SD pulling fiance away
I'm (M43) engaged to a wonderful woman (F40), we do not currently live together and are waiting for marriage to do so.
My fiance has two adult children, one a daughter (20) who I will refer to as SD, who has moved out of home about a year ago. Her family could be somewhat described as dysfunctional with her mother and children, all out of her home very self absorbed and constantly feeding their needs with her time and energy without giving much back. This is a constant conversation we have and I have been there supporting her during those times and giving her a sense of sanity and helping her with her boundaries, according to her. My family lives quite a distance away and do not cause many issues, it is much easier for me to set boundaries.
Her daughter broke up with a long term boyfriend a few months ago and since then has increasingly been looking towards her mother for companionship. She regularly requests alone time without me which has increased lately. They recently used each other as support over a large issue with her son which is not improving, and I have started to notice that my time with my fiance is constantly interrupted. I understand that there is need for support and I have encourage and understood that, however I felt it has become more than that and the daughter is. We invite her to spend time with us, which she often refuses, and seemed put out the last few times I was with my fiance when she (future SD) came to see her. I have no issue with spending time with her daughter as together, I have never said no and been very flexible.
We had an issue last year when she was dating her boyfriend at the time and she still expected her mother to be available to her all the time whenever she wanted. She does not plan things, but asks every day on a whim. My fiance had been good about the boundaries however recently not so much and I have been ditched with my kids, and had our plans for evenings interrupted at the drop of a hat to visit her daughter. When I began to show discomfort with these situations, I struggled at the time as I was not entirely sure what was happening, and was surprised that my fiance instead of understanding attacked me about it. In the recent months she has been needy however my fiance had not let the boundaries of our relationship be affected by that.
We had recently gone through months of dealing with similar with her son. I have not pushed her for these boundaries, though I agree with setting them, she stated them as her desire when we met and was one of the reasons I fell in love with her vision of a future where her children had their own lives and did not constantly need her. I am concerened because her daughter has become very needy of my fiance and avoids time with us together and presses constantly for time wihtout me. It feels divisive.
I am new to adult step children, I have two much younger children that are with me 50% of the time. I feel I do as much as I can to involve my fiance with their raising and inclusiveness and set the boundaries with them that she is an important part of my life who is to be considered and accepted, although we have no problem there, they like her, and they are "our" children and should respect that relationship.
I am not sure what I am asking for. Perhaps some of you have dealt with similar, or seen issues and ways to succesfully deal with it. Perhaps you can see something I can not, or am missing or do not see the importance in. Thank you.
FYI - an engaged woman is a
FYI - an engaged woman is a FIANCEE. Fiance is for men.
Anyway, young adult kids certainly still need their parents, but it doesn't seem right for her to interrupt your plans together to do something for/with her kids unless it's a crisis. But if she isn't willing to listen and work on this issue, that doesn't bode well for your marriage.
Welcome to the site! You
Welcome to the site! You mention the word "boundaries" a number of times in your post, but I do not get the feeling that they are being adhered to at all. Your fiancee regularly ditches your joint plans if her adult daughter asks her to come running. This is not OK, neither is it OK to constantly request time together without you - once in a while, fine, but I don't get the impression it is once in a while. As you say, it is divisive. I get the impression these adult kids have not come to terms with the fact that their mother is in a relationship, and your fiancee needs to make them understand that you are her priority now. I am not saying she shouldn't support them, but she should do so in a way that doesn't leave you feeling pushed to one side.
Thank you
Thank you for the correction, I can not find a way to edit the original post to make the changes.
I will talk to her today. I hope she is willing to listen. My fiancee has identified these problems in the past by herself and enforced commitments to us and been protective or our relationship which is why it is hurtful that it is happening again. I appreciate your advice, and am concerned that it does not bode well if unchanged.
This last time it occurred my fiance ditched us for her daughter and then got mad at me when I went off and did something with my children and were not immediately available when she was done. I dislike writing this as I can see it from the outside and it doesn't look good.
It's good to be honest with
It's good to be honest with yourself before the marriage. Not being able to discuss an issue that's important to both of you is a major red flag.
I would really think about this.
You have to remember, This is the time it’s the best it’s going to be. This the time relationship are the best. If she blowing you off to be with her daughter now. What going to happen if you move it. Her DD is going to move in with you?
It time for a real talk about the future. But it’s cuts both ways, Are Adult kids going to be allowed to move in with you? How long are they going to be allowed to stay ? How is giving money and gifts to kid and GK going to work.
Are you going to keep moneys separate and just put money into a joint account for bill paying. Total monthly bills divided by ???? 50/50 or 40/60
Thank you
edit: I re-read your comment. Are adult kids allowed to move back in? One of the issues here is that my kids are young and dependent and hers are adult and moved out. My fiancee had already established this with hers as they were adults and they moved back in with her at times when they needed to get back on their feet, they had a plan though and it was stuck to. I would expect the same of my children when they are adult age, if they can respect the rules and have a plan to be out on their own and stick to it then that is something that can be discussed amongst other alternatives. I feel like I am asking for the same things from her that I would expect her to have from me, it's just that our kids aren't similar ages where they have the same situations at the moment.
Not a good sign
Being in love is such a wonderful place to be that many of us tend to place less importance on issues that can be very damaging in the long run, thinking that the more we are together these problems will work out. Your fiancee has been fully trained in conflict avoidance. It's really hard not to go back to a pattern that possibly goes back to childhood. You wrote that she stated that she had a desire to set boundaries with her children when you met but she doesn't seem to be working on it very well. It seems like she is playing some sort of game - using you as a justification to continue to be a doormat for her kids. Her kids look upon her as a possession. She probably is basking in all of the attention she is getting now. If you were out of the picture her kids wouldn't be around so much.
The good thing is you haven't yet tied the knot to a life of misery. If her lack of backbone, respect and loyalty for you bothers you this much now think about how you will feel about it in 20 years. At this point she is placing more importance on the relationship with her kids than one with you. Do not marry her until she can prove to you that your relationship is her highest priority. Make this lady your girlfriend, NOT your fiancee.
Thank you Sandye21
Thank you. What you've written seems fairly accurate, I have expected these problems to work out over time yet they reoccur. How do you mean that she is playing a game, using me as justification to continue to be a doormat for her kids? They do look at her as a possesion, an item, a source of their instant gratification, and she flat out stated that she loves that her daughter wants to spend all her time with her over her own friends and other family, it is a source of validation for my fiancee. Sadly she had spoken to me in the past how she had become more friends with her daughter than her mother and it became an issue at the start of the relationship that she recognized then, or at least told me so of her own identification. We are right back there again it feels like. I am concerned that ending the engagement would be enough of a sore point for her to end the relationship, I guess if it is so be it. I am also not sure what it means for me if I end it, I struggle with the thought that if I don't want to marry her then why waste my time in a half and half relationship with her? I'd rather be single than not a priority.
"I'd rather be single than not a priority."
"How do you mean that she is playing a game, using me as justification to continue to be a doormat for her kids?"
I would bet that the Daughter and your Fiancee were not as close before you came into the picture. If this became an issue early on in your relationship it appears the Daughter saw her Mother giving attention to someone else and became threatened by you. The Daughter then moved in to reclaim what she views as a possession. Your Fiancee was flattered by all of the 'reborn' warm fuzzies from her Daughter, and she didn't want to lose it. Plus she was getting love and attention from you. Gee! I'd like that! When her Daughter started to manipulate her into pulling away from the relationship with you your Fiancee had to prioritize. If your Fiancee lets you go she will return to the more distant relationship she had with her Daughter. Actually, your Fiancee must be pretty conflicted at this point. She has to keep you wanting to coming back for more as an incentive for her Daughter wanting to come back for more.
That's the game my DH played for years. By making SD his priority over our marriage they became a team and I never quite measured up to being approved and accepted. It was justification for a bonding experience for both of them until 20 years later I gave DH the choice of making our marriage his priority or leave. If I had nipped it in the bud at the very beginning of the marriage either our marriage would have been better or I would have been a happier single person.
If you don't want to end the engagement with your Fiancee continue the status quo but before you marry her be sure you are not still in a "half and half relationship". I can assure you it doesn't get better with time. You should both be able to have loving connections with your children but she should make you and the future with you the top priority in her life. This means that both of you do not arbitrarily decide to break a date with each other to be with your children unless it's an emergency. This means you both project to your children that you are a united couple.
This last time it occurred my
This last time it occurred my fiance ditched us for her daughter and then got mad at me when I went off and did something with my children and were not immediately available when she was done.
^^^^^^^^So basically she can ditch you when her daughter calls at the drop of a dime but when you are spending time with your kids and are not immediately available she gets upset??? Really, what nerve! So you have to bend over backwards to please her? No this doesn't work well and you need to have a heart to heart talk with her about the future before getting married. If its not resolved now, you can expect more of the same later on if you decide to get married.
My DH had a bad habit of
My DH had a bad habit of interrupting our time together whenever one of his kids called. They don’t live near us so interruptions are phone/text.
I told him how much it bothered me. No change. We’d fight about it. No change. So I set boundaries (such as if he took a call while we were on a “date” that the date was immediately over. No change. Until I got up and drove off in the car leaving him stranded.
He got the message finally. I was not willing to be set aside in favor of someone else at his whim. Not catering to his kids in all things has been a struggle—your SO might behave similarly. you might have to resort to dramatic measures to clearly make your point.
Thank you.
Thank you. I have found that when I "make a point" in the past she sees it as malicious and some sort of revenge. I am not allowed to be held to the same standards as her, she is allowed to do the things she does yet I am not, and the reasons that are given don't always seem to fit the level of anger she displays towards me and the actions she takes.
We have had the phone issue with her son who would call at all hours of the night (when we were asleep at 11pm on weeknights) to talk about minor issues, and she would take his calls. He had\has substance issues and she was worried if she didn't take his calls he would do something drastic. He sort of worked himself out of that equation by destructive behaviour that has her I believe setting some boundaries there.
I'm not sure what drastic measures to take. I've tried talking about it but get denial and resistance. I put her first and consider her before making decisions. I certainly don't and wouldn't take off if anyone in my family requested alone time on a whim when I was spending time with her, regardless if we had concrete plans together or not. Perhaps I am the odd one out for that.
It's a recurring theme, and I am not sure the boundaries I thought she had set are really there, it all appears to be lip service at this point and not the direction at all she told me how she expected her life to be with her adult children moved out.
I am not into drama, but somewhat direct and I believe honest in what I say in terms of the issues. I expect that to be taken seriously. Perhaps that's not how effective communication works in relationships lol. The dramatic measure I would take would be not filled with drama but a simple explanation of how I feel and how I don't see it working and ending our engagement. At that point, I've not been in that boat before, if I no longer wish to pursue marriage why would I stay in a relationship that wouldn't grow?
I fear your SO is more
I fear your SO is more dedicated to her dysfunctional and codependent relationship with her kids than she is with you. It works for her. It works for her kids. It doesn’t work for you.
So you are in a position of accepting status quo (which sounds awful to me) it or making changes. What do you need to be happy and healthy? Figure that out and fiancée either makes changes to fit into that picture, or you end the relationship.
I hope you don’t vacillate too long hoping for change to magically happen. Life is too precious to be miserable.
Follow up
I met up with my fiance to talk. I began to tell her about my concerns about her daughter and the boundaries that are I believed are not set. My fiancee suggested I was jealous of her relationship with her daughter. She took pride that her adult daughter idolised her and wanted to hang out with her more than any others friend, and it was ok for them to essentially date each other and that she could take off when we are together and hang out when her daughter without me then that was my problem.
She was very agitated and gave me no indication she even considered what I was saying. The part that is hard is we've both been to classes and read literature and had conversations about these issues in general before they became to this point. I reiterated that I liked her daughter and was not trying to push her out of her life but for our relationship to flourish she needed to have less of a rival one with her daughter. She alluded to other times I had this issue and that there were other men out there she could date who would understand it.
The times I could recall she was alluding to were my birthday weekend, she loosely planned a weekend getaway and told me she had told her family not to disturb us. They called constantly. She engaged in texting with her daughter thoughout Saturday night and the next morning she seemed uncomfortable (similar to how she acted the morning she took off that the original post was about - strangely distant from me but acting as if all was normal) and cut the weekend short to be back to spend time with her daughter. I was fairly hurt.
The other time was after a disagreement where my fiance stormed off for a few days and spent all her time with her daughter. They had begun video chatting each night multiple times then and she would interrupt our evenings to talk with her for some lengths of time, telling her daughter all about her day. When I asked about her day afterwards I got a five seconds disinterested synopsis.
Her "go to" for all these things was "we didn't have date plans" so anyone else is fair game, that anyone else being her daughter. I get twisted around in our conversions and she Is often verbally aggressive, the runs circles around me in our conversations that leaves me feeling unequipped to respond despite the best intentions I have for the relstionship and the level and calm head I keep throughout. I attempted to have meaningful conversation but it feels like it becomes attack and defense and the is no interest in that approach from her. I would say it's gaslighting but part of me doesn't want to believe someone who claims to love me and most times shows it could do that.
I'm losing a lot of sleep over this and am so tired that I'm afraid I can't stand my ground against her. I feel heartbroken that she would dismiss our relationship seemingly so easily.
I've started reading posts on this site to see similar stories and the topics off mini wives seem to lend itself to this situation even though they are mother and daughter.
I want to thank everyone who has read and responded for their time and attempts to understand and give advice, it had really helped me grasp the severity of the situation.
edit: spelling (lots of it)
"Her "go to" for all these
"Her "go to" for all these things was "we didn't have date plans" so anyone else is fair game"
In other words you are her priority until something better comes up, right? How very flattering ... I'm inclined to tell you to break up with her because I can't see this relationship going anywhere that doesn't destroy your self-esteem. I think you'd be surprised at how much better you'd feel.
"there were other men out there she could date who would understand it"
She is totally out of contact with reality. Few men would accept being dumped at the drop of a hat like that. She may be proud of the relationship she has with her daughter but it's poisoning any chance of an independent, normal future for either of them.
Relationships only work when both partners give 100%. You are giving 100% and she is throwing you crumbs... there's no way this can work. I also firmly believe that a solid relationship is based on trust, communication and respect. Fighting all the time is not a sign of good communication and, frankly, can you say that she respects you?
Leave her and chalk all this up to experience and be grateful that you are doing this before you got married ...
You deserve so much better than this.
Thank you
Thank you for your support. It is reassuring to hear the words that I had wondered myself, but feared I was not understanding something. I agree with your statements on relationships and your questions are poignant and ones I have been starting to ask myself.
She's told you where you
She's told you where you stand. So now leave her to find one of those many men she says would put up with this enmeshed situation. You would not have a happy partnership with this woman.
She has
Thank you, she did tell me. And I know that any man who put up with it would be a doormat and not respected and any who didn't would leave or worse. I am fast coming to the realisation you predict. I just discovered the term "enmeshment" shortly before I read your reply, and it sums up my fiancee's relationship with her son 22 and daughter 20 in many ways. It's really helped me realise the reality of it all and what I would be signing up for. I saw the pieces throughout our relationship but never saw the puzzle put together. I have somewhat a sense of relief now.
I have two much younger
I may be the odd one out here, but was rooting for you and the relationship until I read this. It sounds like what you are asking for is for her to be "mommy" and raise your kids while asking her to ignore the needs of her own. Yes the daughter is 20 and technically an adult but factors of maturity also have to be taken into account. Many COD's are emotionally stunted due to the years of divorce drama they have been through.
Your kids are not your fiancee's so there is no "ours." It's unfair and unrealistic to expect her to take on that role with your kids. She's raised her kids and is still dealing with their issues, believe me when I say that she really doesn't want to be mommy to another set of kids, especially COD's who are not her own.
Um yeah, they're you're kids. You're responsible for entertaining them, not your fiance. I would change plans too if my adult daughter wanted to visit but DH was having skids come over. I'd much rather hang out with her. We have an agreement that he is responsible for entertaining his kids and I don't have to be present if I have other things to do.
I think you're expecting a lot and there's a huge double standard here. If I were your fiancee's friend I'll have her tell you to pound sand if you expect her to mommy your kids and spend 50% of her evenings with them while ignoring her own family.
I would love to hear your fiancee's side of the story.
Thank you.
I really needed to hear different thoughts from what I was thinking, not necessarily reinforcement.
Throughout my children's lives I have been pretty much their main caregiver, when I lived with their mother she worked shifts where she saw them very little and I did most of the heavy lifting. SInce the divorce I have been the parent pushing their nutrition, activities, development and focused on that. I am not looking for a replacement mother, I am the replacement mother. My fiancee loves kids, and she has taken to mine, she has stated early on and never wavered from wanting to be heavily involved in their upbringing and development, a parental figure to them, not a replacement but an additional figure that they can call upon and rely upon as a reliable and dependant figure in their lives. I actually have struggled with giving her some of the reigns at times, and have worked with her on it at her request. She asked to play that role, and I thought that both would benefit. She asks that we refer to both sets of kids as ours.
We spend a lot of time with her children, they are grown though, adult and living out of home and from the start of our relationship she stated that she desired and was aiming to, and seemed to be working towards not being "needed" every day, in fact hoped that they would have way less contact as they forged their own lives. They were both in relationships when I met, however they both disintegrated over the last 6 months and became self destructive and divisive in our relationship, especially since the engagement. I like her children well enough and am happy for them to spend time with us and to my face they are pleasant and I felt we were slowly building a relationship. I certainly agree with you that age does not equal maturity and that has to be taken into account.
We have had many conversations that she has begun about when we are married and living together that she would be around the kids all the time, be involved with their schooling, all of it. There was never any talk of entertaining and separation. In fact she would get put out if I did something with my kids and she was not involved at times. The issues I talk of also exist when I don't have kids. When we are on dates they are interupted regularly, she has cut short our trips to run back to her daughter for non emergencies.
What she says and what she really wants may be two separate things though, perhaps she says the things she has to please me or in hopes that I would favor her, or perhaps she does believe she wants those things until the sacrifices are presented and then it's not so easy. You know, I might be ok with more of a separation of our children but it was not what I thought we were both on the same page about. It appears we are not and I'm learning through action rather than words, which is the difficult part because of our comminication. I do believe there is a lot of truth in what you say, it just goes against the words we had, and maybe I was too eager to believe it quickly and not understand it may not be that way. This is really my first jaunt into step\blended families. I have not had adult kids yet, I grew up in a stable home, her parents married multiple times and she had multiple step families, some brief, some long, and I believe she does her best.
I'm exhausted reading through
I'm exhausted reading through all the promises that were made by her to be completely enmeshed in your children's lives. Do you really think all of those demands are reasonable? They have a mother already, and no you're not a replacment mother, you're just a parent doing your part. In this century men may do housework and sometimes even cook meals. Your kids could even be bothered to do their own laundry and pitch in too. It seems like your ex is being villified because she works and you have to pick up some of the slack and you thought you found a woman to be a better mom to "(y)our" kids. Your fiancee was probablly on board with being on your page until the reality of how hard it is set in. That's 50% of her time soley devoted to YOUR kids when she's already raised her own.
Yes the communication between the two of you could improve. Ditching on couples trips and dates for non emergencies is not a good sign but I get the feeling she's trying to escape the relationship with your kids and you at any opportunity.
You may want to consider that your kids are not as angelic and wonderful as you portray them to be. ALL kids are brats some of the time, especially kids who shuffle to and from houses. This super parent, "I'm the mom," "you need to devote yourself to my kids" attitude may be wearing on her, I know it's wearing on me.