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Sd pissing me off again

Keepsmiling's picture

I blogged about my dh cancer diagnosis and how I called ysd (25) at dh's request to tell her. She hasn't spoken to dh in a year. What's the first thing she does - texts her sil to tell her brother. (half brother) You know she's still special. Her dad would tell her first. Too bad sd your dad already spoke with him a couple of days ago.
One of my issues with her is boundaries. It is not up to sd to contact her brother to tell him. It is dh's choice which he did. She is only back in our lives for an hour or so and is already pissing me off.

Keepsmiling's picture

Thank you all so much. You are right it is about dh and me. I know there are tough times ahead. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

sandye21's picture

((((BIG HUGS TO YOU!!))) You do not need SD's games right now. It might be eassier to tell her brother and let him deliver the message to SD. Then, do not let this twit near to your DH or you.