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How can we request a psych/drug eval???

melissity's picture

My fiance and I are pretty sure his kids' mom is either on drugs or certifiably crazy - there's just no other explaination for her erratic behavior! They see the same judge pretty regularly (about every 3 months) just to check to see how things are going. It's mostly to see if they are both following the court order with parenting times and such. She did violate a court order that stated she wasn't allowed to bring her children around her abusive boyfriend and then told the kids to lie about it, but the only "proof" we have is the kids' word (after they finally admitted it to us). Can my fiance just request a drug/psych eval, or is there something he has to file??

Madam Hedgehog's picture


Is that allowed here? Does it even work?

Anyway, I'd really like to see an answer to this question. We have some of the exact same problems. We're pretty sure BM is overdosing on some sort of prescription medication, but I have no idea how to get proof or whether or not proof will even do anything in court.

giveitago's picture

Not sure! Here, Louisiana, a juvenile judge requested evaluations because our girl is sooooooo bad! It had to be the fault of the parents...right? We all had evaluations done...DH and I obviously passed muster since we got custody but BM believed she did not NEED to take any tests! I still do not know to this day whether or not she took any? They were court ordered! A juvenile judge actually put BM out of her court room for her inappropriate attire and on another occasion for contempt (couldn't keep her mouth shut) so I know the opinions the legal powers that be have of her.
Maybe you could plant a few ideas in the judge's mind though, ideas germinate! From little acorns mighty oaks do grow!!

melissity's picture

Skids BM is the same way: innocent face, innocent voice and "blah blah I'm just trying my best to do what's right for my kids" I'm so angry right now... starting a new thread, cuz this isn't the box to vent it LOL

Cat8474's picture

Well my husband's ex for sure is crazy, but we can't prove it either. He told me that when they were togther that she tried to kill herself and even was on a lot of anti-depressents. So I would say that is crazy. But we already have joint custody so I'm not sure I would want to go through all that. But good lukc to you!

liks's picture

yeah...there is a point....who wants the brats of pyscho BM's full time....? I am sure our BM is bipolar and on crack as a way to self medicate herself.... -

care factor from me is zilch...i hope she OD's one day... }:) actually....