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Ruined holidays.

QueenBee1's picture

Thanksgiving was shot. I made dinner by myself . SD had an attitude. Now, she's not leaving for Xmas. She's supposed to leave in June for college. Now, she may be staying. I can't go on being the maid anymore. I cook, clean and haul her around like a chauffeur. She's lazy and doesn't clean up after herself. Sure, every now and then DH "talks" to her but let's her get away with things and then yells at me because I'm supposed to be a parent. She gets an attitude when I remind her it's her turn to do cleanup. She gets snippy when I ask her to make dinner... After she has been home all day on Facebook and talking on the phone and I don't get home till 9pm because I take evening classes.

I feel like I'm in a bad dream I can't get out of. I am disrespected but I still continue to work hard and go to school.

I wish sometimes I'd never wake up...

purpledaisies's picture

Stop doing anything for her! Do NOTHING no cooking cleaning or anything let her figure out how she will eat or have clean clothes or go any where! You have to stop doing anything for her and let her dad handle it all.

Not your kid not your problem! if you don't you will continue to be the maid and anything else they want you to be and just take take take and then you will snap and they won't get it!

QueenBee1's picture

She does take the bus. Days when she stays up late and misses the bus she wants me to take her to school.. On my day off.. Or, to take her to run errands.. She wants to tag along all the time.. She's not invited! Like when friends came to visit .. She wondered why we wouldn't take her.. I asked if I could hang with her and her friends.. She said no.. I said EXACTLY!

Oh.. When she cooks dinner.. Its the same dry baked chicken breast .

Ugh.. I feel like I want to puke!

QueenBee1's picture

Ty, Ripley. 2012 is going to be sooo different!

Right now, I just got so much built up inside of me that sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose it. My blood pressure is back up and it's hard to sleep. Plus I'm in the middle of studying for finals but I had to take a week off work so I could study effectively. It's hard working, going to school part time, studying and taking care of "the omen".

It's 7:30am now.. after DH leaves and the omen leaves, I've got to pick up mugs and bowls from breakfast, then get back to my studies.. I have finals for the next couple days. I probably won't sleep tonight because of studying, housework, dinner, then cleanup. Sure, it's not SD20's night to do kitchen but, on all other nights, I do it anyway. Waking up to a dirty kitchen urks me! She only has Mon, Wed and Fri. Thats all I ask. She can't even do that. I ask her to clean the guest bathroom (that's the one she uses) but it's a mess. When we have guests, I have her clean it up and she gets an attitude..

Like I said.. 2012 will be different. I'll be spending lots of time in my study, at work, at school, NOT home. I was told she going to be leaving summer.. now she wants to take summer classes.. so, she's leaving fall... we'll see how that goes.. My summer is officially RUINED!

Oh well... she won't be here forever... right?

Dannee's picture

Be a parent and not a

and if your SO doesn't like it ..tell him to hit the rode with his kid!

Boudicca's picture

I agree with everyone else QueenBee1. Stop doing stuff for her and she will soon see where the land lies and who calls the shots in your home. And to repeat what Ripley said - stand strong!

QueenBee1's picture

Thanks everyone for your help and comments. I am taking the disengaging to heart and locking myself in my study. Problem is.. finals are over this week and school doesn't start up again until mid January. What do I do then? Sure, I go to work but not at night.

I think I pissed her off this morning when I told her to stop slamming the front door on her way out. Well, youi know what? I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FLIPFLOP! She can do whatever and I will just go on with my business. She isn't my responsibility and I don't owe her anything!! I know she's trying to push buttons. I just said what I had to say. Period. We are renting this house and she knows she isn't responsible for anything here because her name isn't on the lease. She slams doors, drawers, closets, ANYTHING. If something breaks, I know who to go after.

I was taught at an early age to respect other people's homes and property. She, obviously, wan't taught that. This is MY home and MY property.

I was thinking of having a talk with her with new intentions and information from all of you.

She's very manipulative, selfish and a liar. Her dad sees some of it but he just loves it when she gets all cuddly with him, takes interest in what he's doing so she can get what she wants. She even said "I don't want anything for Christmas. All I want is you." Ok. Let's see when on Christmas morning she doesn't have JACK in her stocking and JACK underneath our tree.

However, daddy said he will give her $150 towards a new laptop. I convinced him that she needs to start buying her own stuff. After all, she has a job and gets money from the government to live off of. We bought her first laptop, iPod, camera, Nook, etc.... She's a spoiled little brat and daddy Warbucks doesn't see that.

Sorry to talk your ear off... I just have so much built up inside that I feel like I'm going to explode.
disengage .. breathe... disengage!