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Would value feedback and advice

Kasey21's picture

My BF's ex has petitioned for a modification of the child support and also to change the current custodial situation. Right now its 60% with her and 40% with us. We have 2 step kids. We are not married, we live together and I love them like I do my own kids and hate the thought of not having them half the time. Her motivation is merely to get more child support by having more time with them. She is an angry, bitter woman who hates that he and I have a larger house than she does. When she divorced him seven years ago, she got the main family home (nice house, swimming pool etc) and he lived in a small townhouse until we bought a home together last year. From the time we moved in together, her hatred knows no bounds. He is a great Dad, pays all required child support on time and also volunteers to pay for extra curriculars, college fund and anything the kids need. They have their own bedrooms with us, no need to pack bags going to and from, our home is their home. He attends all their activities and is a real, steady presence in their lives. She is now bad mouthing him to the kids, insisting that he is not paying enough while leaving "them" poor. Her lies to the kids are dreadful. Tells them she cannot afford the electricity yet goes for hour-long massages weekly, that sort of thing. Do we have anything to worry about? We now have an attorney but dread her lies being listened to and believed. Thanks for all feedback.

RedWingsFan's picture

We're going through the same thing right now. The ONLY reason BM is filing for modification and asking for 100% parenting time is for the $$$$. She totally lies to SD14 and has turned her against her loving, caring father. A father who WANTS to spend time with his daughter.

I wish I had advice for you, but since we're knee deep in the same situation, I can't offer anything but support. I do hope someone here can help us both or at least guide us through this nightmare.

Kasey21's picture

It shocks me that a mother would use her children like this, telling them untruths just to get more money. My BF loves to spend time with his kids, and be a hands-on Dad all the time. You are right, it is a nightmare!

SMof2's picture

Well we have gone through this twice and we are married. The crazy part is both times after looking at his decreased earnings both time she actually did not get an increase in support she received a decrease in support. I think you are doing the right thng by getting an attorney and making sure you're significant other knows his rights as a father.
As far ass turning the daughter agains the father this also will catch up with her. She will start to see and learn the truth. Just tell your man to love her through this difficult and confusing time. To be a teenager and be in the middle cannot be easy. Just make sure she knows he loves her and hastried to maintain a relationship with his daughter and as she grows up the choice of continuing this relationship will be her choice as a young lady.

Kasey21's picture

Its awful for the kids, they are smack in the middle. Being a teen is hard enough. Thank you for your advice, we will continue to love them and show them we want them anytime. Sometimes they can be misbehaved but what kids arnt? My daughter and his daughter are like sisters and so for us to have them less, would be horrible for all of us. We have spring break planned for a family vacation, its like Cruella DeVille is lurking in the background! I have a very good relationship with his children, and he with mine. In my case I am a widow so have no angry ex to contend with.