Got the blues:(
You know it is so hurtful to be rejected . I will never understand how SK's can just rip you apart and tell you you deserve everything you are getting.I have always been very good to my SK's . I have always tried to deal with them hurting me like they do and just let it go. One of the sadiest hurtful thing they did to me was to take away my 3 year grandaughter.It has been 2 years since I have seen her. I am finally better and know I have to move on. I have been told they will regret what they have done someday. Hope I get to see that someday very soon.They act like they are the happiest people you have ever seen. I really regret now trying to make things right with them. They told me I made my bed for me to lay in it.Sometimes I get so mad I could explode about how they mistreated me and then they turn everything around on me .I guess Im on a pity party today.Just wondering does any body else feel like i do? Does it ever get better after you have disengaged with them?
It really is hard when
It really is hard when families wont make things right. I am in my late forties and DH is in his fifties also. DH does stand his ground with them and he refuses to go to any of their get togethers .SK tell him he is wrong for not coming cause he is family . How selfish. I have a 26 year old daughter and she is still single . she has a good career and she is very attractive. The SDIL's have give her hell ever since we have been in this family. Daughter loves her Stepdad and she respects him. She has never caused trouble in our family. She finally let go of my SK and DIl's. She is done with them. When she gets married and has a child . Me and DH will never have to worry about her taking our grandchild away. That will be a wonderful time in our lives. Thanks so much for all your comments. It helps to talk:)
Lady, I have felt like you do
I have felt like you do now and go in and out of it still. Disengaging is still new for me. I do have other family members who were too toxic to continue a relationship and I also grieve for the lost years of closeness, especially with the kids who are involved. I hope better days are ahead for you. You BD sounds wonderful-so happy she is doing so well!
DH other son and DIL had
DH other son and DIL had their first baby last year. DH said we need to go see the baby after she is born. Well that was not a good thing to do. My DIL side of family has been told a lot of nasty things about me and they make it plain they dont want to get involved but they're just as mean and rude as the DIL.No telling what they were told.Well we went to their room to see the baby .We knock on the door and other SS and DIl saw me and got their things and left.They didnt want to be in the same room with me. So we went in to see the baby and they wouldnt let us hold the baby or take any pictures. DIL wouldnt speak to me only to my DH. We stay about 5 minutes then we left. Now DIL is having another baby due in December and I will not be there this time .Not gonna be mistreated like that ever again. DH wont be there either and to think his own son wouldnt let him hold his grandchild. I can see I dont need this crazy family. And stepside thanks for your comment and when SS and DIL get mad because DH didnt show up this time at the hospital we are going to tell them they have made their bed and they can lay in it just like they told me. Thanks everyone for all your thoughts.I wish eveyone happiness.