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worst fight to date

marissamae88's picture

My SO and I had the biggest fight we have had in a long time. The kids were getting on my last nerve. I got home and ss4 was telling me how he stole an extra piece of cheesecake and I said why you were only supposed to have one? He said because he wanted to. Okay great lol whatever. I told him that he can have water with dinner since he felt like being like that. He doesnt need the extra sugar. He kept going on and getting on my nerves to say it bluntly. I went for a run because I needed to get out of the house. I came back the older boys had done their chores so I said they could go outside. SS9 asked me 20 min later could friends come inside. My SO has a strict rule about them not going to other peoples houses or them coming in our house unless he is here. I told him no even though he knew the answer before he asked the question. I call the boys and tell them time to come in. Everyone comes in except ss9. I tell the boys start calling him. After about 10 min of no response I start getting worried. I step outside to start looking and he comes running to me. I asked why he was in someones house because ss7 was looking for you? He said I wasnt. Yes you were I know you were. He said I heard them I just didnt feel like coming in. WTF? Are you serious?? So I tell him your in trouble just go wash hands for dinner. ss9 proceeds to say good I am glad I am in trouble! I was like what why? He says I want to be in trouble because then I dont have to go to the camping catalina trip. This trip is something my SO plans every year with the boys it would break his heart to know he didnt want to go. I asked why he was acting like a spoiled brat and that I was disappointed in him. I said if you stay then you know what you will be doing he says yea homework and I want to do homework! By the way he is yelling at me. If this would have happened when I was 9 I would have been smacked. I said your not eating at the table I put him in the hallway and said you will take a shower after and go to bed. My SO comes home and starts yelling at him for being in the hallway and I said you can talk to me he needed a timeout and he got one. He goes back outside for a work phone call. SS9 starts bitching and yelling and throwing a tantrum. Again my patience is practically gone. He gets done eating and wants to get ice cream?? Serious?? Um no go take a shower. ss9- why? why do i have to?? Why me blah blah I said go now! he keeps going. I linked my arm with his and told him that I would escort him. He starts pulling me and pushing me off him! I went outside and told my SO I need you in here! He puts his hand up and says I am busy..............I lost it. I am always doing everything by myself. We argued later and he is screaming at me and he finally says we were fine before you came. Your the reason I am an asshole to my kids. Ladies I cannot do this anymore! I hate him.

marissamae88's picture

I completely agree. He wants my help but then says I dont do enough and then when I need help its because I dont want to be around. I am so sick of this situation and him.

Jsmom's picture

Back off completely. Disengage. It saved my marriage. I do not do anything for my steps. DH does it all. He handles homework, chores, everything. I will say things once and then if there is not a response, I mention it to DH and it is handled. I was like you, irritated about everything, now I really don't care. I am sure that every time someone says something about my steps, I make sure they know they are not my bio's.....

SS is better now that I don't handle everything. He is actually fun to be with...Not my problem if he doesn't get his homework done. It is all on DH. Hardest thing I swear I have ever done is learning to walk away....Good luck.

Totalybogus's picture

"he finally says we were fine before you came. Your the reason I am an asshole to my kids" This would frost my ass! The last time I looked it takes two people to marry. I'm sure HE asked YOU. I don't think I would ever be able to get past this statement. I really think this would be a deal breaker for me.

I have to give you a lot of credit for not wacking him with a frying pan!

Unhappy's picture

I agree with totalybogus. That is ridiculous. It takes two to tango. I would seriously be thinking about a seperation. If things were better for him and his kids before you came into the picture then why stay and blamming you for him acting like an a$$hole is just stupid. He's an adult. I always thoutht that being an adult meant that you own up to your actions. And if he is saying things out of anger then maybe he needs to learn to think before he talks. That lesson can only be taught if there are consequences.

marissamae88's picture

I lost my mind when he said that and I still havent found it. I am sooo hurt by that statement. I taught ss2 his colors and shapes and ss4 his letters and number. ss9 I have supported all sports programs even when his dad couldnt make it. How on earth have I made things worse?? Before I came his sisters were picking up the kids from school and his mom watched the kids EVERY day. Every single day! I now pick up the boys and I also watch them after school until they go to bed. I told him the same thing you ladies said it takes two. Sometimes he acts as if he was forced into this relationship. I didnt ask this kid out I didnt ask to move in here. He wanted me here. I have applied for a couple jobs today so I can move out and live on my own. I have looked at a couple of studios so I want separation now!

Roseybird's picture

How would he feel if his sisters pick up the Skids, and his mom watched them everyday. That would be my next option. Yeah, let's go back to how it was. I pray everything works for you.

marissamae88's picture

Thanks for the prayer! I dont care how he feels I care how is sisters and his mom feel. I know he doesnt care but I know they wish they could go and live their lives without feeling guilty like their brother or son cant depend on them.