Does a step-parent have the right to have a child tested for a mental disability?
If you have read my post in parenting issues then you know my situation. I am just curious to know if I have the right to tell the school I want my step-daughter tested for mental instability?
I have talked to her teachers about it before but when the grandmother found out she lost it and yelled at me to never say that again to anyone.
They need to wake up and realize that they are not doing this child any favors by acting like nothing is wrong and just blaming it on her age. I have worked with several kids being a former pre-school teacher myself and I have never encountered a child that acts like she does unless they have some kind of disability.
Her mom had serious problems mentally and truth be told so does everyone else in her family. The grandmother always brags about how mean she used to be and how cold hearted she is when it comes to other people. She wants to blame it on her heritage or where she grew up in NJ but I dont think other Italian familes or northern people are cold hearted and mean like this.
I think its just plain BS and thats just a cop out. She refuses to believe that this child's problems are genetic and not learned.
Her fallback is always "Oh she must me learning this from other kids. There has to be somebody she comes in contact with that is hitting or she wouldn't do this." BULLCRAP!!!! This kid knows exactly what she is doing and she has these people totally dupped but not me.. I see straight through her and I call her on it every time she acts up. I'm not playing into her little game and she knows it.
one parent has to sign a
one parent has to sign a release for you. i have full medical rights for my ss. i'm not sure what would happen if the biological family was against it though. we just didn't ask bm. she didn't seem to care all that much.
What does dad say?
What does dad say?
^^^^That^^^^ is the question.
^^^^That^^^^ is the question.