Quote to think about
"Any time I am in resentment, I am not taking care of myself. I am blaming someone else for something I need to do."
"The higher the expectations, the lower the serenity. I try to keep my boundaries high, my expectations low, and my heart open." Anon
I read this in a newsletter I get and I'm really thinking about the first sentence and how it applies to my situation. I LOVE the last part!
Just thought someone here might need this as much as I did.
I like it. It makes perfect
I like it. It makes perfect sense.
This reminds me of the
This reminds me of the Landmark Forum. Do you know of it, or do you know anyone who attended it? Sounds like you would like it.
It's an interesting thing they do... teach people to create possibilities for change.
Anyhow, here is something on the same subject from their website:
V. Rackets™: The Payoff and the Cost
In the Rackets segment, we discuss the idea of a racket as an unproductive way of being or acting that includes a complaint that something shouldn’t be the way it is. Often, we don’t notice that while our complaints may seem justified, even legitimate, there is a certain payoff – some advantage or benefit we are receiving that reinforces the cycle of behavior. At the same time, this way of being has steep costs, whether in our vitality, affinity, self-expression, or sense of fulfillment.
By recognizing this pattern, its costs, and how we have been keeping the pattern in place, we have the choice to interrupt the cycle and discover new ways of interacting that lead to new levels of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment in areas that are most important to us.