Grandkid's birthday parties are miserable
I don't want to go. We should leave in 15 minutes to drive two hours and spend two hours at the party then drive two hours backs. Of course the SDs will fawn all over DH while tossing me rude looks. Hey MSD might even crop me out of pictures again.
However SS (it's his daughter's party) is nice to me and tries hard. He stood up and told his sister she was wrong for the photo cropping. Granddaughter loves me and calls me grandma. That's the only reason I'm going but I'm miserable about it. Sad that the actions of my SDs can ruin something that should be fun.
Concentrate on the two
Concentrate on the two important people who you like. Ignore the other noise.
That's what I did and DH was
That's what I did and DH was awesome and stuck by my side the whole time. What's really funny is that MSD was fuming and kept trying to turn all talk to her wedding. You could tell everyone was tired of hearing about it. She posted 110 pictures online afterwards and couldn't get any pictures of her dad because he was up my butt the whole time for a change! LOL it was awesome.
My SGS's 2nd birthday party
My SGS's 2nd birthday party is today as well, but I have to work. Yay, me!
SS30 has knocked up his gf. I
SS30 has knocked up his gf. I do not intend to have anything to do with this child. Perhaps when gf and SS split (that will happen) I might deal with gf if she is reasonable. But I refuse to let SS use this child as a weapon.
Sounds like you handled it
Sounds like you handled it well. So glad we never get invited to the skid parties! ss26 doesn't want us in the same room as BM, doesn't want his mom to get upset, so she gets the invites and we don't. Sadly skids miss out because I'm not going shopping for a party I'm not invited to.