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She had us served in response to us having her served... AND

buterfly_2011's picture

She turned in her idea for a new visitation plan for the skids. She asked for mediation. She asked for more money. She lowered his time in the summer from 8 weeks to 6 weeks. She put on it that WE have to do all the driving (she moved over 200 miles away) and IF he misses a weekend due to something THEY have planned or if his work interferes we get no make up time with Skids. There was a lot more but just stab you kinda stuff. Little things like she gets to listen to all convo's he has over the phone. But her big one was a pretty BIG one.
She stated that I am not to be around skids. Skids can only be in the company of HIS parents and her parents. I am not to take care of them, take them anywhere or be anywhere near them.
WTF??????????????? I have done nothing to warrant this shit. I took care of them the entire 8 weeks they were here this summer. did all their laundry. Got them to and from all their activities. Took them on the family trip. Bought half of their school supplies. Got them summer clothes. And now because SD17 lied about a handful of shit I am no longer to be around skids......... I am so sick of this shit. I am at my wits end today.

reallifedrama's picture

You don't mention what the SS17 lied about, but if it was regarding your treatment of the children and it was a number of serious issues, you are going to need a lawyer to protect you. A judge can and WILL order you to keep away from SK's if these issues are to do with abuse or neglect and s/he believes what SS says about you. Of course, you can fight it.

As for the child support increase, has there been an increase in your husband's pay? Has he come into money? Is the increase something to do with inflation (has it been a while since he was ordered the amount he pays?)?

She would first of all not be the one to supervise phone calls and visits if it were found that was needed, so most likely, her request to listen to calls would be denied. If it was accepted, your husband could have the attorney request that supervision be done by an official wherever your state has this established (usually CPS).

Why is she requesting a two week reduction in the summer? Is it for camp, school etc?

If you do have a lawyer, you could most likely have something worked out that each is responsible for half of the distance. A friend of mine moved far away from BF and she was told that since she was given the freedom to move, she had to make half the effort to bring the child to the bf.

It sounds like she is being extreme, but don't ever think it would be the first time a judge has agreed to this type of nonsense. Tell your husband he will need to be represented, and you might as well due to allegations (which I don't know what they are) from your SS17.

Good luck!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Unless a full CPS investigation was launched and you were confirmed to have abused the kiddos, a judge will likely roll up her requests and beat her do damn death with them.

BM2 had a laundry list of crap a mile long when we went to court, and the judge threatened to terminate her parental rights if she didn't pull that empty head out of her ass and stop attempting to meddle in our lives. We're custodial. She's hanging on to visitation by a very thin and frayed thread. Yet she's still batshit crazy.

If your BM finds your husband so unfit to choose who should and shouldn't be around their children, perhaps she shouldn't have procreated with him.

buterfly_2011's picture

If you read my blogs you will see. She stated that i held up lingerie in VS and told her her dad would like that on me. That was the extent of what she said........... We have an email from BM stating that is what SD said I did. AND that one time she went in my room to USE my bathroom and she saw handcuffs on my night stand........ I'm not even going to go into explanation of that. And I would never hold up lingerie in front of ANY kid. I also have the two other girls that were with us to back up that I didn't even go into the damn store. The girls went there and I went into another store.
No increase in his pay. It's been decreased. He has been paying her faithfully for the past 5 years. Not missed one payment.
We have a lawyer.
I have no idea why she is requesting shorter summer visitation. She did not say why she was.

I guess we shall see what happens when we get into mediation.

Rags's picture

First, you can't fix stupid so don't sweat her position to much.

Second, no judge, even a bottom 10%er of the legal profession family law judge is going to rule in her favor on most if any of this crap.

Third, she will likely have to cover half of visitation travel expenses. My DW left the state with SS when he was 1yo to attend college. DickHead was ordered to pay half of visitation travel. That part of the order held for 17 years until our son aged out from under the CO.

Enjoy her idiocy and do not let her get to you.

IMHO of course.

3_steps_ahead's picture

Sounds like BM is throwing a lot of demands and BS in there as bargaining chips - basically like throwing a handful of spaghetti at a wall and waiting to see what will stick. DH's ex wife has done this for 20 + years and DH and I have been through it for so long with her that nothing shocks us in family or support court anymore.

BM will probably get some of what she's requesting, but I can pretty much guarantee she isn't going to get all of it. If DH's income has decreased since the last support order was issued, she'll probably get a rude awakening when her child support is lowered instead of the judge granting her more money.

As for BM and SD17 attacking you, it's just another way that they can hurt your DH - you're just collateral damage to them. By being his new wife, you're standing in the way of the arrows that they're shooting at him and they want you either hurt or out of their way so that they can hurt him - either way, in their minds, it's a win for them.

BTW, you mentioned that BM moved SDs 200 miles away. Did she happen to move them out of state? If so, you may be able to look into if the court that she's filing in still has legal jurisdiction.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

She can demand all she wants but she is most likely not going to get any of it. For one thing, child support is based on the NCP's income, not on what the custodial parent wants. She cannot dictate what happens during the other parent's parenting time unless there is absolute proof of abuse, neglect, etc which would have to be validated by CPS or a judge. If it is written into the court order that your husband gets make-up visitation time then when/if she withholds that time from him she will be in contempt. Countersuing is a fairly routine thing that happens with custody cases. When our absent, non supportive bm sued us for custody out of the blue a few years ago, we countersued for child support including five years of back child support and compensation for her half of all medical and education expenses, practically since birth. She dropped the case. We did it to psych her out. We knew that she would not risk paying child support. It is simply a tactic used in court. Take some deep breaths. She can say whatever she wants, but that doesnt mean that any of it is going to happen. She does not control you, the universe, or the judge.