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It's Over

LadyG's picture

Last night was the last night that I'm ever going to be dealing with D(not dear)H and his (insert curse word) pedophile son. Apparently, at 22, he called his Dad and asked him he didn't know where to go or what do to for a place to live. He begged and pleaded to live with us but no one budged. He has to grow the **** up and find his own way in the world.

Poor baby. DH, and I woke up after going home sick yesterday, told him that he will do what he can to help him out. WHAT???????????????????????? Well, I forgot also that DH will do anything for his child, even if that means believing his BS. So I got up and took off my CPAP mask and went into the living room. I said, "So, SS called." DH looked at me and started explaining stuff and frankly, I don't want to get involved and I don't want to say anything about what was going on. It's not my business but apparently (said sarcastically) that I made a snide comment and rolled my eyes.


And boy we got into it again over that stupid POS!! I said I don't care what happens to him because he's a grown man and can handle his problems. Then DH came back and said, "You got this place and on the lease it says no guests after 4 days. So literally you deliberately sabotaged Jarod ever coming to live with us."

That was it. I've had enough of the jabs, the snide remarks, the a-holism and dealing with the drama of a f***ed up family. I am separating from him as that was the final straw. He says he doesn't care what I do and that I always wanted to leave him anyway. I said, "Well, you never did a d*** thing to try to straighten up the mess your family made. And of course, I'm the blame for everything that goes wrong because Goddess forbid you can't take responsibility for your actions and your mother thinks she's done nothing wrong." He claimed he had a fever last night and my final words:

Lady Karma is a b**ch sometimes, isn't she?

So now, I'm going to be looking for a new place or he's leaving either way and I will be rid of the dysfunctionalness once and for all. The strange thing is that I'm actually calm about this and not hysterical. I think it's because I've seen this coming for a long time.

Goddess bless you all!! I will be just fine~!

sandye21's picture

Lady, I know it feels strange to feel absolutely calm after the final showdown but the same thing has happened after other major wars in the world. It's over, and it's a good thing. All of the trauma and heartache is gone. There may be times of sadness but just think about where you can go with your life now! You can move on to bigger and better things. Good luck to you and (((BIG HUGS)))

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Hugs! I am sorry you are going through this, I wouldn't want him moving in either! Also as much as I love my DH, I would leave if rotton SD19 ever got to move in with us. No way would I put up with her after all the hell I have been through and how it affected my little girls and caused me illness.

God Bless and please keep us posted. Even if you do move out, we wont mind hearing from you! It sounded towards the end like you would leave StepTalk. Don't. People can still learn from you.

SugarSpice's picture

lady g, good for you. you dont need the pain anymore. i have also had enough of dh bailing out the skids all the time: getting kicked out of college, failed marriage, you name it. i have finally realized that i come last in the scheme of things. his children, parents and siblings all come before me. everything i get is an afterthought. very painful but a wake up call. everytime the dh is upset with me he threatens divorce. maybe now is the time i took him up on it. he can get along well getting all of his love from his daughters. good for you. once you feel calm and no longer feel pain or upset that is the time to go. best wishes.

ctnmom's picture

Good for you! One caveat: have you reminded DH that you and he might be criminally liable if he molests under your roof? Jeez. Best of luck!

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I think you are doing the right thing. Better life for you and as lot less stress and worry. Best of luck to you. Stay strong.

Amber Miller's picture

Amazing that you get blamed that you live in a place where you can't have guests for more than 4 days and you get blamed and told that you "sabotaged" SS ever being able to move in??? What a disgrace. SS sabotaged himself by being an adult that can't take care of himself; not your problem. Your H is going to lose everything thanks to his son "sabotaging" his life. I would be furious if I were you.