Before I met my SO he had gone to court for child support since he had already had the boys for two years. She was ordered to pay $600.00. She has not paid jack squat. I am getting so frustrated because I see so many sm's on here who are struggling because the court is making their SO or DH pay an enormous amount and not even taking a second look. If my BM was a man she would have had her taxes taken away, checks taxed, and all the other ways child support gets the man. I hate the double standards. So recently she has been in my ss's lives and wanting to call herself their mother. She cut my ss3's hair into a bob like a girl. We were trying to grow it out to donate it like we did with my other ss7 and ss4. She cut it this past weekend and now he looks like Dora the explorer! Ugh so back to my point lol I get off track sometimes. He texted her and let her know I would appreciate it if you didnt touch ss3's hair. She said why I am his mother and I know whats best..............SINCE WHEN CRACKHEAD SINCE WHEN??? So he got upset and I told him everytime she reminds him she is their mother he needs to remind her she needs to pay child support. So he texted her and said you need to pay child support if you want to claim your motherhood. So she responds with when do you have time to get together and talk about it...........B**** you know what you have to pay sooooo why would you need to get together?? You want to ask how we can accept payment or what because that is the only possible thing we should discuss. So he told her we are not getting together and we already have child support solved contact the office. She sends back i dont know why you bring these things up if you dont want to solve them..............Again B**** it is solved just pay it. I hate that she is trying to wear the shortest dresses to pick up and drop offs, and wanting to get together. He has a restraining order on you why would you two be able to hang out?? God grant me patience
Have you gone to the local CS
Have you gone to the local CS Agency? Often times, the CSA isn't even involved with CS collection unless the CP requests that they start enforcing the NCP CS payments.
I'd check with your DH to make sure that the CSA has the case open, then I'd ride their butts as a CP until her checks are garnished!
If it's going through the state, there should be no reason for her to "discuss" anything with him. The CO is what it is & that's all she wrote. What a nut job!
Good luck!
I know congratulations to me
I know congratulations to me because I have won a very crazy BM super!! not really I told my So the same thing every month she doesnt pay you you have to complain and make the aware. Lets hope for the best
I dont remember the last time
I dont remember the last time he went.
He has gone I am not sure
He has gone I am not sure what month he went......I think it was last year around sept but I cant remember. I know she was ordered to pay 600 for all four boys but she hasnt even offered to pay anything. We dont really need the cs but to keep throwing it in his face that she is the mom even though she doesnt do anything for them. Just recently like in May she was allowed to see them without supervision. How can you be considered their mother and you havent changed one diaper, did one bath, sang one song, or taught them anything...........she makes me sooo mad. Being an SM is important to me and any smart loving BM i think would take their job seriously and she just gives a bad name to mothers man.
My resident Skids have BM
My resident Skids have BM Nasty who doesn't seem to care too much for them either.
If she had her way, she'd be paying nothing (claimed that I should be financially responsible for them as I was in a relationship with someone with children).
If SO had his way, she'd be paying nothing (he even sent her CS money back to her to keep her happy)...very long story but this no longer happens (otherwise, he'd be single).
I'd suggest that you ride your DH's ass until he gets the CSA onto this case! Make it so that you're in the know...him bitching about it isn't going to make it a reality! We all know wages can be garnished & he needs to step up to ensure that happens.
Hell, if you truly don't need the money, put it into savings for your SKids & you can get them their first cars or help with college out of that money!
By law, she procreated & is now responsible to financially assist in taking care of those she created, whether she's involved or not!
Sorry...this topic is one of my pet peeves...I'm sure you understand why!
OMG, we were going through
OMG, we were going through the same thing with child support!! My SS's BM owes over 50,000 and has never paid a damn dime. We have tried enforcement agencies and the whole nine and no outcome and no damn money. She moved out of state, and I found out where she worked. We gave them all the information including the address, phone number, and her phone number. Still no money!! I feel like if it was the other way around, they would be on my BF like white on rice!! She has 5 other kids, and if she files her taxes, all of that would come to us. She is not involved whatsoever in his life, he hasnt seen her since he was 1, hes 12 now. Nor has he spoken to her, no letters, phone calls, nothing!! Still, she is obligated to pay for her freaking child, I've been taking care of him since he was 6mos old!! Its not just about the money, its the principle....who the hell does she think she is!!!