O/T - A Movie To See
Just re-watched an old movie that has taken on new meaning since I became a "step." If you haven't seen it, I would recommend you do so. I understand that taste in movies is very subjective and not everyone may like it. It's "Tender Mercies." Robert Duval won the best actor Oscar for it.
When I first saw it in the early 80's, I had no idea that my life would eventually involve someone who was divorced and had a child(ren) from a previous marriage. At that time, I saw the movie as an adult "child of divorce." Even then I could recognize negative things like parental alienation tactics, as well as the important benefit to accept your parent's choice in a partner - which didn't include knee-jerk hatred nor exclusion.
It resonated even more with me now that I am 15 years into my "step" journey. The performances may seem very subtle and slow moving for some people but I would encourage you to watch it with an open mind. There is a scene about 50 minutes in when Duval's character reunites with his estranged adult daughter which is particularly moving.
There are quite a few scenes where the children in the movie talk about their parents and how they've learned and processed who they are, via their conversations with others.
In many ways, this movie simply and honestly deals with the complex emotions of redemption and starting a new life with new people, without forgetting where (and whom) you came from. The characters are people who are living in a world that is beyond their control and yet still try to do what they think is best, despite their flaws and imperfections. So you love them anyway.
Kind of like many of our lives.