my stepson is in drugs,,,can I stop his visitation to my house?
I have 16 year old step son. He is using drugs on and off.
I have a 2 year old boy and I feel very uncomfortable when my step son is here.
My husband doesn't do anything, maybe because he feels bad for his son. But I think that as a mother I am responsible for the safety of my baby.
What can I do? is there any legal help?
Thank You,
You can definitely talk to
You can definitely talk to your lawyer and show them proof that SS (stepson) is doing drugs and ask if there's a chance that you can have the visitation moved to another location. SS still needs to see his father, but you need to protect your child. If you can't get the visitation location moved, then consider taking your child to visit family and/or friends when SS is over.
First of all hugs to you, I
First of all hugs to you, I feel and have felt for a long time, your pain.
Start making strong rules around the house. That made my druggie step daughter not want to stay with us. I feel your pain, I walked that path, still do, mine is now an adult and I have her dad on board with not wanting her here around our little girls. The one thing that drove her mad and not want to come around anymore was when we stopped all money coming her way which only enabled her but we also kept to our rules. We didn't allow certain friends of hers at our house, we started searching her stuff (after we had found drugs a previous time accidentally), we gave her a curfew, never let her use the car (unless she stole it from us)and other rules. Anyways that stopped her from wanting to come around.
Otherwise there were times I would just take the kids and go stay at my parents if she was around and I couldn't handle it. My hubby started missing us. I also was not afraid to call the cops on mine and she knew that. I had to protect my little ones, my bios who depended on me.
I have completely let her go now. For the record, we did try everything under the sun to get her help and she refused, to this day she wont admit she has a problem with drugs and its been 4 years. We had to stop helping her and chasing her. She is an adult now and we have two bios and an older SD who is wonderful. We don't want to sacrifice 3 of our children to help one who refuses us.
Also another thing you can do that I did, when your SS is there, do not allow your little one out of your site, I would even sleep with my girls at night.
My DH and I stopped having
My DH and I stopped having contact with my SD (his bio) due to her drug use. I told her to stay away from my bios (2 of them, her half sisters). She threatened me but she hasn't come around yet. We after 4 years decided she was too toxic for us and we are done. Then again though she is basically 19.
As far as the 16 year old, if you have reason to believe that he could harm you or your child (I know how out of wack they get) I would see if your husband will see him elsewhere and not around you. If he wont, if you have fear for your little ones safety, I would get a restraining order maybe and that way it forces his bio dad to see him elsewhere. I know it sounds extreme but I have thought of it even to this day just to make sure my bad SD doesn't come around. If mine contacts me in a threatening way again, I am going to do it. At least for me and my girls.
Meanwhile just keep your 2 year old by you when he is around. Even sleep with your child at night. I did that. I felt the need to protect constantly. The one thing that's good is that he is 2 and by the time your step son is 18 he will only be 4. My 3 year old only remembers me as crying at times but doesn't fully understand and I don't explain it to her either. Although I do catch her saying sometimes to me "Mama, you bring me to (insert name) and I am going to tell her, you say sorry to my Mama now or I am going to yell at you" but this is the extent of her. Its my 8 year old that I worry about, she saw too much of the fighting in the house, SD going ballistic and breaking things and on and on. Thank goodness she shows no signs of too much pain as she is quite the busy girl and she seems happy. I watch her close though, if I see anything I have to worry about from dealing with this in her young life, I will get her a counselor.
Ok enough about me, I pray for a speedy 2 years when you can kick him out completely! Unless he changes. I hope he does, he is down a horrible road, mine is 19 and been on drugs since 15. She is quite messed up and absolutely refuses help and always has.