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Words CANNOT express how I feel

hbell0428's picture

So....this was yet another wonderful weekend of screaming!! My SD lives with us FT; she is currently grounded. Her birthday was this weekend; she is now a 14 year old brat!! Anyway, her attitude sucks (like most) doesn't do what she is asked, has a BAD, Snotty, rude mouth, rules don't apply to her. Basically since she has left her mohter's house; they have no fighting....EVER. Now our house is a MESS. So dad lets her have 5 girls over for cake, ice-cream and games.

Whatever!! I hid upstairs the whole time; till they all left! I go into my BD12 room and discover that they were in her room messing it up. Blankets everywhere; cards, spoons, makers, maker board mess; towels - whatever you name it. There is still frosting on the bathroom floor from the cake fight; which I left there to see how long it would stay) So, I pick up the cards and took them to dad (they were his) I try to explain why I am so peeved; but NOPE!! He say's "Over cards - are you kidding me"

NO it wasn't over cards!! Sad So I clean my daughters room and she says to me "Thanks mom - all those girls made a mess in my room and just left it like that!" Can you believe it; no respect at all. So I threw the spoons they were playing with along with her stupid slippers in the hallway; do you think SD picked them up...Nope; she walked over them seven times.....

this may seem petty but after 12 years and things like this; I HAVE HAD it with her and Him. He will never change or see. I told him this weekend that I was still planning on looking for apartments and moving out and that I could not live with her and him any more......God it's sad.....after 12 years!!

He then ripped up my newspapaer and more fighting began. It may be hard for him to swallow but he made this mess himself.

hbell0428's picture

That is a good saying; one I may post on the fridge for Inspiration - Ha he would love that!! Thank you! I am getting stronger; the more I talk about leaving the better I become. Yes it will be hard for the kids at first; but once they see their mom again (I have been lost) I hope they will see it will be okay

DaizyDuke's picture

Please, for the love of God, for the love of your bios, leave this mess! I am never one to suggest that someone leave a marraige, I think that marraige vows are taken too lightly in this world as it is, BUT.... I can't imagine what it must be like for your Bios to have to live not only with SD and her outrageous, craptastic behaviors but then they also have listen to you and your DH argue and fight about her every day. It is no way for kids to live, in a constant state of tension, stress and turmoil.

I hope for their sake that your escape plan in hasty

hbell0428's picture

Agree, Agree, Agree; I have told dad this and am in constant "sorry" mode with my children. they have never seen mom like this; and It is horrible. He has (today) admitted that he has made several, numerous mistakes. He said to take the reigns on her!! Do what I do with my kids. I was thinking of sitting her down and explaining why I am such a B**. 1 example is the story about! and then punish her like my four year old on top of her groundation....

"Until you learn to talk and treat people with respect you are grounded to your room. You may only come out to switch loads of laundry and eat!"

what do you think?? to believe or not to believe. Is it worth it. I am just not sure if it is

hbell0428's picture

I agree with this. NO ONE wants to take responsibility for her......EVER!! this is why she is the way she is. Rude, Self-centered, annyoing........ETC...
She is used to hoping from house to house; moms, dad, nanas - whomeever is "offering" more. No one has ever told her NO and stuck to it her whole life. This is why it got this bad. Her mother gave her to use because she can't handle her and her father has NO idea how to parent. So do I let her run my house and me out and break my family up. Or do I step up and confront her and show her that I am the boss. What do I do!!!!!!!!!!!

hbell0428's picture

Foxie!! I agree; I stepped aside and let her take control of my house. I am not sure why. I don't allow my children to act that way; and they DON'T. I am sick of it and want my house back.. I am talking with her tonight.

bruisedpeach's picture

dont TALK. TELL. Set down the ground rules and let her know that ther ewill be consequences if she doesnt follow them. And dont do this alone, your DH needs to be the one to man up in this situation, with you at his side.

hbell0428's picture

Tonight is the night; He wanted me to have a one on one.....HA I said NO WAY; you are going to be there - so I have you to back me up. So when she gives the "daddy help your pricess look" he can be right there to tell her NOPE!! This is the last straw to save us