Literally cut out of the picture!
Stupid me when to MSD's wedding shower this weekend. DH had me come up when they were taking pictures. One had his 3 daughters lined up then dh and me. Oops guess who isn't in that pic now? instead half of DH side is gone in an awkward crop job of cutting me out. I feel so bad for her the other picture taken with me in it her brother was on the other side of me so she couldn't cut me out without cutting him out too. However MSD and YSD are making horrible faces like they are being punished for being in the picture.
Poor poor MSD she couldn't cut the wicked step mom out of all pictures. That's ok I already told DH if I go to the wedding I will not be taking family photos.
Hilarious.... I can see her
Hilarious.... I can see her paying someone to photoshop you out!
Go to the wedding. Dress up
Go to the wedding. Dress up like a million dollars and have your make-up done. Take your own camera to hand to various people at the wedding to take pictures - every one of them with you in it with every guest possible - especially you and DH - but not SD. Then make copies for SD. She'll probably throw them away but just try to imagine the look on her face - Priceless!
LOL I love this idea! I've
LOL I love this idea! I've also been working to lose weight so I'll look even better by Oct. }:)
excellent idea sandye! If you
excellent idea sandye! If you do give her copies make sure to also post them on Instagram or some other photo sharing site so they can live on forever }:)
This is great advise!!!!!
This is great advise!!!!! Rise above it all and show these girls you are not the one with issues, they are!!!!
If her DH is anything like
If her DH is anything like mine, I'm sure it was just an "honest mistake" on SD's part. :O
If you go to the wedding? Of
If you go to the wedding? Of course you go to the wedding. Go, look radiant, beem your happiness, show how confident and happy you are in your marriage and life. Dress to the nines, be the bell of the event and do not give a shit what anyone of no consequence thinks of it. Anyone who would take exception to your being beautiful, happy, radiant, and confident is of no consequence.
Make your point, drive it home, and be confident. Be on your DH's arm, be the one everyone is curious about and talking about. "I think that is "toxic spawn's step mom", "what a beautiful dress", "She is enjoying the wedding and looks so amazing", etc..... If anyone glares at you or gets rude just take your DH's arm, throw your head back, laugh happily, give them the all knowing and insulting smile/smirk, say "you're so funny" and keep on enjoying yourself.
Most of all, have fun doing it. }:)
Own these idiots. Be the light that sends them scurring to the dark corners of the event like cockroaches who scurry for darkness when someone throws on a light in a roach filled room. Be the light. Roaches will be roaches. Facilitate their roach-ness..
And don't forget to have fun. }:)

While we slept last night she
While we slept last night she bombarded DH's Facebook page with pics of him and his kids at the shower (of course none of the ones I was in). With comments like "all your girls" "all your kids together". I told hubby I was being nice and not commenting that some of his girls and kids were missing. His response "I don't have to be nice". LOL I love that he gets as annoyed by her antics as I do!
He's not that Facebook smart.
He's not that Facebook smart. And of course after he said he was going to say something he never did.
Thinking of spend money on
Thinking of spend money on dress, have to stand on high heels for hrs, (BM n her family are always late), smile and chit chat with those disgusting vile creatures, (unfortunately I know BM family) eat those cheap food, (they have no taste for food or wine) drink cheap wine and have to watch those disgusting drunken interact with each other (they are loud drunk and curse like sailors)...eww...I'd rather stay home, read and have a glass of wine with my feet up...Let's DH suffer with them. I'll pass.
On that day I would pretend to have food poison to stay home. Keep the receipt of the dress then return it }:)
I'm with you Andie91801.
I'm with you Andie91801. Still on the fence about upcoming SS's wedding, if I’m invited, that is. Hoping not. Sigh! I’m way leaning towards just not going. There are so-o many issues that came up with SD’s wedding last year, it’s unbelievable. Thought I had a good relationship with SKs. And, at the time, hubby and I had been married 14 years. What wound up happening was my husband basically followed his ex- around like a puppy doing her bidding, including walking her down the aisle (although he stated he was Shanghaied at the last minute). I was completely shunned by all. Didn't get to sit with my husband, nothing. Nada. When I called hubby out on it in the women’s restroom at the wedding!, he finally started coming out of his “I’m still married to my ex-“ trance. A very long story. Did not go well at all. AND, SS, who is going to get married in several months, was the wedding photographer, and he and his now fiancé did take a couple of pictures of dad and me with B&G (this was at dad’s insistence), but he refused to give them to us. The sad thing is, there were guests there who were more related to DH and I, who were observing all of this go down. Several came to me afterwards and said they felt sorry for me, which I certainly didn’t want! Who wants to go to a wedding expecting it to be a happy joyous occasion and wind up being pitied? I was already going through a difficult time career-wise, and seeing this go all down, I had to see a counselor after that. For the first time, I felt like I was married to someone else’s husband (even though we definitely got together after his divorce). It was weird. Hubby and I are doing better now. His SKs, though are a different issue, and I’ve been intentionally avoiding them until I came make some decisions, because for me it was like I woke up one morning, and a lot of people I thought I knew and trusted were throwing me under the bus. Again, hubby just did whatever his ex- wanted him to for SD’s wedding, so I’m sure they’ll expect the same for SS’s wedding, and even after all we've been through, I doubt he’ll have the balls to say “no” this time around. Here it is more than a year later and I’m still processing all of this. Steptalk has been most helpful. I really cannot trust anyone at this next wedding. It goes without saying you can never trust an ex- at a wedding. BUT, you certainly expect your spouse to look out for you? Right? And, I can’t even trust myself. At SD’s wedding, I really did blow a gasket. So, maybe I’ll luck out and SS won’t invite me? Easy save. Hubby can go by himself, and I’ll even insist. I get to go to the spa, and he gets to come up with an excuse why I'm not there.
I'm sorry it happened Invite
I'm sorry it happened
Invite or not I'm not going still and my kid will not go either. When DH threw you under the bus like I would charge DH credit card for dress n shoes n whatever I could think off but will exchange for something I'll be able to wear later. I will do the same for my kid too and will say I'm sick and need someone staying with me in case of emergency because you will be out all day. And after he left we will have a party ourselves. Let's DH deal with his mess. I don't care if I'm the pix or not because those vile creatures are not my flesh n blood. They may be important to DH but mean nothing to me and same as their children. Try to get the amount of money he spends on SD n SS wedding and demand the same for your kid. Take picture of the receipts and save it as evidence }:)
That is awful Idvilen. I do
That is awful Idvilen. I do not look forward to the day my SS gets married, however it won't be for a while, he is not even engaged. The other weekend DH and I attended a wedding for one of this co-worker/friend who is 38 years old. His parents are divorced and have been divorced for many years and both remarried for many years. Both of this Groom's parents and spouses travelled to the other side of the country to be there and they had to sit separated from their spouses. The head table consisted of the Bride, Groom, Maid of Honour, Best Man and the Bride's parents and the Groom's bio parents. To my knowledge the Groom does not have issues with his step parents. But this is what they chose.
I commented to DH that i thought it was wrong. It was like the step parents were not even there. DH said he did not see the big deal. I told him if his kid did that at his wedding, I guess I would have to treat his ex-wife's new husband as my date since he would be sitting without me. I think he changed his mind at that point since ex-wife's husband is always checking me out.
I would never and did never do that to my parents and step parents when I got married.
REALLY!, what Bride would
REALLY!, what Bride would want to celebrate MARRIAGE by requiring married people to not be with their spouse. Who does that??? I also don't get the whole, "It's my day" attitude with brides. That's not a free pass to insult people. As soon as you invite other people, a wedding is no longer just about you. You are hosting an event and that comes with certain responsibilities and social conventions. "It was like the step parents were not even there"--that, unfortunately, is the point, I think. I really do get you want your parents there, front and center; however, there are many ways to do this without having mom and dad that seperated from their now spouses. Pathetic that in no other situation would it ever, ever be acceptable to break up a married couple. Yet, breaking up SM from her husband at a wedding is A-ok? You make another good point, and one that I think SKs rarely see, and that is that most of the people at the wedding know dad is now married to so-and-so and mom is now married to so-and-so, and it looks ridculous to the guests to see bio-mom and dad being paraded around like they are still married, and regardless of what any one else may say, that is how it looks. It is not only SMs that are bothered by this, and that may be what people remember about the wedding--not how great the bride looked or how good the food was, etc. They'll remember something like how weird it was that the long-time spouses of mom and dad, who traveled 1,000s of miles to come to the wedding, were treated rudely and treated like they "were not even there."
I think Karma may be a
I think Karma may be a disengaged SM and a much poorer relationship with dad. Kind’a fun to stick it to SM. Not so fun, though, when SM doesn’t want to go to events, so dad doesn’t want to go to events (no fun to go alone, without your partner) = less contact with dad = poorer relationship or even zero relationship with dad. But, maybe that was what they were shooting for all along?
Don't go to the wedding. If
Don't go to the wedding. If you must go, have your own pictures taken with you and DH.
If I was told that I was not
If I was told that I was not allowed near my DH at the wedding and the reception I would take a date. I have a reaLy cute cousin (not a kissing cousin) who is single. I'd have him escort me.
But in reality I'd probably just plan a trip so DH and I would be out of town. SS30 is just a piece of shit so I don't think DH would care.
What a wonderful idea! That
What a wonderful idea! That will confuse the guests even more. SM can dress up to the hilt, wear a red dress and high heels, and bring her own date--preferably a man who will really look out for her.
And my cousin besides being
And my cousin besides being very handsome is kind of well known and people love him. We look nothing alike, went to high school in different cities and have different last names.
But I think an even better idea would be to take one's ex as a date. If DH is going to be bm's date well then your ex. Could be your date.