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The worst of the worst........

bagged02gt's picture

Attempt after attempt of trying to deal with my situation, I have failed and failed. I don't want to give up, I'm sick of fighting with my bf about it. So I thought, why not google some support group to talk with people in my situation. TaDa! Here I am...........grab some popcorn, kick your feet up, because I'm about to give you a semi-nutshell version of what I am involved in.

I'm 26yrs old, no kids, able to support myself, confident woman.

Almost 1.5yrs ago, I met my boyfriend. On our first date, he laid his life out on the line, so there were no secrets. Wanted me to know what I would be getting involved in, if I continued talking to him. Typical, I am woman, hear me roar attitude, I said I could handle it, don't worry (oye...what was I thinking!) He still had a gf, that he was having a lot of issues with, still married but separated for 3yrs (had been together with for 10yrs), he had a 4yr old daughter, a 11yr old step daughter, and a crazy (ex) wife, who would make my life hell. (Not so bad right!)

Here is a little insight about the wifey. She has 3 kids, 3 different fathers. 11, 9, 4. 11yr old, she has shared custody with, so she has her during the school year, and in the summers she lives with her father. 9yr old, she gave up all rights to, because she didn't want to pay back child support. Her name was taken off the birth certificate and everything, hasn't had contact with her in almost 4yrs. 4yr old, which is the daughter from my bf, that is her little angel and the only kid she really cares about. They split up because she cheated on him on several occasions. She at one point, left the house, moved in with another man within a month, moved her kids in with this man, and had a new ring on her finger that she flaunted to everyone. She put them both in ungodly amounts of debt, had cars repoed under his name, used his SSN# for things, stole his money, etc.

So...we start dating, everything is great. Kids love me, we're happy. But this lady sends me emails, FB messages, calls me horrible names, threatens to take the daughter away, makes moves on my bf, feeds the kids lies, calls/texts the bf everyday, all hours. Sounds like everyone else's issue too right!

We've fought over everything you can imagine. It's A LOT of stress on a relationship having someone like this constantly around. Have I accepted the fact that this woman would be around no matter what for the rest of our life? Of course, they have a daughter together. Have I accepted the fact that I need to be a bigger person, kill her with kindness, not let her get between the bf and I, let the boyfriend deal with her, because she's his problem not mine. NOPE! Don't know how!!!!!!!!!

Fast forward to February. Divorce is finally initiated and finalized in the beginning of of July (woohooo!!!) Shared custody, everything is great, no problems with the divorce, I'm happy it's finally done. WOO.

Here are my problems.

1.) She talks/texts my bf everyday (80% about the daughter, 20% misc.) I can't stand it. Does he respond to the misc stuff, sometimes. But not all the time. Is he super super nice to her regardless of EVERYTHING she's done to him, on occasion. Do they argue 90% of their convos. YUP! IS THIS NORMAL!!?!?!?

2.) She called my bf the other day to let him know that she called up his ex-gf (the one before me) and invited her to their daughters bday party. WHO DOES THAT?!!?!? She doesn't think. She has no respect for anyone, even her own kids. That would confuse their daughter so much it's sad.

3.) Just found out this morning that she applied for a position at my work....and the work that my bf has a temp position at currently. $#!%#$@^$^@ Do I think she'll get the job? No...not a chance. I have been for 7yrs. My sister works in H.R. she has a lot of balls to apply for a job here, but she's so dumb considering my sister is in H.R. The fact that she considered it, baffles me. My bf new she applied, and didn't tell me. He didn't even say anything to her, like it was a bad idea, and so wrong of her to do. (Should he have?!?! I am livid about this!!!)

I could go on and on and on about the things she's done. Not to mention, we have the kid every other day during the week and every other weekend. However, on her weekends, she works Saturdays....and we take her. We have a notebook that documents EVERYTHING she does. He currently pays her child support because he makes money, but we have her more of the time, even though it says in the papers it's 50/50.

$#@%#$^$%&^@$%&% I'm at wit's end fighting with my bf over this constantly. That he should have told her this, and should have responded to her like this. Why does he do things for her? Why does he answer her calls and texts all the time?

HELP! I joined this site because I need to talk with people int he same situation. I have my gf's who are always on my side, but that's no help, because I need to know if I truly have reasons to be pissed off about certain things, or if this is just what being a relationship with a divorced bf all about.

Thanks for reading!

bagged02gt's picture

Yeah, I just recently told him that he needs to put boundaries in place. Do I think she'll listen? Not a chance, but at least he is making the effort and told her. That's all I ask. I don't like that "It's not going to help anything, she won't listen to me" attitude.

He is really really good about keeping things separate. Like, he can tell me the things she's done, and said, and the argument they just had. Then turn around, and be ok with me and not give me attitude, because this is their deal, and not ours. I am the one with the problem of dwelling on the crap that doesn't have to do with me! i don't know how to break away from doing that!

He really is just a civil person is what it comes down to. I could NEVER be as nice as he is to an ex with the things she has done to him and his life. But, he has a daughter with this woman, and is civil and nice because it's easier to do that, than to fight and be a dick when it involves their kid.

He can do it, why can't i!

TheOtherMom's picture

He HAD a GF and was seperated. So still married but GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE.
Why are you people judging her?
PERHAPS YOUR DIVORCES WERE SPECTACULAR but some of us get royally screwed.
In some states, like mine, it can take FOREVER to get divorced. My ex-husband dragged me through hell trying to get alimony because he refused to work. Luckily, he ran out of money for his lawyer and that is the ONLY reason I was able to win in the end. In California, the breadwinner has to pay alimony even if there are no children, or your soon to be ex refuses to get a job.

So quit being a puritanical hypocrite.

DaizyDuke's picture

Probably not what you want to hear.. but I would RUN as fast as I could! It sounds like your BF suffers from the classic Guilty Parent and Scared of BM syndromes and I'm sorry to say but he's probably not going to change.

I think alot of us have come into a situation like this where the BF (intentionally or unintentionally) makes us feel sorry for his situation and then we try to swoop in and be the savior to BF and Skids and it is futile.

You're young, sound intelligent and have your whole life ahead of you... can you really see your future in this mess and see it in a happy light??

TheOtherMom's picture

First off, ST is the place to go to when you feel like this BECAUSE you know you are not alone.
However, not all situation are the same.
I can tell you that DH refuses to engage BM in an argument unless it is founded (i.e. testing her reaction to something or the children are not being taken care of while they are with her).
Simply put, he doesn't like her having control over his emotions. Perhaps your BF is the same? Maybe this is why he "seems" accomodating. Maybe he is picking his battles.
I was 25 (?) when I met DH. I had my own house, my career was advancing, no debts (after I cleaned up my ugly divorce) and was very happy. Why on earth would I get into the situation of becoming a stepparent? Because I love DH. I can imagine life AFTER the kids. I decided the drama was worth the compromise.
My DH can be very moody, especially when it is time to give up the children for the summer. It took a few years to figure out but basically, he is hurting inside and anger is the only way he is able to deal with it. Otherwise he would be a ball of tears.
The solution: remind BF that life is better when he enjoys his time as a family and that you are not his emotional punching bag. That you didn't do anything to deserve his treatment. At that point, depending on how you feel about him, decide if it is worth putting up with the drama. You could also point out that his mood swings are no different to those of HIS EX.
Don't let anyone dissuade you. You have to go with what YOU know to be correct. Just try to remain rational at all costs. Most pain, especially heartbreak, is temporary.