Do I have to give BM my cell number?????
Okay, my husband's ex, sent a letter expressing her view of me refusing to give my stepdaughter my cell number. They have his cell and our email do i HAVE to give them my cell. I dont want to b/c they start alot of drama and I dont want them calling me and harassing me about their probelms with us, an also b/c whenever SD calls and we dont answer right away she will keep calling back to back to back to back etc.... And we are on a prepaid plan.
Also she is almost 18, and she is NEVER in my care alone at all.
Awwww, Hell to the nawww!!!
Awwww, Hell to the nawww!!! You will completely regret it if you do, trust me....
Can I cut my wrists now?? I'm a Step-Dad....
LOL Ohh that makes me feel
LOL Ohh that makes me feel better. She always tries to accuse me of not accepting her child when she doesn't get her way with me.
LOL, no you do not. Hell, I
LOL, no you do not. Hell, I have BM's number blocked from all the cell phones. She started texting shit & I had enough - now she can't call any of the cell phones. I made it quite clear all she had to do was apologize & I would unblock it- i think it's been two years now. Goddess, it;s nice and quiet }:)
BM called the house # and
BM called the house # and demanded I give her my cell so she can reach her girls whenever she wants. I know from her past, this psycho has physically started fights with one of her other baby daddy's wives (she has 2 baby daddys). She also tries to stir drama up. I told her if she has any desire to reach her daughters she can continue doing it the way she always has.
There's no reason for her to have your number except to cause drama... and trust me, she will. They make it their goal in life.
Yea. Well i dont plan on
Yea. Well i dont plan on giving it. I just didnt know if i HAD to. But besides that her daughter has her own cell phone. She calimed she needed my number in case of emergencies if she cant reach my husband. But im not giving it.
I don't give my cell phone
I don't give my cell phone number out to very many people. My views on having a phone are a little different from most people's.
I have a phone for MY convenience, to use when I want to use it. I don't have a phone so that just anyone who feels like it can reach me anytime, anywhere, and disrupt whatever I'm doing immedietely. Some people think that I should answer my cell every time it rings. I disagree. Often, I'm doing something that requires my attention and I don't have time to field a call. I don't really care what it's about.
If there's an emergency, your BM and SD should call 911. What the hell do they want you to do about it anyway? I don't see why they would need to reach you about anything, and if they do, they could call the home phone and you can return their call if you aren't home.
No, no, no. All she wants is
No, no, no. All she wants is more opportunites to interrupt your life and harass you.
Oh hell no. Given the level
Oh hell no.
Given the level of drama, I'm going to assume that SD treats you like you're lower than dog poop. If you are that unworthy, why does she neeeeeed your cell number? You're not good enough to be treated with respect, so you're not good enough to solve her problems!
Like GNJ, I am firmly of the belief that just because you HAVE a phone doesn't mean you have to answer it, and it CERTAINLY doesn't mean that a flippin' PHONE CALL is more important that whatever or whoever you are dealing with in person.
Now I just need to get DH fully in compliance - he still acts like that phone is a leash to be yanked around by.
BM (whore mother of crotch
BM (whore mother of crotch droppings) wanted to send a text. So I agree to send one from my phone to hers so she would have the number to send a text to.
BITCH of all times then bit my head off when I sent the text 15 seconds later. This was all about a SS who had just been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.
I let her have it - told her SHE had requested the text seconds earlier as she did not want to use any of her cell minutes WASTED on her terminally ill son. She got so mad that no contact since.
She is just lucky that I deleted her number and messages - I wanted to text back "You whore of all times who spreads her legs for all ........."
They have my home number and
They have my home number and can email if they choose to. The youngest does keep in touch. She is the accepting child. I prefer they call their father!
I can't believe the BM
:jawdrop: I can't believe the BM actually had the nerve to ask for your cell phone number. Not only no, but hell no!
You do not have to do
You do not have to do anything with regard to your stepchild or BM. None of the court documents/orders, unless they specifically mention you, apply to you AT ALL.