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Parenting Consultant

elvis1's picture

I appreciate so much the collective experience of all the members of ST, I am wondering if any of you have had experience using a parenting consultant? I am faced with the necessity of using one, court ordered, and have read so many negative things online about these folks...hoping to get some honest opinions from steptalkers??
Thanks Smile

derb84123's picture

DH has a parental coordinator. and she is fabulous. She is court ordered- but bm refuses to see her, so it doesnt help much. we are now faced with filing contempt charges against BM for her refusal to meet with the lady. We have yet to do it for $ reasons. If they are used, they can be great.

Bradymom's picture

I don't know what the PC does in your state. In mine they are to interpret the custody order & make decisions, suggestions & amendments to the order but cannot change it but if taken to court they can give their view & recommendations. Also cannot talk to one parent privately. There's a definition of PC given that oats out everything they can & can't do on your first visit.

With all that said, my experience is... My ex is highly manipulative & will wear people down until he gets his way. He does not want what's best for the kids & is not wanting to keep things out of court. The PC was just another bill to pay while waiting for a court date. Not for us. It's my opinion it's only for parents that actually both want to stop fighting & just get clarification.

elvis1's picture

well that is a description of my ex as well, if I didn't know better i would think we had the same one. I don't have a choice about using one, it has been court ordered and her power extends to determining visitation for my DD15, who does not want to see her dad at all. He has been abusive for years.