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Worst "Parent's Day" stories?

AllySkoo's picture

All the Father's Day posts have got me thinking... what's the worst Mother's or Father's Day you've had?

My own have been fine, but my sister has the worst I've heard so far.

Scene: It's Mother's Day. Somewhere around midnight, her DD3 starts throwing up. And continues to throw up about once an hour for the rest of the night, requiring several changes of clothes for both of them and at least 2 showers.

At 5 am, she and DD finally fall asleep together on the couch watching TV. At 5:30, her DS4 wakes up and wants "breakfast". She wakes up just long enough to say, "Go ask Daddy, please."

At 7 am, she wakes up again because her DS4 is again asking for food. Or rather, more food. He has managed to find and eat several ice cream sandwiches by himself. (He is quite proud of this.) She looks around for her DH.

Her DH, on Mother's Day, when she had been up all night with a sick child, went to go play golf with his dad. He was gone the whole day. And then he got pissy when she went out for dinner - she and I took our own mother out for Mother's Day - because she "ruined the surprise I had for you!"

To top it off, he then argued with her for 3 days that what he did was completely reasonable and anyone would understand.

AllySkoo's picture

She's seriously considering it. Let's just say this was not an anomaly, and my sister is this.close to being DONE.

Drac0's picture

My story doesn't even compare to that. Worst day in memory was when my brother and I were still kids. We went to the store to pick out a card for my Dad for Father's Day. Keep in mind that we were still kids, meaning we had no income of our own at the time, and no allowance either. I actually found a cute little card that had a cartoon picture of two sons giving their father a hug. The card even stated "Happy Father's Day from the both of us!". We figured it was very fiting.

We gave it to Dad and Dad pretty much lost his sh*t on us. How dare we give him *ONE* card from the two of us!? My Dad was fully expecting 2 cards from us. My brother and I felt horrible. To this day, I still don't know what bug my Dad had up his ass that day. Father's Day in our teen years were awkward but no where near as bad as that day when we were kids.

Anyways, Dad was a bit of a prick back in those days but since he has retired and now lives a healthy, stress-free life, he has so mellowed out! However, I plan on getting him two father's Day cards. One from me, and one from the grandkids.

Drac0's picture

Yeah, Dad was a bit high-strung back in the day.

Ironically, Old Spice is what my Dad uses! Smile

Rags's picture


I am sorry you have that memory. I am glad your dad has mellowed with retirement.

tiny kitten's picture

OMG, that's terrible Sad It sounds like it was some time ago, but still, my condolences to everyone Sad

jumanji's picture

Mine was likely the Mother's Day when my ex took me to court just prior for an "emergency hearing" so he could have the kids for MD to take them to his (then) g/f's cousin's daughter's First Communion. The judge told me I could celebrate MD another time (we were also going to celebrate my parents' 74th &75th bdays - the day before and the day after MD). I wanted to tell him I would celebrate in on Father's Day, instead, but...

It pretty much sucked.

tabby yabba do's picture

Mine was the year I met (now)DH. We had been dating for a short time (8 weeks?) and this was before I found step talk.

It was the day before Mothers Day and I had plans to take DD12 out for brunch (reservations for two far in advance) the next day. ThenBF (nowDH) asked if I could watch his girls "for a while" Mothers Day morning for him (dead BM so no one for them to spend Mothers Day with. My own mom is dead too so Mother's Day is pretty much my own). I said sure and thought "Hmm maybe he's planning something for me?! Weird, he doesn't have to do that." He dropped them off to my place around 8 am with a sweet smile on his face and told me he'd see me soon.

"For a while"'turned into "All Day" and when I called him around noon to see what was up (my reservation for brunch for TWO - me and my DD12 - was at 1:00) he said the golf tournament would be over around 4:00 and he could get them at 5:00.

Needless to say I freaked the f$@& out. My brunch plans with DD12 were ruined and I was stuck babysitting someone else's kids on a special day I had planned for myself (and DD). He has never tried that again. In fact DH now makes Mother's Day a huge celebration for me every year.

jumanji's picture

My condolences. At 84 & 85, I treat every holiday as though it may be my last w/my parents. I work Sunday, so we are celebrating tomorrow. Both kids will be home. My son will call his Dad. I doubt my daughter will (there is a history there).