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Yes, I complimented a BM to her ex! amazing!

herewegoagain's picture

My husband's buddy has a son probably in his late 20s or low 30s...not sure. Anyway, a few times his son has come over to ask for my son (they aré both 9). From day one I told my husband "wow, what a nice & sweet boy...he's so polite & súper awesome w/our autistic kiddo!" When i told him this i had no clue who he was (we live by the beach in apts, so all kids run around and go apt to apt-no danger here). Anyway, at a party yesterday i actually went to the dad and asked him if he lived w/him or mom...he said mom. We all know that it's nearly impossible to straighten out a kid you see EOW...i asked if it was his ex-wife, he said "no, we were never married..." which then is even more i told him, " you aré an amazing dad...i see how much he respects you & how good you aré with him...but make sure you thank his mom...she is doing an amazing job raising your son!" he just smiled & said "thank you..."

PS funny thing I saw this guy a few months ago when I was sick at a party...I was sitting on a chair w/out being able to move...and he came by and told me I really should go to a hospital, etc...he smiled at me throughout the night & everytime I saw him...I had no idea who he was...later my DH said "yeah, that's my friend's son...hehe...I think he saw DH & I were very distant...I couldn't walk & DH was dancing the night away and felt bad for me...anyway, I remember thinking "geez! How did I end up w/they guy w/crazy ex-wife and messed up kid ...who has a ball while I can't move!" hehe and a few weeks later DH said "oh yeah, he has a son I think" and I thought..."no wonder he's nice & handsome and single...heck, I'd be running the other way!!!" haha But I have to say, wow, imagine "a guy who's not a Disney dad, who's child respects everyone, is polite, crazy ex...she doesn't freak if kid goes home a bit late from dad's or early...and the guy doesn't drink or smoke...and is súper handsome!" haha so maybe some of us really got the short end of the stick! PS his dad is an eternal bachelor, 3 kids w/3 moms & both adt kids & his minor kid adore him & the moms have never played BS games w/the dad/kid relationship!

Anyway, i know many times i am against BMs, so i wanted to let u know I do give crédit WHEN crédit is's just ñot to crazy-witch!

skylarksms's picture

Right now I find that I am actually ROOTING for our BM to be successful!

My reasoning is, it seems to more involved she is with her OWN life, the less likely she is to try to screw with MY life!

Otherwise, I am afraid that even leaving my H would not be enough to keep her from affecting my life...

lm862003's picture

Some of us have it easier than others... that certainly is true. Then again, things are not always as they seem. I am sure there is some drama if you scratch the surface. As far as "rooting" for my kid's mom - yes! all the way! Currently, she does not work but I agree that if she did, this would give her the boost of self esteem that she needs and deserves. In some ways at least, her happiness is my kid's happiness.

Milomom's picture

Love this Maux! Similar to what I say ALL the time (sarcastically) when I think about all the ways BM/exW screwed FDH over - and STILL continues to do so (when he allows her to):

Who's the smart one in THAT situation?!?!

Maybe if our DHs/FDHs/SOs weren't so DUMB or BLINDED by "love" (translation: sex) back then in the FIRST place, they wouldn't get so screwed over so easily by these women who aren't so smart to begin with?!?

Yep, gotta give credit where credit is due, no? LOL!!