Issues with responsibilities
I have a 15 year old bio-daughter, an 8 year old bio-son, a 17 year old step-daughter and a 21 year old step-son. My BD, BS and SS live with us. We had not had contact with my SS until about 6 months ago and then 4 months ago he moved in with us. Long story short, when he was 5 his mom filed to have my husband's rights terminated and he relented feeling like it would be better for him. Anyway, 4 months ago he moved in with us. He is in the National Guard and is set to deploy to Afganistan in June for a year. When he first moved in, he actually worked at his unit Mon.-Fri. Well, shortly after he moved in, for unknown reasons to DH and I, he was no longer working there full-time... just does his monthly drills now. Once he was no longer working, we explained to him that he was responsible for helping with chores around the house. I am a stay-home-mom and have always taken care of most of the household chores. My bio-kids are in school and have homework most nights, but they both have chores they are responsible for. My DH and I explained to SS that first and foremost he is completely responsible for cleaning the living room since that is where he sleeps. In addition to that he is suppose to help with cooking, cleaning the rest of the house (excluding BD & BS rooms and my room). However, 4 months later he is still not helping. He stays up all hours of the night on his X-Box or laptop and then sleeps until noon - 3pm every day. My BD & BS were recently grounded from their laptops for not cleaning their rooms. After talking to SS again (for the 4th or 5th time) about him helping around the house, he was still sitting around watching me clean house, cook dinner, and then clean the kitchen after. So, DH and I decided that we would have to get his attention somehow in order to get him to help. DH had a friend come over and put a block on our internet so SS couldn't get online. He came in late that night and once he woke up the next day and realized he couldn't access the internet through ours, went and bought an air-card (I think that's what it is called) so that he can get online. Once I came home from picking BS up from school, he started flaunting the fact that we couldn't block him. He then sat on the couch and watched me clean house by myself once again. Here's where I need some help. What are our (DH and I) options? We can't restrict him from his computer, cellphone, etc. like we do our other children because he owns them. If any of you can help, please let me know. Also, since I am new to this whole stepparent thing, any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. There are other issues going on here, but this is the one that is most important right now.
I disagree with "we can't
I disagree with "we can't restrict him from....because he owns them" - bull! He lives in your house (that you own / pay for) and he is being disrespectful to you and your property. You ARE well within your rights to take away his STUFF if he can't follow the rules. You are letting him have too much power (flaunting you can't block him). I would have slapped the flaunting look off his face!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
We disabled the wireless
We disabled the wireless internet at lights out time because kids were gaming into the night! I think I would be saying to him 'sing for your supper buddy!' I might also look into how I could disable the receptacles in the living room for durations, put it back on when it's family viewing time. Ohhh, I am sure you are recourseful and can think of other things to do!
I agree with soverysad, I'd knock him out! First of all I WOULD sabotage his gaming, if not with a timer on the receptacles then his connection cables would be 'lost' while I was doing the cleaning up that I asked him to do? Ditto with phone charger and anything else left lying around! The onus is on him to prove that you sabotaged him! Get sneaky girl! Good luck! If DH is as passive as all that then he probably will not get involved...LOL
I agree with giveitago. If
I agree with giveitago. If he can't clean up, his things should mysteriously disappear. He can work to get it back.
Or charge him rent at his age, and use the money to hire some outside help to do some of the housework...
"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."
Exactlymundo DPW. He's way
Exactlymundo DPW. He's way to old to be pulling this crap.
I agree with DPW. At
I agree with DPW. At 21...he's worked...he's just taking advantage of you till june.
If you can handle him till june, then fine, after his year is up , just let him know upon leaving in june, he's to find his own place after his year is up. Only tell him this in june of course, during his departure.
You have 4 more months of this. Tillthen, i would not wash his clothes, or cook for him. ANy stacks etc for other kids in house, would be locked. Heck maybe even the fridge. lol..though that is a bit drastic.
Dad can alos ask him to pay rent but i honestly think he knows he has 4 he wont do anything. Lets just hope he really deploys in june. Cause if he doesn''ll have to make him fly the coupe.