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what would suck worse??

forever2's picture

This is a question I find myself asking a lot since skid came into my life. What would suck worse? I am curious how others feel about this. If you had a choice to go on a trip to a warm and beautiful place with BF and skid for a week (spring break time) or stay at home alone while they go, what would you choose??

sasha101's picture

Stay at home and not have to put up with 3 whining, attention seeking, squabbling skids. At least at home I can escape to work, visit people or go shopping when they get on my nerves - I couldn't imagine anything worse than being stuck in a strange place with no privacy and nowhere to escape to!!

hismineandours's picture

I have promised myself I would never go on another trip with ss. However, I would not sit home while he took ss and coddled him for an entire week at a tropical location. I would also take MY kids on our own tropical vacation.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Stay home. No way I'd ever go on a trip with ss. It'd be more of a nightmare than vacation. Or I'd let him go with ss then take my bios to do something fun with the grandparents.

sixteensmom's picture

Go and be 'alone' on the beach. Make DH take care of skid and you have the cabana boy bring you umbrella drinks and frozen grapes on a stick.

StillSearching's picture

Go somewhere WARM!! Just me though, I could wander off and get some alone time at a vacation!

starfish's picture

stay home and pray for a hurricane to ruin their vacation!

fortunately, i wouldn't face this scenario with dh. i always plan OUR tropical vacations and arrange baby sitting with mil before she gets to talk to dh. once she gets to guilt trip him, plans are made and too late to make changes!