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BM has cut off all communication between my husband and his children,

aleshiafenner's picture

My husband's ex is mad because he got remarried and thinks she can do what ever she want,at least that is what she told me. The day after christmas she got crazier then normal and attacked him, then tried to press assault charges on him and it back fired and she spent a couple nights in jail. When she got out of jail she either turned off or changed both his kids cell phone numbers. When asked to talk to the kids she told him not to contact them anymore. He is gets the his kids for the summer and it looks like she is going to try and keep that from happening. He is looking into finding a lawyer because things seem to be getting worse and no end is in sight.

Has anyone been through this before and know a easier way then waiting to go to court. He normally talks to his kids almost every day and its been about 4 days since he has talked to them. Any advice you have is greatly needed.

Most Evil's picture

Whack job! I am glad BM's violence against DH was officially recognized, as that does not happen often enough IMO!

Yes I think if there is any way to consult an attorney you can fix this pronto. The kids have 2 parents, and he does have the right to contact them, despite what she thinks!
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

aleshiafenner's picture

Thank you for your advice it is greatly appreciated.

DH is thinking about trying for custody, and BM getting visitation. I think it is the best thing for the kids, but know it will be hard. Does anyone have any advice that would assist in the court process?

We have already purchase a prepaid cell phone and are mailing it and making someone sign for it to ensure they receive it. DH has started keeping a journal of everything that's she does and says, so that he will not forget anything when they go to court.

StepChicka's picture

Submit an Emergency Order of Custody form through court office. Your DH has enough evidence to prove he should do this in the best interest of the children. He can do this w/out an attorney.

OregonMom's picture

I agree with StepChicka you can get an emergency order at the courthouse and if need be have a sheriff accompany you to the home of the BM to pick up the children if the judge signs it. The actual custody hearing would be set at some time in the future but until then dad will get to see his kids every day (and I would be careful about releasing them back to BM, perhaps supervised visitation is best).

uniccco's picture

Going through the same thing but its whenever she wants seem like a control thing we signed an agreement in front of a notary no court order she broke it every time she got angry i have not been able to get him no weeks this summer which means no family vacation for me and my new wife i hate to go without him my court date is next week pray for me i am seeking 50/50 she has been as difficult and takes his cell phone as punishment and tells him i am trying to keep up with her the boy would call me 20 times a day or text he is a daddys boy and misses me greatly why do some woman do this when the dad is a goos father provides well and want to spend time with the child ?