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Just seeking advice

Non-blended-trainwreck's picture

I am a ten year stepmom to four and a 2 year wife to my current husband. We have a seventeen month old together and another baby on the way. From the moment I entered the picture the ex wife has alienated all four children to hate dad and me and now resent a defenceless baby. Stepkids are 16,18,20, and 24. Oldest is pregnant and drug addicted and homeless. Second oldest is a town bicycle who does drugs recreationally and has (to date four abortions) unprotected sex and just terminated the pregnancy whenever she finds out she is - works part time and relies on BM to pay unpaid balances for apartment/phone, etc. Spoilt sour miserable human being that kills animals and betrays anyone to get her own way. Older stepson, 18 made it to a grade 10 education before dropping out, does drugs and plays video games in moms basement all day.  Youngest stepson is into hard drugs and is currently awaiting trial for a serious offence against a twelve year old girl.

I'm sure my disgust for all four of these people is spilling over in my descriptions of them but please give me some grace for having put in ten years of love, blood, sweat and tears, and they hate us viciously and do everything they can to destroy my life, my reputation, and my marriage.  I'm not the reason their parents divorced. BM was having affairs and meeting men in the shed on their property while my husband was even home and had no idea until she flat out told him. She then uprooted the kids, left, and destroyed him for almost a year until I entered his life, and then suddenly she wanted him back.

I've been attacked physically myself and my husband as well, over the years by both kids and ex wife, I've had to deal with my animals having been murdered during a break in by them while I've been away. They've stolen from me, threatened me, and worst of all the ex wife manipulated my husband into spending a night with her in 2018 and then coming home to me with a completely changed mind and blaming me for the gap between himself and his children. We were able to reconcile and work things out briefly, but the ex wife followed that episode with even more violence and abuse through the kids.

About two months ago we restricted all contact and told BM we would no longer tolerate the abuse and harassment so we blocked her phone number on every device after she nearly convinced my husband to spend another night with her. We gave her an email address with access for each of us and our lawyer and informed her that all contact will now be monitored and any abuse will immediately be dealt with lawfully. The harassment stopped for about a month.

Then last month the youngest son suddenly regained an interest in his father and began calling and texting my husband and convincing him to go to bms home to see him. Husband and I went to marriage counceling and counselor tells husband his first family is forcing him to choose one or the other and until he does, the games will not stop. So he stopped answering calls from his son and said he would only do it if I was right there to hear what is actually being said, since the trust no longer exists between us.

Well the kid decided to show up at our property unannounced with BM hiding in his car. She waited until he was in the house and then she tried to get my husbands attention to have him sneak outside to see her. I waited for them to leave and I phoned the police and she has been warned not to return to our property or she will be charged. Now the kid will not stop blowing up my phone and calling me controlling and saying I tore up the family and I stole dad away. It went too far Friday night when he texted me threatening my infant. I am inconsolable and now I feel lost and unsure where to go from here.  I texted the kid to stop texting me and he continued until I threatened to call the police and then finally stopped. I've not reported his threat to my child and my unborn baby but I would like to make someone officially aware that we are on the verge of more violence, now from a minor... I thought about calling children's services but I am concerned of the potential repercussion.

I greatly and respectfully appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and relate, any advice is appreciated -  I would like to keep my marriage despite the betrayals. The ex wife and kids will narrate this as me being the catalyst and the reason for all the chaos but I know this situation is not my fault and it's not my problem that they can not tolerate my boundaries when their father never had any. I hope I'm making some sense. My mind is foggy today.

tog redux's picture

Wow. Many of us have crazy BMs, but this one takes the cake. How did you stay so long? And how did it take so long to set some boundaries on her?  Both of you should have dropped the hammer on all of them about 9 years ago.

What makes you want to hang in there? This guy has done nothing to protect you and, in fact, has betrayed you himself.

Non-blended-trainwreck's picture

*sigh* I don't have a good reason to say why it took so long to set boundaries. It will sound impossible to believe, but we were more afraid of her reaction to us attempting to set boundaries. Too afraid, for a long time, until my little one came along and it became an ultimate priority.  
I want to stay because I want my children not to suffer with just one parent... I want to stay because despite all the b/S I really do love my husband and I just can't stop hoping he won't do it next time.  I've worked very hard, I'm the bread winner, and I've paid off one of two of our mortgages and have the other already half paid off.  I want us to build something we can be proud of and raise our children in, but the fact that this is the marital property and somehow ex wife found out how much equity we have (we think the kid stole our most recent finance contract with our bank since it disappeared the same day he was out some four months ago.) and now the kid comes around and tells me he needs to see a prenup and they need reassurance that I'm not there for money and then they will stop abusing me, etc. It's a real mess.

this all said... I did ask my husband if we could consider a no contest divorce and he said he understands and will let me make that decision without any problems if it's what I really want.

EveryoneLies's picture

from your main post a lot of the things they did sounds like crimes to me. I don't know how staying with this man is going to make you feel "safer." (since he obviously fails that right now)

Growing up with only one parent is not necessarily a suffer. I am lucky that my parents are still together but I myself had been a single mother for 5 years. Sure, my daughter felt curious about her bio father sometimes, but not one day she felt she was "suffering" I can assure you. (her dad is not in the picture. she saw him once or twice when she was one so really she doesn't remember any of it) I never block the contact or hide anything regarding her dad from her, she's just no longer that intereseted anymore especially now my DH is the father figure to her.

Not everyone is cut out to be a parent. It's better not to have an unfit parent in the kids' lives imo.

Rags's picture

Why did you wait until they had left to call the police?  If you don't bring the full weight of consequences to bear on them, nothing will change.

Now for what I hope is the obvious. Your DH cheated on you with his XW once, and "almost" did it again.  Quit polluting your own gene pool with this adulterous spawner of shit children and protect yourself and your kids.  Get the hell away from this idiot and his baggage.  Far away.

Non-blended-trainwreck's picture

Just, plain and simply, severe anxiety. The kid was sitting at the table, my baby was in bed, and due to the nature of the violence I've been subjected to before, I didn't want him to see or know my intentions to call the police, and potentially attack myself or my husband in the meantime of waiting for the police to phone his mother with the warning, or in that case have to come out there to remove her on top of dealing with even more violence.

I'm also not sure who asked or said, but someone said something about a lot of it sounding like crimes, and I agree but because husband and her were still not divorced during those incidents, police insisted it was a domestic dispute to take up in civil court and there was nothing they could legally do. I wasn't able to put legal boundaries down until after we were married and both our names came onto our property. Or so I've ever understood anyways.

EveryoneLies's picture

Not trying to be judgy...when I was younger and stupid I was the other woman for a while too. (Although, the man was not married, so less complicated) I do want to you think you will feel guilty if you call the police?

I agree with others that your DH is not a keeper...I understand it might be a long way you came when you and him are finally married, but this man really doesn't sound worthy.

Winterglow's picture

THey were no longer married when they assaulted you, stole from you and killed your aniumals. You should have let none of this go by. IT's also time your local police got their collective arses into gear and started taking domestic violence seriously - people DIE from DV EVERY year! It's not because you're married that you have the right to beat your spouse! Good grief! This is the 21st century!

Here's what you should do. See a lawyer about your rights if/when you leave. Then you go down to the local police station and tell them everything you've told us here? Yiou want a restraining order against bm and her kids for you and your children. If you don't have enough on them to get one, report back to the police every time there's an incident and you'll get one.

Step back for a minute and take a look at your situation. Take a look at everything that is wrong in it. Now ask yourself, who is the common denominator? Your husband, right? So get rid of him and you'll be sooooooo much better off emotionally and financially. For goodness sake, he can't even keep it in his pants ... Here's another thought, if he jumps into bed so easily with someone who has caused him so much hurt and harm, what are the chances he's doing likewise with other women in your circle of family and friends ...?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

"...the ex wife manipulated my husband into spending a night with her..."

Unless she held a gun to his head all night and FORCED him to have sex with her (IOW, rape), there was no manipulation. He told you that caca to try and look like a victim.

"...we blocked her number... after she nearly convinced my husband to spend another night with her."


BM and the skids should have been blocked from your phone the minute they started harassing you. Period.

However, your 'D'H is no prize. He cheated on you once and he did so willingly. He almost cheated again (and was likely amorous with her without intercourse... maybe). Manipulated, my foot. 

GET A LAWYER ASAP. File a restraining order (or orders). Seriously consider filing for divorce. Love your children enough to protect them from this nightmare. 

SteppedOut's picture

Yes. This. And you are the breadwinner and payinf for the privilege of being with him?


Jojo4124's picture

 And get everything from this point on on record. DH abused you by proxy by not protecting you

Get video proof or texts for court. Have court do psych evals on bm n its on record...then restraining orders

Plz be safe!

Rags's picture

No amount of money and no property is worth that hellish decision.

My guess is that he is not stupid enough to give you any ownership position in any property he has or access to any money that he does not closely control.

Save yourself and your children. Call 911, press charges and get away. For good.