O/T - Toxic, meddling sister - WWYD?
I can't remember if I ever posted about this on ST so please excuse me if I am repeating my "vent" here ...
My older sister is a meddler. Big time. Always has been. She meddled in my parents marriage (saying bad sh!t about my mom to my dad and other family members) prior to, and during, their divorce.
She meddled in my father's re-marriage and eventually drove the woman away - used the classic "Either she goes or you will never see me again!" BS to my father. It all became too much after a few years, and the woman cut her losses and left.
She meddles in other relatives' marriages. She actively encouraged/coached one cousin to divorce his wife even though the marriage may have been saved with counseling.
She meddles with her friends' marriages. She is very sneaky about it, and often couches it that she is only looking out for the individual's best interests, all while leaving a destructive wake behind her.
She cannot, and has not, ever been able to maintain a healthy relationship for herself. She has been single her entire life, and almost any man she gets involved with usually runs for the hills in short order. The few she has kept around long term were either very, very strange or used her to their advantage financially (eg. living with her for free).
She is also what I call an "emotional vulture" ... she has had a couple of female friends who have died, and in short order my sister has swooped in on the (unsuspecting) widower to offer "assistance" and "guidance." In once case, it caused a huge rift between the widower and his adult daughter partly because of my sister's activities - which took their family a couple of years to work out. I think it was resolved only because the daughter caught on to my sister's manipulative tactics and put her foot down. Her dad, highly susceptible to my sister's whispers, took awhile to catch on himself.
Like the old saying goes, when people show you who they are - believe them. My sister is fundamentally a manipulative, nasty person - who is pretty miserable and sad deep down. So I do have some sympathy for her. But I have no illusions that she will ever change - not at this stage of her life since she is in her 60's. If anything, she'll probably get worse.
My biggest problem is how she has ingrained herself with my SO's family. After only meeting them once, within a short period of time she invited herself to go visit them overseas, even though the "invitation" they offered her was really done as a polite, casual invite. (Eg. If you are ever in our country, stop by and visit!... kind of thing). She spent several days with them and acts as though this is "her" family.
Since then, she regularly writes, e-mails, and sends gifts to members of my SO's family. This includes my SO's parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, as well as his sister's now-EX husband, and the boyfriends/girlfriends of the nieces and nephews! This has been going on for years. Some of these people she's only met once, briefly!
She speaks about them TO ME like she is the one who has the primary relationship with them. She will say things like, "so-and-so went on a vacation." as though she is privvy to info I am not. I always burst her bubble by telling her I am well aware of what my boyfriend's family is doing.
She talks about my SO as though she knows more about him than I do. She does this with other female relatives, too. She will says things like, "Oh, knowing (him/your spouse) LIKE I DO, I am sure he was not happy with this-or-that. Did you tell him to do such-and-such? If you didn't you are crazy."
I have warned my SO from the beginning of what my sister is capable of. When I first heard about her trip to visit his family, I warned him that this is how she starts ingratiating herself. And she has run true to form. His family are all very kind and caring people, and due to cultural differences are not quite certain what to make of it. So they go along with it. Although they may think it's all a bit strange, they know Americans are "friendly" and probably figure this is how we all act.
But something happened recently that the last straw for me.
I do not have much of a relationship with SD26, for a variety of the (usual) reasons. SD and now-fiance went to stay in my SO's vacation home, which is the same town my sister lives in. I learned that my SO had sent my sister an e-mail, letting her know SD was going to be there at his place. Although SD didn't need anything, he just wanted to let my sister know in case any serious problem cropped up. Fool that he is, he went and gave my sister SD's phone number! I do not believe my sister called/texted her ... yet.
Now I learn that my sister has begun "stalking" SD on Facebook. She has been telling me things she has seen on SD/fiance's public FB page. Like, "I see that SD's fiance does such-and-such as a volunteer." I can only imagine it will be a matter of time before she figures out a way to make direct contact and try to establish a relationship with SD.
It was bad enough that she had co-opted my SO's family. Now she appears to be figuring out a way to worm her way into SD's life. If this happens, it will be the point of no return for me. Particularly because SD and I do not really have a relationship and it has caused some strife between my SO and I, like it does most of us in step situations. My sister knows that I am not close to SD, thus she sees this as yet another opportunity for her to go after someone's emotional jugular.
When confronted on anything she does, my sister is EXTREMELY nasty and hostile - and will have no problem with cutting people out of her life - for years. She did this to own mother - didn't speak to her for more than 5 years because she was told to butt out of something. She cut my mother out, but continued with her shenanigans with the other people including MY MOTHER'S SIBLINGS, telling them how awful my mother was.
I have asked my SO to warn his family about what she does and let them know that this kind of interference upsets me and that it has caused extreme damage in my own family, but he won't. I understand his position somewhat - he doesn't feel it's "their" problem - it's between me and my sister. And he is right in that regard.
I know that if I confront her about all this, it will cause two things: One, she will know she has "won" because she got into my life and is causing strife, which she will be gleeful about. Two, she will cut me off completely and will start her back-stabbing campaign with everyone in my life she's gotten a toe-hold with. Including my SO's family.
Quite honestly, I am at the stage that if I have to confront her and lose our relationship it will be a relief be be rid of this kind of toxicity. While my sister does have some redeeming qualities, when it comes to others' relationships she will never stop her meddling.
I feel like I am in a lose-lose. Sigh.
Do not confront her. This is
Do not confront her. This is a perfect case for "ignore the whore". Why have anything to do with her? Just pretend like she doesn't exist.
If others bring her up - just change the subject. If someone asks you about her you can just say "Oh we are not close." No need to explain or to trash her.
The best thing that could happen to you is if she chooses not to speak to you again.
"Why have anything to do with
"Why have anything to do with her?" is a good point and exactly the advice I would be following if it were anyone other than my sister. As my sister, it makes it harder, unfortunately.
Goodness she sounds awful.
Goodness she sounds awful. Sorry. I have no words of advice. (((HUGS)))
Thanks so much, Zero!
Thanks so much, Zero! Sometimes, understanding and a hug are very worthwhile!
Were I you I think I would
Were I you I think I would bare her ass agressively, publically, and continuously and make that a major hobby going forward.
Do not let her manipulative crap continue un-confronted. I would notify anyone and everyone in the family of her crap and point it out with a detailed history of her manipulations and personal relationship failures. If she tries to escalate or cut you out of the picture while continuing to manipulate others... Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Why should she be allowed to continue your journey of destruction through the family relationships? You cannot possibly be the only one in the family who recogizes this. Those of you who have experienced your toxic sister's crap need to join in an effort to give clarity to the rest of the family and start a comprehinsive campaign to counter your toxic sibs bullshit.
Good luck and .... have fun! }:)
A couple of my family members
A couple of my family members and I have actually had recent discussions about this, Rags. And those I talked to about it see the same things. My sister had now begun a campaign to insert herself into their non-family side of our cousin's family - those who are connected by marriage only. You should see the photos of her - she inserted herself in with the family and acts like she is one of their long lost daughters! What a sorry joke it all is.
But you are right - I am at the point of throwing up the BS flag ... over and over if need be. Self-protection comes first - and that includes my relationship with my SO and his family. If she actually threatens that, and she will find out what nuclear is ...
In my case, it would have
In my case, it would have started when I popped out into this world. Her jealousy towards me (and my older brother) started the day we each came home from the hospital!
Omg. I'd think your sister
Omg. I'd think your sister was my husbands relative! Only she has no siblings. You have my sympathy. It's so aggravating to have someone behave in such a sick way. I have no answers. I have ignored my meddling relative and refused all invitations to her or her family's functions for the past 4-5 years or so when she finally crossed one too many lines after I had hosted her in my home. I'm cordial when I do see her but that's the extent of it. She's still trying to get in with my relatives and continues her effort to be up my crazy SD and SS behinds. From a distance it's somewhat amusing to watch.
It's definitely not normal behavior and I would love to gain insight regarding what makes these people act like this. Outwardly it appears that they are jealous of others and they feel if they are closer to our relatives than we are that it makes them better than us I suppose. It's a hard concept for me to wrap my head around. I simply don't think like this.
Maybe we can trade ... I'll
Maybe we can trade ... I'll give you my sister, you can send over your DH's relative. }:)
In my 30's and early 40s I
In my 30's and early 40s I would have tip toed around a family member who behaved as your sister. you know just to keep the peace.
NOW, it is a totally different story for me.
Anyone (as you described) who does what SHE does, does it because of people allowing it. I didn't say you like it and are not upset by her---but you allow it.
IF you don't like her meddling tell her IF she decides not to stop 'SISTER I am letting you know that our relationship will change in a way that I will no longer be involved with you. Your actions are hurtful and nosy and extremely intrusive. Your behavior is unwelcomed.
Remember we can not control what people do or say but we sure as heck can control our involvement with them.
YOUR decision not hers.
**PS, it does not matter if the relationship is by dna or not**
Good points - it should not
Good points - it should not matter whether it is DNA or not. But sometimes it's hard to ignore. Just like our spouses may place their bio children over others, no matter how f*cked up they are. It's a bit of the same thing ... she is my only sister and it's hard to cut her out.
I actually have done it in the past - we went without talking/communicating at all for about four years. I figure if I can do it once, I can and will do it again.
Mustang, are we related??????
Mustang, are we related??????
Wow - that is ballsy! To go
Wow - that is ballsy! To go visit your DH's family without even telling you first is really showing gall! At least my screwed up sister announced she was visiting!
I have tried to warn them about her, but it is difficult explaining the nuances of this situation to them when there is somewhat of a language barrier. When they say anything about her, they always say how "nice and friendly" she is.
I secretly hope that they are saying, "WTF is up with this American nutjob? Does she really think I want e-mails and GIFTS from her???"
I think you need to take a
I think you need to take a two-pronged approach.
First thing is to clear your mind. BOUNDARIES. You are absolutely not responsible for your sister's conduct, on any level, at any time, no matter who is involved and no matter how out-of-line she is. There will be people who will look at your sister and judge you, but you have to accept that those people are not seeing you at all, and that is a choice they are making. They could judge you for you if they chose as well.
Second thing, another kind of boundaries. Contact the people that you, personally, like and care about and tell them a little bit about your concerns about your sister. You need to give them the space to judge your sister for who she is as well, and you need to avoid being a gossip, but you can express your concerns. For example, "Dan, I know you have regular contact with my sister. She's lovely, but of course she and I are very different. Sometimes people can feel obligated to socialize with friends and extended family, so I just wanted to let you know that DH and I don't expect you to have any contact with any of our extended relatives, other than what you choose and enjoy yourselves."
I have told my SO's family
I have told my SO's family that they need not feel like they must reciprocate to all her communiques and gifts. Unfortunately, she has them snowed.
My SO's mother (who is quite elderly) thinks she is the bees knees - but she is an old woman who loves it when anyone sends her letters. It's hard to tell/explain to her that this is all contrived and part of my sister's MO.
Maybe they are enjoying her
Maybe they are enjoying her company for now. That's ok. Maybe she'll break their hearts. That's ok too. You can't protect them from that. They're adults, making their own choices.
Malignant narcissist at its
Malignant narcissist at its finest!
Malignant is the perfect word
Malignant is the perfect word - she metasticizes like a cancerous cell and continues until she has completely destroyed the "host."
Start telling your sister
Start telling your sister about this poor friend you have in Africa, who struggles, maybe she will contact me, and maybe she will visit me... I will introduce her to my oldest brother, seems they are twins, together they will be so busy living other peoples lives that they might just forget about us
How do I deal with my bro - easy, when he calls and he starts gossiping about other family members (I call it gossip) I laugh and say, not interested in other peoples lives, I have my own, so do you want to know something specific or did you just call to give me an update on things none of our business.... Bro once called SO to tell him something about me... no clue what..... SO was sort of pissed off and I merely said to him, you could've told bro to eff off... weeks later SO just did that lol.... bro was not happy and told my parents what an ass I'm dating, my mum called all up in arms and I laughed and said - well I'm dating him, not you stay out of it..
You know how your sister acts, she's never gonna change, she will keep on doing this for the rest of her life, accept it and move on, you will feel relieved, do not even warn people about her, pretend you do not know this act...
The only time you do go full on bitch on her is the day she tries meddling in your marriage...
My mother always says People
My mother always says People will always show their true colors.
The people she is interacting with are adults and capable of making judgements and decisions for themselves. Just have faith in the relationships you have nurtured and let the rest go.
Saying anything is a reflection of you not her. If anyone comes to you about her, something she did or said you can honestly respond that you are not close and you are sorry they are dealing with this (and her)
SA, I am glad you also
SA, I am glad you also recognize the problem with SO giving my sister SD's number. When i learned this I thought, WTF?? My SO is well aware of how I feel about her meddling.
It's like so many other issues that relate to guilty fathers and (especially) their daughters. In this case, I think he felt the potential needs of his daughter trumped any discomfort I would have about my sister getting involved. If that is indeed the case (which I think it is) it's a valid reason for being ticked off at him.
Keeping my sister at arm's length is essentially the best advice - while it is difficult to cut her out completely, I am increasingly practicing the same sort of disengagement strategies I do with SD.
My cousins and I have discussed this and we are all pretty much at the same place. After watching and experiencing decades of her toxic involvement, we've decided to circle our family wagons tighter against her onslaughts. Keeping important information from her is the most powerful thing we can do in thwarting her.
All in all, we are just getting too damn old for this kind of drama.