It's Almost Halloween!
Last year DH and I got all dressed up as clowns for all the trick or treaters and we had a really fun time.DH ask his kids to please bring his grandkids to our house so they could see their papaw dressed up and get their candy.His kids said no we wont bring them to your house because we dont want your wifey to see our kids cause we have no use for her and a bunch of crap they had to say about me .We will not come.They did ask DH to meet them and he could ride with them to take their kids trick or treat and they told DH we are also picking up mom to .She wants to ride with us they said. Im glad to say the grandkids didnt get any candy and the stupid ass SK's didnt get their dad to ride with them and his EX.This year i couldnt care less if they get candy and my DH needs to never ask them to bring them to our house again.
He needs to stop chasing
He needs to stop chasing after these a-holes and enjoy his life with you. They are getting a kick out of him begging and then them rejecting him. He needs to realize, they have made a choice. Let them live with it.