All the SDs coming over tomorrow...
It's been a while since we've seen them, a few weeks. We haven't seen SD17 since she moved out of our house to go live with her Baby Daddy at BM's house. (Her mother told her if she moved back "home" she'd allow Baby Daddy to live with them. Idiot.)
Tomorrow we're having a birthday party for my kids, and the SD22 (and fiance), SD20 (and SGS1, although probably not this Baby Daddy), and SD17 (and Baby Daddy) will be coming. I'm sort of dreading it, honestly. DH isn't even remotely done being angry at SD17 - let alone her Baby Daddy. (Well, he's pissed off at both Baby Daddy's, actually.) I hope he's too busy to pay much attention to them. Otherwise we might have some early fireworks.
*lol* Self medicating would
3 SD's at once, you must be
3 SD's at once, you must be Saint.
Good Luck, hopefully they will be on their best behavior, hard to imagine, but sometimes people will surprise you.
Hoping the only fireworks are saved for after the party between you & your DH
A birthday party is no place
A birthday party is no place to have angry people. If someone can't be nice they shouldn't be invited and should be smart enough to not attend if invited.
*lol* Well I can hardly not
AARRGH!! SD22 just called me.
SD22 just called me. Apparently she's bringing her fiance's cousin - who is 26 and has "severe" Autism (according to her, I've never met him). I dunno about this. I have a friend who worked with severely autistic adults, and one of them threw a temper tantrum (he was mentally about 3 and non-verbal) and sliced her arm to the bone with a knife. I KNOW that was a severe case - and unusual - and yet I'm having a minor freak out right now. And I can't talk to DH about it until he's out of work. GAH!
God help me.... I think I need to start drinking NOW....
Oh my god, what IS it with
Oh my god, what IS it with weddings?!?! DH's SISTER (older sister at that!) decided she'd rather bring her friend than her DH. Whatever, fine, at least my count is still correct, right? Only then I find out that the friend has a one year old that they planned on bringing to the ceremony and reception. In Las Vegas. For an evening wedding. MY sister got a sitter for my 1 year old nephew, no way was I letting some random uninvited stranger bring her baby! My SIL is still sort of pissed at me that I said no. Firmly and repeatedly.
I think she's exaggerating.
I think she's exaggerating. You couldn't get a person with severe autism to come out to a new place without throw3ing a hissy fit in the transport or at the door. If he throws a fit in the doorway ask the cousin to take him away. If he does not, he will likely not be problematic. But my first reaction of course would be "named guests only -- no passing on invites". They should only be able to pull this kind of stunt on other people their age, this is not normal guest behavior for older generations.
That makes me feel better,
That makes me feel better, and you're probably right. I'm pretty sure this guy's autism isn't as severe as she thinks - I know he's verbal, and that he plays video games at any rate. And he's visiting his cousin (her fiance) from NY - no way if he was THAT bad would he be visiting for a week, you're right.
The fiance is in NY right now, and cousin is coming back with him tonight, apparently. Basically, SD said they can't leave him alone and I guess she's right. And the birthday party tomorrow is a cook-out, so sort of informal, I can see why she'd think it was fine to bring him. (Although I did tell her, "I'll talk to your dad, one of us will call you tonight!")
YOu sound wise. If he's just
YOu sound wise. If he's just a Rainman type gamer you'll doubtless find he's far more courtly and attractive company than your SD
That's prob true, you may
That's prob true, you may find he has more manners than all of then out together. They may behave more because he is there!
If not,booit them all out