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Question about discipline by BM that has supervised visitation only and diagnosed with mental illness

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All of sudden she has decided that NOW SS8 needs physical discipline. He says every time he goes to see her she pops him with the belt, with her hand or something if she is not popping him she is threating to do so. The other day he was hugging and loving on her and she took him to the bathroom and whipped him because she said he was ambarressing himself and her and she was not going to have it.
I told my husband to tell her if she touches him again we were gonna have her arrested. He seems to think we probably can't do that. I think we can.. We tried talking to her parents but they turned it around and made it about us. Then told SS that if he was not bad she would not do that. Also she does it cause she loves him. He is a kid, a boy and aggravating. But rarely does he ever require physical discipline. I am pro spanking if necessary but not by a crazy angry bipolor psycho..