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Post Secondary Court Order payments

Sherri05's picture

Has anyone gone to file a Release and Satisfaction of Child Support only to have the judge now order post secondary education payments to adult child?

Sherri05's picture

No payment set yet. But we have been paying stepson's college and sending him an extra $120 a month over and beyond the child support still being paid in full to ex wife for the daughter who turned 18 last October. His son will be a senior next year and has decided he wants additional education over the 4 yrs of college as well. Do we have to pay that to? He is 21 now. Yes in Iowa we are. I'm tired of being a bitch about all the money that goes out but we have water coming up through the floorboards of our home we can't fix from all these rains because we have to pay half of the mom's graduation party in which she invited 250 people to attend.

I am emotionally empty from all of this. And yes I carry a full time job and earn good wages for a high school graduate with less than 1 yr of college but about 60k less than the BM.

Sherri05's picture

Yeah I would have thought CS would have covered ALOT of things that we have had to shell out at the mother's whim. But my husband is intimidated by the BM who plays on his guilt and her righteous self entitlment. And child support was to have gone down but in Iowa they can have CS reviewed every 2 years and she said she could get over 1200 out of us. That scared the hell out of husband who meekly goes along with whatever she demands. I told him last night he needs to stop allowing her to railroad him. She has no claims over him any more and he needs to start focusing on his home and his retirement not shelling out money whenever she demands.

sixteensmom's picture

They won't review it again if you're within 2 yrs of the last review, or less than one year from the last scheduled payment.
Let them review it. heck, you should request the review.

Orange County Ca's picture

What insanity this is. Ordering a parent to pay an adults education. Especially now when we're finding out that most college students can't get a job in their field of study. Some of course studied "Ancient Roman Outhouses" and actually get a degree in it but even business majors are digging ditches if they're lucky.

My uncle worked the farm every other year and went to medical school every other year. I went into the service and got the G.I. Bill.