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Can soon to be SM be added to modification as 3rd party regarding pickup and drop off, or is it not necessary in this situation?

hello_maloy's picture

The mother is sending their daughter over to our house (2 hours away from herself) to live with us for the school year (or longer). I will be the one getting her ready in the morning and picking her up from school. We are unsure as to whether or not we will need to go in to get a modification since she will be residing with us for in indefinite amount of time, and that needs to be documented. If we do need to, will I need to be added as a third party pick up/drop off person in case of emergencies? She will be with me most of the time while not in school (dad gets home at 7:30) Like I said, mom is two hours away, she is going to be listed as emergency contact in school paperwork, but I am closest so will be called first (especially since mon-fri dad is an hour away at work).

I will need to be going to parent teacher conferences, speaking with the teacher, picking up, dropping off, taking her out for appointments, taking her from office when she's sick, meeting for disciplinary actions or testing and all that. Does that make me her guardian or will none of this stuff be ok for me to do since I am not a LEGAL guardian? And if it's not ok for me to do, then how will any of that stuff get done for her? (dad has very strict hours mon-fri from 7am-7pm, and that includes the one hour there and one hour back)

Ok I get it, you may get angry and say none of that is my place, but now it is because it's the position I am in. Dad will be able to make phone calls and sign report cards, but what about everything else? That's on me. No I am not a free babysitter, I am dad's fiance, been together for 4 years and own a house and car together. We also have a toddler and a 6 month old together. Just not officially "step-mom" yet. So I am very limited on what I can and cannot do. But the situation is pretty sticky, is it not? It may not be what I am supposed to do, but it's stuff that needs to be done.

So will we need to get a modification since she lives with us and will be going to school here, and also; will I need to make sure I am included as a third party so that if something happens, I can hand her over to her mom, or take her back from her mom? Third, how would you go about the school thing. She isn't registered yet. The girl is 8 and I'm clueless on how the school thing works because when she lived with us she wasn't school age yet. Any help or imput is very much appreciated, thank you.

Confused step-mom to be :?

emotionaly beat up's picture

Where I am her father would just need to notify the school that you will be doing those things.

amber3902's picture

Definitely get a modification filed in court since SD is going to be living with you for the indefinite future. You don't want SD to be living with you for four, five months and then WHAM, BM takes you to court for unpaid CS for those months.

Since you're the closest, you should be listed as an emergency contact. I live with my boyfriend and I've listed him as an emergency contact in case either myself or my exH can't be reached. I don't know how strict a school will be about parent/teacher conferences, but so long as your SO lists you on the paper work that it's okay for you to pick her up from school, drop off, etc., that shouldn't be a problem.