Would love some advice here...
Hello! I have been in SS3(almost 4)'s life since he was 6 mo. old. Married DH this past summer. For about a year or so BM has gone to me as primary means of communication regarding overnights/scheduling with SS. DH and I prefer it this way as I am the planner while he is much more laid back/spontaneous (he tends to forget to respond to her texts/calls until last minute). BM has always kept the more "business" issues between her and DH (CS, money, insurance, etc).
That is, until about two weeks ago. She contacted me letting me know she is putting SS in daycare and will get us paperwork regarding our half of the copay for it soon. Not knowing what the custody agreement said at this point, I said ok. After reading through the custody agreement and the fine print "laws" that went with it, the only clause regarding daycare was that the court can raise CS for it if they deem it necessary because NCP is working outside of the home and it is needed for one reason or another. In short, they do not share responsibility for daycare- it is something that CS is supposed to be used for. Wondering where she was getting this idea from, I asked BM to get us a copy of the paperwork that states that half of daycare is DH's responsibility. She said sure. She then said she couldn't find the paperwork. Then that she did and I was right- it doesn't say he is responsible for it.
Then OF COURSE I get about 15 text messages adding up to one long rant about my DH not wanting to fork out a measly $xxx dollars a month to keep her son in a safe place while she is working. I was told that if we can't handle it then we need to figure out a better solution.
(A bit of background: I have never had an argument, conflict or issue with BM before. She has always been a bit *overly* nice to me, and we have always kept our relationship civil. She has never pitted SS against me, he refers to both me and her as his "mommies", even in front of her. She has always been respectful of me as a parent, partner to her ex and as a significant part of her child's life.)
SOOOOO here is my dilemma - how do I respond to this onslaught of messages in a respectful manner? DH and I have discussed this, he wants to make sure she doesn't go to me for any discussion on financial matters anymore. I want to keep her and I handling the scheduling. So how do I let her know this while doing as little damage as possible to the very civil relationship BM and I have thus far? She tends to overreact and dramatize things with my DH, and I am worried that now that we are officially married, she will begin to treat me the same way. I don't want it to escalate and end up with her behaving like a lot of the crazy BM's I read/hear about.... any simple advice would be great. I have worded and reworded how to respond quite a few times, but can't settle on anything.
PS she is a texter. Won't pick up calls unless we physically have SS at the time. Our generation is weird like that.
Hate to agree, but DH has to
Hate to agree, but DH has to handle it...or your civil relationship with her will not last and then you will be in living hell.
Well, first off if your have
Well, first off if your have a good relationship with her about scheduling then keep it just at that. tell her "We have always gotten along about scheduling for SS and I appreciate you always involving me in this matter. But I feel if I get into the financial aspect of SS that it will put a damper on our relationship, just because it is a touchy subject. I would rather not be in the middle of it. So, I let my DH know about the daycare situation and he will be contacting you further about it. I want to keep things between us as friendly as possible because it is in the best interest of SS and everyone involved. I hope you can respect my decision in staying out of the financial business for SS and see I am only doing this bc I feel it is best for us all." Hope I helped. Good luck!!
BM usto do all scheduling
BM usto do all scheduling with me until I stood up for myself and now she won't even respond to a simple txt when she knows she's bringing her kid to me or I have her kid. It was much nicer and easier when it was done thru me. Besides who likes their husband to talk to his ex all the time. I say do what I advised. Keeps things good between u, shows u have an input, she has common courtesy for you, ect. Every SM's dream is to have BM contact their husband as little as possible, to be included, to be treated as apart of Skid's FAMILY, to have appreciation. If she is getting all of this, why are u guys advising her to not have any "contact" with BM?
DH lets BM rant and scream
DH lets BM rant and scream all she likes...he puts her on speakerphone and sets the phone down on the table, any table that happens to be handy! Fortunately she's out of the picture now, kids are of age and can have their own relationship with her.
I would tell her that you had a problem with your phone, some of your texts were deleted by accident, Hold your ground with her though! Parrot fashion, if need be! LOL
I had to call BM's bluff one day when she threatened me with all kinds of stuff, because there was not extra on the child support. I told her to go right ahead and do her worst.
Thanks for all the input,
Thanks for all the input, guys
I sent BM a nice long text back, a few days after she sent me her little blowup session of texts, calmly letting her know that I would prefer to continue as the person she goes to regarding scheduling/physical placement. But she needs to keep the financial side of SS's care between her my DH. I think giving her the few days to chill out helped quite a bit- she responded positively and seemed to let it go. I figure if this happens again I will pass along the scheduling duties to DH. She won't like that one bit because he tends to put things off until the last minute- very spontaneous procrastinator type (this is the reason we feel it is better for me to take care of it, I'm the planner).