "adult" SKs treat so many posters here. Never in a million years would I act the way these "adults" have toward anyone, including my own stepparents.

I'm sure that whoever said that was well-intentioned and meant it in a joking "they're not old like us" way, but

twopines's picture

Sure SD27 and SS29 are DH's "kids", but I am my mother's "kid", so that logic doesn't work on me.