10 Pitfalls of being a Daddy's girl
A friend on this site sent this to me a few days ago. I had not seen it before, and it might be the best article I have seen on the Princess Daddy's Girl still living on a pedestal in adulthood, and the weak father figure who put her there.
OSD was made a star because she was tall, thin and somewhat pretty at one time. Her family considers her stunningly beautiful and that is what she grew up with. She also never earned a single accomplishment in her life without manipulating, and she bragged about her manipulation ability. When we first met, she told me she could get her dad to do whatever she wanted, including bail her out financially. She also bragged she joined a bitchy sorority so she could learn how to manipulate people. Those were her career goals.
When she was in high school, she typically had bad grades at the end of the semester, but she would sweet talk her teachers and then end up with good grades. And her parents would proclaim "she did it again!" Dh says he told her she needed to apply herself rather than butter up the teachers, but I am well aware of his "parental efforts".
DH denies this, but I know he and BM loved having such a BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER in their family. And I remember when I met OSD and her telling me that she and DH were so close, in fact her friends always comment they can't believe HOW CLOSE they are!
Indeed. Even her friends realized something was not right.
And yes, he created a monster who thought she could run his life. She was on a pedestal above her much more accomplished but less attractive sister. And people who did not bow to OSD were punished. And daddy was punished for bringing another woman into his life. She definitely believes his only desire should be her.
When she married she said she chose her DH because he was just like her father. Eeeeewwww. Wonder how that made her DH feel.
She is desperately in need to be the center of attention. When she gave birth, she was afraid her child would get all the attention. She was upset that her DH went to work and left her at home with the child, a compete disconnect in how bills got paid. If her DH went on a business trip, she needed my DH to go there to help out. She had ONE CHILD at the time.
More attention seeking: When we went to the beach, she proclaimed she needed to go to the bathroom, and walked into the water with her arms raised so everyone would watch her pee in the water.
And then when YSD was diagnosed with cancer, she called DH sobbing. I thought she must be so concerned for her sister. Nope, she was concerned that now YSD was going to get all the attention.
When she talks to DH, I always know she is the one he is talking to, because he is silent. It is ALL ABOUT HER. Every fart she did that day. What he is doing does not matter, unless it is to gain information to gossip about.
And yes, she loves to prance around half naked in front of daddy. She works hard to have a nice figure. If you see her picture with a large group of women, she is always the one with the least amount of clothing. If DH visits her, she always finds a way to make sure her bikini is involved. She confided in him about her fears that her friends rebound from childbirth faster than her, just so she could have her dad reassure her how stunning and beautiful she is.
Since she is so ultra-special, when I still talked to her she was not receptive to criticism she received on the job. And she involved her father in every sales effort she was making. I can't remember ever involving my parents at what I did at work, but OSD needed to be propped up and be told she is wonderful on a continual basis.
Anyone see an SD in this article?
My SD58 is a Daddy's girl but not so accomplished as yours. The artcle struck a chord with me, particularly the part about how "special" these girls are.
We had 5 kids, 3 SK & 2 BKs. They are close in age & were all raised together here from elementary age. We emphasized parity strongly, treating all the same. It seemed the wisest course to prevent jealousy & envy & it worked. It seemed to help give them a sense of solidarity, "our family". But after awhile, i noticed that SD always angled to get more, gain extra indulgence, be excused from consequences.
I now realize that parity is an insult to her. She wants to be recognized as above the rest of the herd. Anything that is done in accordance with our family parity policy is valueless to her. Nothing has value unless it shows how exceptional and special she is
Lamby great post....this article describes a daddys girl perfectly.
There is a set of rules for everyone..except for the "special princess" she can do what she wants, when she wants, and boy does she ever!! and never a word is spoken. If anyone else behaves the same my DH would look down upon them. Entitlement runs deep.
Sounds incestuous and
So, your OSD is the #5 Covert Erotica. Sounds incestuous and probably is. How have you stayed in this evil dynamic?
I think that this applies to
I think that this applies to any child who is raised to think that they are special merely because they exist. Special is earned through performance and it should be required for it to be earned constantly.
#4 seems to indicate that accolades earned through high performance are a bad thing. What other legitimate accolades are there other than those earned through accomplishment/performance?
Smells like a narcissist
Research narcissism n learn to gray rock or cut off all contact with such a person. Narcissists don't change...look how they are rewarded.
My SD who lives with us does the half naked thing, she is 23. So now I walk around half naked too lol ugh
This article.....
Just wow!
Personally, for myself, reading through the article it was difficult getting past the feeling of...if this sort of thing exists how was I not aware of it until my marriage. This stuff is SO just sick. I think I still cannot believe I became involved in a situation like this I am a smart woman.
Thanks Lamby for sharing this. Hoping it helps other women before falling too deep.