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Can you please tell me whats you think I should do?

MIA0502's picture

I am a recently married and I have a son from a previous relationship in his early teens and twp stepchildren one is 15 a boy and a 23 year old step daughter. When I met the father he told me the story of how his ex whom I have never met, was hooked on pills and he won custody of his children in the divorce the SS live with us. I have been married less than a year and have been with my husband for about 3 years. I knew that mixing a family would be a little tough and so far it has been a little tough. Me and my son moved into his house he previously shared with his es wife, his daughter had moved away so i had not met her until last year that she moved back to our town. She lives with her mother. The realtionship with my SS has been rocky no arguments and he would never dare insult me for the pure reason he knows I would not stand for it. I have a tough attitude and have raised my son in a strict environment (not to say he is perfect I know he has his character flaws as well)his son was realy in need of some stricter rules since whne i met him i really thought he had a some kind ok muscle sickness (although when he forgot we were around he would run around liek if nothing was wrong) he was being home schooled and would be on the compuetr unsupervised and on the xbox all day long. I warned my then fiance about the dangers and told him this was not a healthy life style for this young man. My house keeper whom I had hired to help me begin to help my fiance at the time since he worked full time and then came to fix his son dinner and the poor thing was too tired to clean his house properly so the house keeper would go about twice a week until she got things up to par. She told she was concerned about this boy he smelled bad was a round ball all he did was sleep and be on the computer and xbox and take an hour or so of phone class and eat. So at the time I knew we werer going to be more seripous and previous to me moving to my fiances house I advised him that I was concerened about the childs welfare and if he did not put him school I would contact child protective services. You haveto understand my husband is such a loving man and push over with his kids he loves them but he does not know how to discipline them at all he will clean up behind them, do the chors and anything so that his son was not bothered. Because he said he felt bad for his son. So long story short finally got the kid enrolled in public school and no more muscle sickness and he is the JROTC now and has lost a ton of wieght, still likes the computer and the video games though at least i know he is socializinga nd with kids his age in a proper environment while at school. Needless to say I am not his favorite person he rolls his eyes everytime i say anything and tells my son not to listen to me since his BM tells him he should not listen to me either, I like to have a clean house and alwys am after him to pick up his stuff and thinsg he eats. But he is not really my problem, my problem is the Step daughter who lives with the bio mom has informed my husband that she will have to move in with us becasue the BM is moving away.I do not knwo what to do I do not want to have her near my son she does not want to get a job or study, is a gothic rocker who colros her hair and drinks, takes pills, has open relationships with women and men and how do i know this - she posts it on the internet I ran across her posts after doing some research since my husband will not share anything about her. And I do nt have the heart to show my husband the internet page since I know it will break his heart but I cannot ahve the SD in my house around my son. What should I do any advice, oh I did have my home previously and I have it rented out but I love my husband but my obligation is to my son. Please any advice??

Tx mommy of 3's picture

She's 23. Doesn't she work? I mean so what if her mom has to move? She's old enough to move to her own place. That's what I would suggest. Tell dh if she moves in there are going to be rules she won't like and that she would prob like it more in her own place with her own rules. Maybe even (if you can afford it) have dh offer to help her with the deposit on an apartment to encourage her to be on her own. Sorry, at 23 I had lived on my own 4 years and finished college.

MIA0502's picture

I have already suggested this to DH but he said he cannot afford it and he will not turn his daughter away. I feel like I should move out with my son I do not want to deal with her. I have a very tough temper and she also has one and I just dont feel that a 23 year old should live with her father especially while being sexually promiscious and drinking and taking pills what kind of example will my son be seeing?I am so confused and really do not want to make iether meor her so I think I should just leave. What do you think?

now4teens's picture

You need to show him the page. DH has his head in the sand and is in DEEP DENIAL about his "precious princess"

She's 23 and doesn't WANT to work? Are you kidding me? Does she have a hefty trust fund? Because this would be the only reason I can think of for her not to be!

But I'm guessing she doesn't, so welcome to reality! And this means that healthy, normal, able-bodied 23-year-old adults WORK.

And you are right. She would be setting a VERY bad example for your son, one which you should not tolerate. Show him the page and let him get a clear picture of what his daughter is really like. He NEEDS to know the truth. I know you don't want to break his heart, but in reality, you are not...

...his daughter is.

Jsmom's picture

Don't leave. Stand your ground and don't let her move in. She is too old. She can provide for herself. Tell him that. He is not helping her, he is enabling her!

MIA0502's picture

I really just do not want him to think I am the bad guy and what if he asks me why I was seraching her in the ineternet, and you know she acts like she is so innocent and he says he doenst want to keep bothering her and telling her to get a job all the time- this one is tough. I justhope she decides not to ocme but I knwo she will want to just to stir the pot.

winehead's picture

I agree, show him the page, gently and lovingly. All you have to say is "this is why she shouldn't be living here."

If a 23-year-old who doesn't want to work moves in with you so Daddy can take care of her, she will have no reason to ever move out. By saying that he will not turn his daughter away, he is also saying that he WILL turn you away.

MIA0502's picture

He feesl they have physcological trauma due the divorce and this is why he neesd tp help his children but howvere neither him or the BM will take the kids to cuonseling- in fact when they could not find a "disease" for what was ailing the boy the doctor said it might be fibromiolgia and he suggested either take the child to physical therapy or place the child on a pill called Lyrica and guess what the parenst chose they chose the pill and he never went to therapy needless to say he would rarely take the pills o a schedule and no longer takes them at all but this is just an example of the mindset that he has and of course the BM would tell the bot to never aspire for anything since he was handicapped and tried to have the state disable him him but no doctor would sign the form- and like I said he now is on the JROTC and has lost a ton of wieght and attends a regular school but just so you knwo the midnset he use the emotional problems the childrenhave due to the divorce as crutches to not make them responsible.He is agreat dad just too much of one.

MIA0502's picture

Thank you for your suggestions as I previously posted I am a mother first although I love my husband very much my obligation is to my son who did not ask to come into this typw of situation. Although we both love my DH very much when the time comes I iwll have to let him know. And then let him know that under no uncertain terms will I allow his daughter to live with us, I will help her get and seek counseling if she wants me to and I iwll help find her a tempoarary apartmnet until she gets on her feet but I cannot have her living her life which in the long run is her own business under my roof. I really appreciate all the support and advise I have received.

rinkrats5's picture

Yep, at 23 its time for her to grow up. She is an adult.
She should be working and living on her own. If she cant afford it she can get a room mate.
Social assistance is always an option. A 23 year old woman should not become your problem. You will only resent her and it will cause problems with your husband.
Stick to your guns sister!

Shannon61's picture

Don't let this trainwreck move in. Your son is indeed your first priority and if your husband doesn't understand that, his judgement is as bad as his daughter's.

Prospective employers also do internet searches, and I don't think she'd make the shortlist if she's immature enough to broadcast not only her sexual preferences, but her booze and pill use as well.
Also, show him the page so he can see she isn't who he thinks she is.

I made the mistake of moving in w/SD and DH a few years ago and her plans were to finish college (masters) get a job and get her own place. She'll be 27 soon, lazy as the day is long (I too like a tidy place), has no job and of course no timeline to get her own place. We're hoping it's sometime next year but DH is too passive to put his foot down and give her a deadline.

Don't put you or your son through the foolishness that living with her will surely cause.

Good luck.