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I'm bout making this easy

Nottakingit's picture

Grown sd got herself fired-and as I suspected it's not exactly for what she told my SO-and I refuse to make it pleasant and peaceful for her. She lives on the couch bc we don't have room anywhere else for her and I blast Pandora in the living room at 8:30am and clean the whole apartment after SO goes to work. This is what I do dirty Saturday morning but today I *really* was loud and blasted my music. I'm about to encourage her to move to her grandmother's.

Survivingstephell's picture

You should get the living room steam cleaned, carpet and furniture and give her no where else to sleep.  

Decide to redecorate  and that includes painting (or just touch up the walls ) so everything needs to be cleared out of the room, thereby giving her no where to sleep.

 Wash all her blankets and other sleeping things and forget to put them in the dryer.  Ooops!. so sorry.  

Crank music she DOES  NOT LIKE on your Pandora.  Stuff you'd play to piss off the neighbors.  

Invite some other person to spend the night on the couch so she has no where else to sleep.  A neice or nephew, etc....

Oh man would this be fun.  *biggrin*


Maxwell09's picture

Meh. I am not about the passive aggression. I would be waking her up every morning with the daily paper with available jobs, rooms and apartments for rent circled and tell her she's on borrowed time.