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Proud of dh

Newimprvmodel's picture

So dh finds out that he is only one of the three, ex and daughter, who actually paid their share of the semester bill! He emails ex, who says they were late? Quite honestly, why give a damn, but these chicks are master manipulators, so dh calls daughter last night. Of course no response, but she texts him that it is paid and she will send the fafsa..........and icing on cake........SEND the payment for my book bill!!! Won't talk to him of course! Dh writes text back taking off kid gloves and basically telling her where to go! He is tired of being a money tree, etc. silence. We are assuming mommy dearest will be emailing him a vicious response saying that poor princess can't deal with this and do well in school. I think the approach now that she is 21 is to basically say that if she won't even talk with him, let's move to end this mutually unhealthy relationship by she gets emancipated. But I need opinions......does that sound like the right move? I also do not want a viper now kissing up to daddy.
Any thoughts?

sixteensmom's picture

yes. see my post on your last thread. There is absolutely prescidence to end college support when the child refuses a relationship

Newimprvmodel's picture

I think he is not going to try to emancipate her prior to college grad. He has been burned so many times by the miserable courts. No, I think he needed to let loose. He read to me what he wrote. Spot on. He mentioned our wedding day, police being called on him, etc etc. The demand to pay the book bill set him over the edge, finally!! I can only shake my head over the entitlement. She is just truly awful.
I do know that she and her keeper must be enraged. Do not forget that these chicks act on their anger. What I want these pieces of work to realize is that the gravy train is going to come to and end soon, maybe sooner than they want.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Good for your DH. that was more than due! I hope he stays strong. His Dd sounds horrible.