Should I have any thoughts about this
I have disengaged from my wife's children..I don't go to visit but now (the oldest age 46) has been inviting the ex husband over when my wife goes to visit..(it is 250 mi away and she usually spends a few days).I trust my wife but why do you think she is doing that?
She is doing it to manipulate
She is doing it to manipulate. She has excluded you so she can get her parents back together, even if it's only for her breif, twisted benefit. So she can pretend that they are all one big happy family again. Nip this carp in the bud.
Maybe you should invite an
Maybe you should invite an old girl friend over while she's visiting Xhubby, that sounds like it would be fair.
I'm surprised your wife would
I'm surprised your wife would want to be hanging out with her ex.
If you can trust your wife, trust your wife. But I admit, it's an awkward situation. What does your wife say about this new development?
Family Event?
I would expect that your SD invites both her mom and dad to family events to celebrate as a family.
While it's true that your SD is inviting your DW's ex, from SD's perspective these people are just "mom and dad". They will always be mom and dad no matter their marital status with each other.
It could be that your SD refrained from inviting her Dad before in respect to your presence. Now that you've disengaged, she can invite her Dad to the same event as her Mom without causing you to be uncomfortable.
Have you talked with your wife about your feelings? A bunch of folks on the internet can only speculate.
When my wife and I first got
When my wife and I first got together SD was always inviting ex wife admitted then that SD was trying to throw a wrench into our marriage. My thoughts are that now that I have disengaged, might be a good time to try again. By the way, the ex isn't married..wife wants me to go to SD for graduating step grandson (who I am not close to) and spend night. I told her I would go but we would go and come back same day...she said she could ride back with her othet daughter leaving me to drive back 250mi alone. I suspect ex will show I said befor, I trust my wife but I don't think she is considering my I right?
As your spouse, your feelings
As your spouse, your feelings should be a priority over a 46 yo “adult” child who has admitted to trying to put a wedge between you two. She can handle seeing her parents separately instead of trying to create a fake intact family by inviting your wife’s ex. Disrespectful to you and your marriage.
The fact that SD is inviting
The fact that SD is inviting your wife and Ex over at the same time instead of having them over at different times tells me SD is either trying to break up your marriage or SD wants to play "happy family - they way it use to be" before you came along or both. Based on what you mentioned about how SD treats you, I would not trust her.
I would go with my spouse to the graduation and stay the entire time and ride back with my spouse, so SD cannot succeed in putting a wrench in your marriage. My ungrateful, hateful adult steps tried to break up DH and I and it becomes so transparent the things they tried to plan to accomplish this.
It's great you trust your wife. I don't feel she is considering your feelings or respecting your role as her spouse if she insists on having you drive all that way by yourself. I'd ask her how she would feel if she were placed in the situation with the ex and everything else.
Adult skids can be very, very convincing when it comes to trying to break up a marriage their bio parent is in they do not want to continue. Just don't trust adult SD. When I started to trust the adult skids, they amped up their games in trying to break up DH and I and would resort to lying to try and get what they wanted.
just don't trust SD.
I would not live with my DH
I would not live with my DH visiting with ex wife....period. You/I/anybody deserves more respect in life than anything like this.
Why would your wife go, knowing he was present ???????
If it’s for an event like a
If it’s for an event like a birthday party or graduation I can see both GPs being invited.
But if it’s “Dad - Mom is going to be in town so come have dinner with us.” - that is unacceptable.
Also - is her ex local? Or is he coming in from out of town too just to see her?
i am 100% certain that my DH would never cheat with BM - nor does she have any designs on him - but I would be major pissed (as would her DH) if they went out together for dinner just to catch up on old times.
Agree. But, I think for some
Agree. But, I think for some people here it is just another case of SM (or step-dad) is supposed to just suck it up and take it. Adult SKs, even though they have a highly vested interest in making the step-parent look as bad as possible, while at the same time trying to "force" a mom and dad reconcilation, they are always assumed to be clean and have nothing but pure intentions and motives. SM, on the other hand, who really does not have any vested interest at all in going after her SKs (it is counterproductive), is always assumed to be the one in the wrong and out for blood.
Are you right? I have to
Are you right? I have to admit, I wouldn't like it. Disengagement is hard enough without feeling you're being usurped because of your disengagement. A feeling many of we disengaged steps feel is that disengaging gives the skid exactly what they want -- a world they created where stepparents don't exist. Yours takes it one step farther and puts mom and dad together again. Wow.
But some posters here make a good point that without you there, the ex's presence isn't a direct insult to you -- that is, it's a step down from inviting him when you are there. Considering this began when you stayed away, that might be your skid's thinking if you care to give him/her the benefit of the doubt. Without you there, she/he can have one gathering instead of two. If the exes get along, why not? I see it both ways, but I still wouldn't like it.
I think it would be nice if your wife respected how this might make you feel and did something about it. But then there's the question of what she can do about it. Your skid is 46 and has every right to invite who she/he wants to her house. If the exes get along, why shouldn't she invite both of them, especially if you aren't there? This skid sort of has you over a barrel.
My own SD made family get togethers so uncomfortable for me that I rarely attend. I've lost out on a relationship with his extended family because she can't see me without a meltdown, tantrum, or just a steady stream of slights leveled at me. So mine also had me over a barrel. I chose to save myself and stay disengaged -- his family wasn't worth how bad SD made me feel when I had to endure her. If anyone cared enough, they could have stepped in and put her in her place on my behalf, but they didn't. I think they all find it easier without me there to be honest -- SD gets her way and is probably easier to handle for all of them.
All I can say is if your wife doesn't see it from your point of view and doesn't want to try to change the dynamic with her kid, I think you just have to suck this up and put it out of your mind. You do trust your wife, so the unease you feel is kind of noise in your head that doesn't need attention. It's sort of that feeling that SD/SS is getting one more thing over on you and you're helpless to counter it. But screw it. Who cares? Trust your wife. Put this out of your mind. We all have limited time left on this earth. Try not to keep score and just enjoy every day. I know it's hard. But in a perfect world, your wife might remember why they split in the first place and she might start avoiding these gatherings herself!
Hang in there. I feel your pain.
My question is why is your DW
My question is why is your DW going to visit the daughter? Is it for special celebrations, milestones, or achievements by your SD's kids or herself? If so, is it expected that your wife's ex would be there since he is the father of SD? If so, he probably should be there. Do the ex and your DW spend the night in the same house? I might put a stop to that by insisting my wife stay in a hotel, or that the ex does, because all that chumminess makes you uncomfortable. That is completely reasonable.
As for attending the graduation, stay disengaged. I wouldn't go.
There was no special occasion
There was no special occasion it was " hey Dad Moms in town come on over".. not the first time and my wife and I have discussed this in the past..she is completely aware of my feelings on this..
In that case, your wife
In that case, your wife should've definitely had something to say to her daughter, and you certainly have a right to be angry with her for not doing so. You should have a serious heart to heart conversation with your wife about her view of what's happening and explain your discomfort with how acceptable she thinks it is.
I know my husband would be fit to be tied if I just decided to spend an evening hanging out with my ex.
I stand by my previous comment.
Adult skid is 46yrs old. She knows what she is doing. She will continue to manipulate the situation until her mom shuts her down. Throwing her parents together for her own twisted benefit. I divorced my kids dad, if I wanted to hang out with him i would still be married to him. My youngest daughter graduated from college yesterday, my ex was there, did I stay after the ceremony, no I did not. My point is that she allows her adult daughter to stir the pot. Possibly to the point of divorce from OP. Which would definitely delight the skid. Yeah I'm jaded like that.
Your wife likes the attention
Your wife likes the attention. That’s what it all boils down too. That’s where the problem is.
I think notasm3 hit the nail
I think notasm3 hit the nail on the head..all of her sisters love the drama and conflict...we have very little except for this..last fall her 40 something deadbeat daughter wantrd to crash at our house. My wife and I talked and decided to say no which prompted a filthy worded text directed at wife never had my back and has basically given them the green light to do whatever without consequence...when I get upset so the drama and conflict begins..I think she likes, if that is the case, I know just ignore it will make the conflict go away...but I still have feelings and emotions that are still any ideas on how to deal with that?
Find something fun to do
Find something fun to do while she's gone, and make sure she knows about it.
Good idea! Go hunting and
Good idea! Go hunting and fishing with the guys. Let them bring their wives or SOs with. Tell her what fun you are having, which you are, of course. Remind her she can trust you, so what is the big deal!?
If the tables were turned
If the tables were turned would your wife be ok with this? I think not! Imagine if you had a daughter from a previous relationship saying "Hey dad come over to visit, moms in town" and you go drive 200 plus miles and all hang out like you're one big happy family. Imagine that! Give me a freaking break with this nonsense! This would not being going down and if it did she would know its not acceptable. If it were a special occasion like birthday, wedding, babyshower I can understand....but not this BS.
As I said above...
All I can say is if your wife doesn't see it from your point of view and doesn't want to try to change the dynamic with her kid, I think you just have to suck this up and put it out of your mind. You do trust your wife, so the unease you feel is kind of noise in your head that doesn't need attention. It's sort of that feeling that SD/SS is getting one more thing over on you and you're helpless to counter it. But screw it. Who cares? Trust your wife. Put this out of your mind. We all have limited time left on this earth. Try not to keep score and just enjoy every day. I know it's hard. But in a perfect world, your wife might remember why they split in the first place and she might start avoiding these gatherings herself!
That noise is a real bugger. But what's in your head is the one place where you have control. Just put it right out of your head. Once you get the hang of this, it gets easier to do it on a regular basis. And a lot of people do it -- victims of crime, Holocaust survivors, people with addicted kids -- they often manage to function in spite of really bad circumstances. You can do this.
Gee! Is that what is ahead
Gee! Is that what is ahead for us SPs now? Dealing with our spouse and blended families in the same way that "victims of crime, Holocaust survivors, people with addicted kids" do? Maybe?