Adult SD Hates Me
I just joined this forum yesterday and have been hesitating to post my story. I am 45, DH is 50. We have been married for 4 years and together for five years. This is his 3rd marriage; my 2nd. I have BD 26, BD 23, BD 20 (mother of GS 16 months), BS 17, and BS 16. Skids were adults when we met- now I have SD 29, SS 28, SS 27, and SD 25. Both of DH's prior marriages ended due to the wife's repeated infidelity (BM1 had child with OM while their son was an infant). OSD does not interact with us at all- thinks she is too high and mighty. OSS lives farther north and has his own life. YSS keeps getting in trouble and never learns because BM2 keeps coddling and enabling him. YSD can alternate between civil and nasty, but last month her behavior took the cake.
Because her father and I did not do her bidding and go to the psych hospital with her and her mom to visit her brother (he was a day away from discharge- DH was uncomfortable riding with BM2 and was preparing to begin new job), she unleashed some very evil behavior.
My YBD and her son, who had been living with baby's great aunt and 1st cousins 1x removed, were lodging with SD and unknownst to me at first, BM2. Oh joy. Not. First, I have to give a little back story on YBD. I had required my daughter to move out at 18 over refusal to follow household rules on chores. Regret that deeply now. She had a boyfriend that she had been seeing for 11 months- they graduated together. The first family she lived with used her name with her consent to get gas in apartment then defaulted on the bill. She told me she was pregnant 2 months later. DH and I were emotionally supportive. She delivered son my emergency C-section at 35 weeks- it was a life or death situation because of placenta sheering off. While she was in the hospital, lady she was staying in became pissy and the BF's mom offered to take her and baby in. It seemed to work at first. BF had a decent full time job with a good company.Then I found that her BF cheated on her with his ex-Gf whom he allowed to keep hitting him up on Facebook. Then BF broke up with her- during which time she was hospitalized for postpartum depression. The BF's mom's friend to argue that she was not depressed, but I have a B.A. in Psychology and know that clinical depression is not just being teary- it is despair, lack of motivation, isolation, loss of pleasure in life, hopelessness about the future, and extremes in eating and sleeping. Daughter was given medication and found a good therapist after the first one flopped. Daughter and baby's dad reconciled briefly, but broke up again. In April, the BF lost his job and did nothing to get another. Toward the end, she was working only part time for minimum wage and baby's paternal grandmother was demanding $150 per week for room and board, leaving her almost nothing for her baby's needs or her own. She was denounced as lazy for not cleaning the house when she was the only one in the house working. I begged landlord to let her move back in with the baby in May, but my request was denied. The baby's GA took her out of the environment and then moved her and my GS to their house. GA and I are friendly. Sadly, she and her hubby could not keep them there indefinitely, and that is when YSD offered to take them in. I was hoping this would be good for the young ladies' relationship and that they would be able to help one another. SD has a son age 4 and is expecting a second son in March.
What did YSD do when DH refused her demand?
1. Forced my YBD and GS to accompany her and her mom to the psych hospital because "we don't trust anyone in the house."
2. Started a hullabaloo over nothing. Out of nowhere the next day, she said to my daughter, "You never told me your mom kicked you out for smoking and staying out late." Daughter called me in tears about this. It was patently untrue- fabricated by my vindictive SD to target and hurt my daughter for DH's refusal to dance to her tune. SD also texted me with the accusation, which I refuted. She said I was a liar and that she hated liars. I told her that she was the liar. "I'm a woman- I don't lie." There DH I were in JC Penney buying his work clothes on Labor Day, and dealing with this chaos. BD kept calling me crying. SD kept sending vicious texts through both of her FB accounts. She told me she was sorry her dad had ever married me and hoped her dad cheated on me. That she wished I would die. She told her dad, "I hope you cheat on her, Dad. I hope you meet a nice woman at work. Sorry- Dad- I love you. You deserve better." She was on phone with her dad while my daughter was on phone with me. Playing fake nicey nice to her dad, pretending she was going to behave herself, yet there I was a few feet away hearing her scream at my daughter, who was an emotional wreck.
3. Would not allow my daughter to give her baby a bath when she came home from work that Tuesday evening because "my mom does not like to use the tub after someone else has been in it. Her son had mac & cheese all over his face, hair (curly, so imagine), and shirt (he hates bibs or anything around his neck). I told daughter that if it were me I would march toward the bathroom with my child and dare them to stop me.
4. Allowed her 4 y.o son to hit daughter's baby and yank toys out of his hands with no discipline whatsoever. He is mean to their toy Pomeranian, too. She wants him to be a bully, IMO.
5. Told my husband that I was a dog and smelled- I am very clean, thank you.
6. Send a vitriolic text to daughter bc daughter did not fold a blanket before leaving for work at 6 a.m.! My daughter was holding two jobs (one FT position in nursing home now) and SD sits on her rear collecting disability.
7. Complained to my DH that daughter did not feed baby and let him scream- truth was that he was awake at 6 a.m. and she was due to leave for work- he was scheduled to eat at 7. Daughter said he was not crying when she departed.
I could not let this pass. I called the baby's aunt, who called my former FIL. My kids all call him Grandpa, even the ones who did not come from my marriage to his son. He is a decent fellow. The baby's uncle asked him to get my daughter and her baby out of that house because he did not want his wife in that rough neighborhood. He got them out of there within 48 hours. My daughter then told me that her stepsister's mom- who is remarried to a Haitian citizen (he is supposedly tied up with immigration red tape and can't get a green card- and not sure if she told Social Security she remarried because that would end her eligibility to collect on my husband's record if he dies) had men coming in and out of the apartment at all hours. Prescription pills were being sold. SD and BM2 were always yelling at each other. SD was illegally buying Food Stamps. Glad my BD and GS are out of there- if that house gets raided, all adults get arrested and CPS takes the kids.
SD had conceived baby #2 on purpose- picked a man who had a job, had unprotected sex enough times to conceive, and then broke up with the man with the excuse that she was not sure who the dad was. Hmm.. does she know how bad she is making herself look? She told my daughter she does not want her son to have a father. That is her irresponsible choice, and I will be damned if DH and I are going to foot the bill for it!
She told her dad she was angry that I was always around. That if he was any kind of dad, he would worry about his kids, not me- never mind that they are all adults. She gets mad when he refuses to bail YSS out of jail because "mom should not have to pay all the time- and we're your kids, so you have to help us!" "Since you married SM, I am not getting $50 for birthdays anymore. You always gave me money" No, because DH is on fixed income and is trying to be fair to both sets of kids/ grandkids, and her birthday falls in same month as my older son, 17 and my SGD, 4.
Before YSS went to hospital for self-harm, SD ranted at D that he needed to help her brother. We pointed out that he was 27- SD said he had the mind of a 14 year old. So she expects her dad to bail them out and coddle them forever? She gave DH her mom's number to call regarding her brother- he caved in. I am sure SD was gloating. That led to BM2 calling him constantly and texting every day. She played the I don't know what to do card- leaning on MY husband to advise her. Some of these calls lasted over an hour and I was livid. If he did not pick up immediately, she kept ringing until he did. It was extremely disruptive, and I resented her stealing his time, attention and energy- but even more deeply I resented DH for allowing it! His son is grown and there is no reason to talk to his ex. She can vent to her husband. He snapped to his senses last week when she texted him asking if she could lend him $25, but she did not want anyone else to know and did not want it done in public. What the actual freaking hell does that sound like to you? He blocked her phone number.
I am still floored that my SD could hate me so deeply as to extend that hatred to my daughter and her innocent son. It took the baby, whom I'll call Henry (not his real name), several hours at the aunt's house to realize that he was safe. DH thinks SD was only acting that way because of her mom, but I call bullcrap. She is a grown ass woman and 100% responsible for her behavior. DH told SD she needs to respect me, but good luck with that. He says I need to forgive her- fine, though it has been a struggle. But I told DH I am done. He can communicate with her, but I am disengaging entirely and want nothing to do with her. She has never once apologized for disrespecting me or hurting my daughter. Or endangering my grandson.
Please, I know this is a long story, but needed to talk and get feedback.
I'm sorry Tangled. I'm sorry
I'm sorry Tangled. I'm sorry that you are in this situation, but I am also sorry that this post is so 'tangled' itself that it is a struggle to read and try to sort out what the main issues are.
To condense it it seems your SD hates you- welcome to the club! Almost every other post on here is about dealing with horrible SDs.
I think you needed to get this all out, I understand that- but maybe if you repost with just some of the main issues more people will read and help.
My advice? Disengage from her, you don't need all this drama in your life. Put yourself and your own family first.
Wow, my head is spinning. And
Wow, my head is spinning. And a bit embarrassed to say after reading all that , I find myself focused on a couple silly little things and not the more serious things you mentioned.
Perhaps Fairyo is correct, that you should break this down a bit and give a few main issues.
What I was hung up on? Silly things like what do you mean your DH is on a fixed income? He's fifty, was out shopping for new clothes for a new job it was about to start ( I'm not sure why he had no appropriate clothing from last job in his closet) and what kind of job does he have that puts on on a fixed income. How BM2 is secretly keeping her remarriage a secret while planning on receiving social security when the man is at least 12-15-17yrs out from drawing....just can't help thinking, surely I've missed part of the story somewhere.
One of the other things was why not just go pick up your own daughter and grandson, give them a safe place to stay for a limited time while she works toward getting child care assistance , college assistance and perhaps a subsidized apartment. Instead I read calling and begging every long lost relative asking them to save the young lady.
As I said, I just got hung-up on little things that weren't the items you're expecting me to focus on and give advice to.
It definitely came across clear that SD dislikes you. It definitely came across that both the stepdaughter and you blame the other for all the family's woes . But other than that, I'm lost as to where and what to address.
I'm sorry your life seems so stressed and adult children seem to be playing a huge part in that. Welcome to Steptalk. Perhaps posting in smaller portions and also reading other postings in the adult stepchildren section will help in knowing you are not alone. Not in whatever the issues are nor the chaos that blending families and steplife can bring.
Your SD is jealous and taking
Your SD is jealous and taking it out on you and your loved one. Who cares! Stay away from these toxic people.
My SD56 hates me too. My SD pretended to be a friend for 30+ years and to find out all this time SD hated me and undermined me with DH all these years.
Yes, it hurt, but I flushed the entire problem out. I called DH and SD on it three years ago. I totally disengaged from SD56 and her family. SD and family are allowed to visit DH, in our home, anytime. They are requested to call first. I do not hostess them, I do not interact with them only to be civil. Everyone, including DH have been informed, the drama stays outside our home and if it doesn't, I will see that it does.
Result is: SD and family come by maybe once every six months and it suits me fine. SD is punishing DH for staying with our marriage, she had ask him to divorce me. Now all of this mess was my fault, of course; even though DH and SD worked for years undermining me and DH betrayed me to his adult daughter. I refused to take the blame, I turned the tables, and still do when necessary. It's their problem, not mine and I tell them so. DH doesn't like it, but he started this game, I won.
Our marriage is better without the toxic family drama. Tell BM to get lost and if she doesn't, you will take legal action. You are going to be labeled a mean SM anyway, so begin stopping all this! Don't ask your DH to help you, he won't, just get busy girl and take it one event at a time and stop the games as they develop. I even called Law Enforcement on BM, the first year we were together, had them go by and talk to her and tell her to leave us alone. DH was livid with me, I told him "TOUGH", she stays away from us; your kids are grown and I am not putting up with it!
You can take control of this and set it all straight. To do this is not pleasant, but it is worth it. When you stop caring, it will be so peaceful.
Good Luck
Stay here, it is a wonderful help.
"I even called Law
"I even called Law Enforcement on BM, the first year we were together, had them go by and talk to her and tell her to leave us alone. DH was livid with me, I told him "TOUGH", she stays away from us; your kids are grown and I am not putting up with it!"
Sammi, many times the subject of an interfering BM has come up. We have given all sorts of suggestions but in reality, this is what needs to be done. If the Skids are adults there are few occasions when there there should be any communication with DH or SM. You just do not put up with it.
Sammigirl, it took me 53
Sammigirl, it took me 53 miserable years to figure out on my own what you've just written. You and sandye21 can't know how important both of your messages are to SMs out there!! When the skids are adults and BM is trying to maintain communications with your husband (watch social media!)I promise you it is all about influence and power or money or wills. Probably both. Good job ladies. I don't post much, but do read a lot. Impossible to imagine how different my life would have been had I had this resource years ago.
Sammigirl, Callmedone,! Can
Sammigirl, Callmedone,!
Can either of you tell me what those "rare occasions" might be, when Our Dh and present wife would be expected by the skids of course, to endure the company of the BM? The 4 skids expect it every time they invite us for ANYTHING! BM practically lives with YSD, m-f Noon-5:30, Sat 10-4, Sun after church. Honestly, I don't know how Y,SIL deals with it! Maybe only he goes to work at 4am and is usually home by 2pm and goes to bed for a few hours. I would never MY mother hang around my house that much. Is there anything short of just not going to get the point across? Should we ask if BM will be there?( even though we know her "hours"?)
Those few occasions where you
Those few occasions where you would probably encounter BM are events like weddings, graduations, etc. Even then, there are limits. BM will be at graduations but can sit somewhere other than with DH. This is just my opinion, but at a wedding, DH should give way the bride then return to sit next to SM. Then sit with SM at the reception. BM should never be included in parties at the in-laws. She is no longer part of that family.
You can ask if BM is going to be there and let them know it is not OK with you OR DH. If they still insist on inviting her don't attend. You may not get your point across but who cares? At least they will know there are consequences to trying to control others.
Yep, So true if they don't
Yep, So true if they don't see consequences, they think it's Ok. For OSD wedding , she had to have DH & BM walk her down the isle together! And we all know it goes down hill from there. Still thinking of(God forbid) if DH goes before Me and BM ,having a small private Memorial at MY home to ensure I won't have to deal with BM!
Yes! When DH and BM
Yes! When DH and BM divorced, they gave up the right to be considered a couple. They are parents for sure, but they are no longer a couple. Dad and his wife (SM) are husband and wife and should be treated by all as husband and wife. You hear all the time about SMs trying to act like a mom, but you rarely hear about BMs trying to act like a wife, yet we all know this happens all the time. Society seems to think that even after DH and BM divorce, BM should still have first wifey dibs on her ex- even when the SKs are adults! It's nuts. Adult SKs nor BM doesn't even need DH's permission, and they sure as H- don't think they need SM's.
You tell me how many events would it even remotely be considered OK to hook up a married man with another woman, expecting them to play a husband-wife role, without permission from BOTH the married man and his spouse? The answer is zero, period, EXCEPT for when a SM enters the picture. Then, it is perfectly OK. And, I do blame DHs in part for not putting a stop to this right away, even if, as in my case, you were suckered into it and it takes place just seconds before the wedding march is played. Maybe if you would've made it clear years ago that you and SM are husband and wife and expect to be treated as husband-wife, none of this would have occurred.
As a SM and a sociologist I get that divorce is hell for kids, and I get that when they are children, they need to sometimes be shielded from certain fallout from the split. However, even as children, no one should be going around acting like the divorce never occurred and the only difference is that mommy and daddy are now living in separate households. Even with children the focus should be on acceptance and moving on. The focus should never be on covering things up and pretending the divorce never happened.
sandye21 has the few
sandye21 has the few occasions correct. My skids were grown when DH and I got together 37 years ago. I tolerated graduations, and 2 weddings. SGD32 had a 50th bday party for SD and invited BM without informing DH and I. We had driven 3 hours to attend and walked in not knowing this. We did fine, but on our way back home, I told DH I would never be put in that position again. DH didn't say a word; so I decided to tell SGD and SD to their faces, the very next invitation.
Sure enough, a dance rehearsal came about for SGGD4; BM was driving over for the weekend, to SD's, 7 hour drive. I overheard SD telling DH that BM was coming to the rehearsal also; DH had no intention of going, I was invited. SGD was present when they were visiting; I stepped in the room and ask if BM was also going to the rehearsal. They answered "yes". I told both SD and SGD (mother/daughter) I will not be attending and will attend a future rehearsal. SGD, grown woman, began to cry and asking why I would not go????? My answer; "BM drove 7 hours to visit you both for the weekend and attend SGGD's rehearsal, I am able to attend any time, I live here. Enjoy your visit with her. I will no longer be attending events that BM is attending. I hope you understand without any further explanation." From that time forward, they attempted several times to have all of us together for dinners, bbq's, trips to the lake, you name it; they put more effort into making me look like the mean SM. I have not attended any event that BM is invited to, since I stated I would not. Finally they have stopped that game.
Since, I have disengaged totally. This has been almost eight years, so there is no danger of BM associating with me; maybe DH, because I do not go to SD56 nor SGD32's home for anything.
Hi Idvilen You called it, as
Hi Idvilen You called it, as soon as there's a SM in the picture, the rules change. I'm sure that somewhere the definition for SM is TARGET!! SD wedding was over 15 years ago and DH and I weren't yet married, but were living together. I had thought at the time it was pretty strange but then I did feel I had the right to be offended. Then later after our wedding, when photo's were printed I noticed just how snuggled up to Daaaddeee OSD was, I hadn't noticed when they were taken because I was to one side of him and she was one the other, then his mother at OSD's other side, so....
I wish we could move further away from OSD who is 3hrs away and BM who is 30min away. But now that we have the house paid off,it's really not practical. When DH passes, there is no way I could pay a mortgage on my own plus, insur, taxes, etc. Do were kind of stuck.