I have to stop looking at SS24's FB page
He is out of prison as of yesterday and of course what do I do, look at his FB page last night. Looks like he has been posting up quite a storm. Can he tell that I have looked? Now he wants his friends to come over for some amateur piercing. And the is swearing up a storm on there. He wants to pierce his nose, his lip and his you know what! Believe me - he is serious - you should see what he did to his ears at one time - he put these huge holes in them and stretched them out. Probably had to take them out for prison when he went. I can only imagine how his mom is dealing with it and she almost lost her marriage with her new husband because of SS24.
So my dh calls me last night from work and he told me he looked at his FB page. I did not admit that I did. I told dh that I hope we don't end up at his funeral someday. DH didn't say anything about him moving back here - hope this changed his mind if he was toying with that idea! He hasn't said anything about it last time since we argued. And I am not saying another word unless the SHTF. Not my kid, not my problem.
Yep - Mum's the word. Good to
Yep - Mum's the word.
Good to hear no comments about drugs or booze although I'm sure his fellow citizens warned him that parole agents look at Facebook also.
Orange is right. He's
Orange is right. He's mentioning all the piercings because that's not prohibited by parole. Neither is swearing. He's already, after one day, getting away with what he can. Sad. He should be busy looking for a job.
No, he can't tell you're
No, he can't tell you're looking at his page so no worries there!
No booze or drug talk yet but
No booze or drug talk yet but lots of F bombs and gangster type talk. My brother in law just texted me saying he will definitely be back in prison as he just saw it. I can't look anymore. Had a full blown anxiety attack at work today. Just too much negative stuff at once piling up.
I agree, don't bother telling
I agree, don't bother telling your DH anything you may see on-line related to his son. I saw some stuff my SO's daughter posted and it was pretty shocking. I felt like telling him, but then decided not to bother. I figured it wouldn't end up good for me - either I'd be blamed somehow for "telling" or condemned for making him see the reality - his sweet little perfect princess behaves like a drunk sex kitten every chance she gets.
Oh they are speaking to each
Oh they are speaking to each other now. Not sure who made the first call and not gonna ask. DH was very vague to me about their conversation. Told me he is looking for a logging job in the mountains (I did not ask how as he has no license or transportation). DH said he can't leave the state but does want to visit us for a couple of weeks when he can leave the state. I will make sure I bring my guns and jewelry to my friends house and then I will go to FL to see my folks during SS24's visit. DH said to me if I am so angry with him why dont I just call him and tell him? I said all done wasting energy with that. NMYNMP and I really could care about this house becausewe are on a 2 yr plan and preparing to leave the state. So long as he is gone when I get back. One time when I was laid off I stayed in FL for the whole summer when we were having trouble with the youngest SS. He grew up to be a good young man, unlike the older one. DH was not thrilled that summer!