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Request for psychiatric evaluation for BM

MJL2010's picture

Would anyone be willing to share your experience, whether positive, negative or neutral, if you've:

1. suspected mental illness (personality disorder, specifically) in BM
2. decided to request the judge to order an evaluation?

We are exploring this possibility.

Thank you!

Ex4life's picture

The only information I can give you is that:

1. Judges will want PROOF of your concerns as to why you want an eval done. Just wanting one done or saying you have seen such and such won't cut it.

2. Be ready to take the eval yourselves.

3. You may be asked to/required to pay for both evals.

MJL2010's picture

Thank you, Ex...this is something we've always thought about but recently, in light of continued madness, our attorney and a therapist DH and I have started seeing for help dealing with this woman have both suggested that we closely consider it. I know it will be ridiculously expensive but honestly, I think it will be a good investment. I am wondering though: how likely is it that my children would be ordered to have an evaluation done as well?

Ex4life's picture

I should have made myself a little clearer in my first post, I'm sorry. The ex can insist/request that your DH get an eval. She will have a much harder time trying to get you to take one because you are not a party to the custody orders. That doesn't mean it can't be done, it will just be harder for her to get it done. As posters on another site like to say, "you are a legal stranger". I would seriously doubt she can get the children to have one done at all. And if these are YOUR children and not DH's, I'd say its going to be almost impossible for her.

Ask your attorney what he thinks. Judges vary from state to state and county to county. What our judge thinks may be total opposite what your's thinks.

MJL2010's picture

Oh, ok. Thank you for clarifying. Other than the money, I am fine about taking it- and as I understand, DH and I will automatically take it if we request that she be ordered to take one. However, I am not sure that I want my kids going through that and I am positive that their father would never ever allow them to go through're right. I will speak with our attorney when he gets back from vacation!!8AA7B