Good quote
I think a lot of us were hoping we'd be accepted by our new "family". After years of trying to love them, we felt rejected and foolish (at least I did).
I read a quote by Corrie Ten Boom that I thought was appropriate for disengaging. Disengaging freed me to focus on people that I can actually have a healthy relationship with. I think she's using love synonymously w/relationship here. I think you can love without being in relationship.
This is the first year in a long time that I'm actually looking forward to Christmas and there is no stress at the thought of it (I'm not going to any DH's family function).
“Do you know what hurts so very much? It's love. Love is the strongest force in the world, and when it is blocked that means pain. There are two things we can do when this happens. We can kill that love so that it stops hurting. But then of course part of us dies, too. Or we can ask God to open up another route for that love to travel.”
Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place
p.s. If you haven't heard of her, Corrie Ten Boom was a woman who survived helped many Jews escape Nazis in World War II
Well that makes two of us.
Well that makes two of us. This too is my first Christmas in years I am actually looking forward to.. Same set up, I am not going to have anything to do with DH's family
Funny how that feels so good, so relaxing,.
While I will miss spending
While I will miss spending Christmas Day with my SO this year, I am not going to miss being with adult skids. Looking forward to spending it with my own family members ... as crazy as they are. But hey, it's a kind of crazy I understand!
I agree. I am looking forward
I agree. I am looking forward to spending my Xmas with just my BF and my BS9. BF has skid weekend of the 22nd and on the 26th so they will have "their time" to do their Christmas together. Everybody wins!
Good to see so many of us
Good to see so many of us taking back our holidays and our lives!
I love those quotes!!! T.D. Jakes aptly describes what happens to us when we succumb to bitterness. It does kill our dreams and our hopes. This wasn't entirely a bad for me. Some of the dreams I had (e.g. everyone will like me) were idols best put to death. I'm emerging from all this with a new, very different life and perspective. People pleasing was a high priority for me. When things came to a head with DH's family, I found I had lost patience for any other relationships that were toxic or otherwise unhealthy. My desire to people please has been taken out the hard way!
I totally agree with trust. Christ was perfect and He trusted no man... John 2.. 23 "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing.24But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men,25and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man."
He wasn't bitter or callous, he just didn't entrust Himself to them. Life experiences tends to erode our trust, we aren't born that way. I trust people to a certain extent, but no one absolutely. I can love them anyway. Just like I can love myself despite my own sin.
I think too, it's important to distinguish between forgiveness and reconciliation. I can forgive my enemies, but I'm not going to reengage in the relationship unless I feel true repentance and understanding took place. My experience is that it's rare. One of the people that mistreated me the most apologized but within a short time was back to the old behavior. I forgive her, but have no interest in trying to be good friends with her or even seeing her. I do pray for her and actually have lost almost all my bitterness I had for her. She's very toxic. If I kept trying to be in relationship with her, I'd take tons of time just fighting off the temptation towards bitterness, vengeance etc... I'd rather step away and keep Christ commandment to love by praying for her, without battling anger or malice.
Christ instructed people to wipe the dust off their feet when they left a home that refused to hear about Him. He didn't say to hate them or be bitter but to walk away and move on with their lives. I apply this to these type of relationships. I hope I'm right to do so.
I think we make a mistake when we try to continually enter into relationship with those who mistreat us because they are some sort of relative. I'm guessing entire lives have been wasted by focusing on the drama and bitterness that accompany these relationships. This is no way to live ours lives.
I'd rather focus on God, the one who can redeem & give me true and abundant life.
I'm not well versed in the
I'm not well versed in the Bible but I read that the body is a 'temple'. This means honoring the creator by not abusing it or allowing abuse by toxic people. I thank my SD because she moved me to take a good look at the relationships I have with other people. I used to be a real doormat. Now I no longer allow toxic people to remain in my life and will live with no less than mutual respect.
Me too. What a hard learned
Me too. What a hard learned lesson!
I should clarify that the
I should clarify that the person who apologized, did so after months of very nasty stuff to me(not one thing). She apologized and did it again for almost 2 years. After 2 years she apologized again. This time, I did not attempt to get back into a relationship with her.
Thank you, what a lovely
Thank you, what a lovely quote!!!
You're welcome
You're welcome