What ridiculous requests has your BM made?
This happens every couple of months or so: BM finds/makes up something to be upset about, and starts making ridiculous demands to DH, as a form of ¨punishment,¨ I suppose. One of her favorites is to ask DH to return specific items (a sock, for example) that skid brought/wore to our house. Now, we ALWAYS send SD back to mommy dearest in the same clothes that she came in when DH picked her up, so BM has to get creative with her requests. This time it's a comic book, along with the usual demand for clothes, etc. DH and SD just went through her room, and packed up every last item that made it's way to us from her lair. Sealed with extra packing tape as a final touch. I got a little chuckle out of the idea of sending a weekend's worth of SD's bowel movements back to her on Sunday afternoons! }:)
Anyone else dealing with this particular specimen of BM? Does she suddenly ¨need¨ a four-year-old pair of sandals that haven't fit skid since 2010?
BM asked SO - Will you pay me
BM asked SO - Will you pay me more child support and alimony so I can quit my job? By the way, she only works part time. She actually said it with a straight face.
LOL - Good point!
LOL - Good point!
DH's ex once asked if he
DH's ex once asked if he would pay for her heart medication because she was short on funds that month. I guess she assumed he didn't want her to die. Foolish.
The most ridiculous one had
The most ridiculous one had to be...
DH buy her a laptop, videoconferencing equipment, and pay for her monthly internet and phone bill if he wanted to have skype contact with SS. She asked it via her lawyer and made it sound like it was his job. She's in another state.
Mind you they were just eff buddies for about 2 months, after he broke it off, she came to him when she was 4 months pregnant telling him it was his. He freaked and told her he wanted nothing to do with her and wasn't even sure if she really was pregnant. She moved when she was 6 months along, and we ended up together when she was 7. Confirming she was pregnant at 7 and then confirming it was his when SS was almost a year old.
The runner up is:
Asked him to live with her for 2 weeks after she gave birth so he could supposedly sufficiently bond with the baby while helping her out with him. She knew he was with me, but as she had no problem going after him when he was with his ex, nor cheating on her ex with him so...
And in 3rd place we have:
Asking him to act more involved in his emails with her because he would just say "thanks" when she sent him pictures. She wanted him to open dialogue, ask her questions about how she and the baby were doing, and tell her what's going on in his life so SS could feel like they were connected. Said if he didn't, she'd stop sending him the pictures.
Not sure if this was good or bad (mostly good, he'd say, and I'm inclined to agree) but he declined all of it on his own. Pissed her off to no end that he never gave into the emotional blackmail she thought for sure what going to work. I actually have Steptalk to thank for that because after I introduced him to this site, he started reading and vowed never to be like those DHs he saw that bent to BMs will.
Daaaaang, our BMs must be
Daaaaang, our BMs must be related! DH got home from work one day and BM had cleaned out the house, including light fixtures AND the faucet from the kitchen sink. She still calls wanting stuff. The last time, DH told her he threw it out a couple years ago. "But that was an ANTIQUE!!!" We actually sold it on eBay. LOL
Ha, maybe our BMs are
Ha, maybe our BMs are related!
BM started asking for things after I came into the picture. The final straw was a stand mixer that was her grandmother's. I said to DH that is was strange how BM had not needed that mixer for 3 whole years. He said "well it WAS her grandmother's". To which I replied "then why didn't she take it when she took the kitchen faucet; not enough room in the U-Haul?" Made him laugh. I said "But seriously, your divorce is final and according to the paperwork, you have all your stuff and she has all her stuff. She cannot keep asking for more. If she asks for one more thing, I swear I will hide or sell it." Next few times she asked for things, he told her he'd gotten rid of it because he wanted me to have all new things. That really chapped her butt!
What????? Hopefully he gave
What????? Hopefully he gave her one filled with bed bugs!
One of BM's primary forms of
One of BM's primary forms of control was because my DH didn't have a car or license (that's the way BM wanted it, too, then she could make sure he couldn't take the skids anywhere without her). She had him convinced that it was better that way. Well, it was cheaper, anyway!
After we started getting serious, he started refusing to go to BM's house to see his children but instead wanted to take them elsewhere. She was not happy so decided she was going to try to control ME like she did DH.
First she said DH had to come to the door to get the skids. She wasn't just going to send them out. He did. She would never have them ready and would try to get him to go inside. Luckily for him, he never did. Finally, he found out that the skids were taking out the garbage by themselves (which involved them being out of eyesight). He then put his foot down and said that they could walk the 20 feet from the door to our car without him having to escort them.
Then she said that *I* was not allowed to park in the driveway. Okay, FINE. I started parking on the street. Add another 10 feet or so to the skids trek.
Then she said that *I* was not allowed to park on the street in front of her house! At that, I just laughed and told DH to tell her to call the cops and see where it gets her as it was a public street. I started learning real quick what a psycho she was.
THEN she decided that *I* was not to drive the skids at all but only DH (even though she knew he had no license). So, I would drive until about a block away. We would stop and switch, pick up skids, then switch again a block away. The skids thought it was hilarious.
Another ridiculous thing was years later after we had got a judge to order a No Contact on BM. BM started having issues with SD (surprise! teens rebel against being controlled) but we didn't have any at our place. BM called DH (breaking the No Contact order) and wanted him to meet her FACE-TO-FACE to discuss SD. DH just said no, anything we need to discuss we can do in letters and hung up.
We have to take the clothes
We have to take the clothes that SD8 has on when she arrives and fold them up and put them on the shelf as soon as she arrives. She is to wear the EXACT outfit including panties and socks back and I am not to launder them because BM says the Gain lavender detergent I use hurts her nose. I guess the dollar store brand isn't as fragrant!
Second, because BM keeps having so many kids, she has informed us we are now in charge of all "grooming" for SD8, she doesn't have time to cut fingernails and toenails or take her for haircuts so that falls on us now.
SD8 has an agenda from school that has to be signed nightly after her homework has been checked and BM informed us she no longer wanted me signing it because seeing my name on SD8's paperwork made her sick.
BM called DH just the other
BM called DH just the other day, and told him that she was planning on buying a house next year, so would he please send her $100 a month (on top of the mortgage sized CS payment) until then so she can use it for furniture, for the KIDSSS of course!
He chewed her out, told her she had plenty, after all the debt she left him with and the CS she gets. He told her he has his own life to plan and save for, which also includes the kids. I'm so proud of him.
She also just tried to file spousal grievance or whatever it's called through the IRS. She was trying to get several hundred back from like 2008 and 2009. We got the paperwork, since he was the primary filer at that time. Claims were denied, of course, lol. She denies knowing anything about it.
Last week (we didn't even
Last week (we didn't even have SS2) BM asked DH to get him a passport because she wants to take him to the Bahamas next year…yes the lady that threatens to take SS away from DH and never let him see SS2 again thinks he is dumb enough to give her a passport.
Not even two weeks of
Not even two weeks of beginning the relationship with my now husband, his daughter's BM asked if we could be in a three way relationship......mind you I had only met her twice at this point and only met SD once. They weren't even married when they were together. Obviously that never happened, I don't share lol and once she realized she wasn't going to get him back at all, is when she started having us keep SD all the time. Which was fine with us. Now she is with us permanently, my husband has custody. BM hasnt seen her in almost 2 years. BM is in the process of sending me step parent adoption consent form back..(hopefully, I dont trust her at all).
BM always has ridiculous
BM always has ridiculous requests that only affect SO or myself.
1. I had to meet up for dinner with BM not once but four times before I would be allowed to meet SD. BM also had to be at the park where I was meeting SD and SO on the first day I was allowed to meet SD, 6 months into the relationship, where she was to have lunch with us and see how SD would react to me.
2. That BM have the right to "baby proof" our first apartment, even though SD was 3 when we moved in together. She actually went out and purchased the supplies, then tried to give SO the bill. He told her to take her crap and get out.
3. That I never be allowed to pick up SO from daycare or school, since I might kidnap her.
4. That I not be allowed to brush SD's hair, buy her clothes, pick her up, etc since these were "mommy" things.
5.That SO and BM do all holidays together, including all parties, so that she could be present and take pictures of the "family." At least her, SD, and SO. They hadn't been in a relationship since SO found out she was pregnant.
Geez, I have a few.. 1) She
Geez, I have a few..
1) She blew the shit out of SO for allowing SD to wear tights that were see-through. These tights were what SD was wearing when she came over for that weekend. SD keeps NO CLOTHING at our place at all. BM also told SO he was in danger of attracting paedophiles for allowing this.
2) BM demanded that SO not move in with me until skids were 18. It's perfectly ok for her to move in with her lover a year after getting together when kids just had to deal with it. She told SO he was being selfish and inconsiderate.
3) Booking extra curricular activities for the kids and demanding SO to pay half for them - even knowing that she didn't pay a dime for kids for 4 years whilst he took them to taekwondo.
4) Telling SO that he had to take the kids wherever she booked them to, because it was in "their best interests" and booking SS into a footy club that her bestest buddy's son goes to. She would make sure she came to ALL these games and would openly be hostile to SO in front of everyone. Pathetic.
... I could go on..but the woman makes my head hurt and I don't want to think about her anymore
BM told OH when we first
BM told OH when we first moved in together that we are not allowed to close our bedroom door when the skids are here.
He told her "we sleep naked and have a LOT of sex, so if you are happy with your kids being exposed to that fine!"
BM got herself all hot and
BM got herself all hot and bothered because SD4 said she had fun shopping with me one day and wanted to go back to Daddy and Rei's house (I have been 'Mummy' to this little angel since she was 10 months old BTW so she shouldn't be made feel bad for enjoying spending time with me) and BM must have been in one of her moods, she call DH and started yelling at him that he wasn't allowed to leave SD in anyone else's care whilst she was with us (week on, week off 50/50 since she was 2 btw - prior to that we had custodial) and actually said she was going to go back to court to have the court documents modified that SD wasn't allowed to call me Mummy and that DH wasn't allowed to leave her alone in my care -_- All because she introduced SD to the third 'love of her life' in six months and then got dumped a week later so she was a bit bitter ...
Really nothing much over the
Really nothing much over the years as far a stupid requests from my Skid's Sperm Idiot. Sperm Grandhag on the other hand .... it was never ending and still is.
1) Drop CS because the (three younger also out of wedlock sperm idiot spawned half sibs by 2 more baby mamas) kids don't have the same nice things that (SS) has. (Um, his mom is an MBA/CPA, I am an engineer/MBA. We both make professional salaries. Of course SS has nicer shit than the Sperm Idiots three younger spawn. Maybe he should go to college rather than continue spawning ever more out of wedlock children by any available underage womb in the Pac. NW. Nope, you can keep paying his CS for the Skid or he can pay it himself. It makes no difference to us.)
2) The judge that I clean toilets for tells me that (SS) can chose to come life with us when he is 12. (Nope, not in your state idiot)
3) Can you send the car seat that I bought for SS when he was a baby? (Sperm Idiot next spawn) needs it. (No, we threw that out years ago. Besides it would cost more to send it than a new one would so get off your cheap lazy ass and go buy one. Better yet, have your POS son support is own children.)
4) (SS) you are a man now and in the USAF. You need to start supporting your younger sister and brothers. Send money now! (Nope, we raised a young man of confidence, character and intellect and he is not going to succumb to your toxic idiot useless entitlement POS manipulations any more than his mom or I did. Rot in hell bitch!)
Not long after DH and I moved
Not long after DH and I moved in together BM came to the house to
1. Inform me that I was living in her house and I had 30 days to move (DH got the house in the divorce)
2. We could not keep the extra medical insurance card because we didn't need it (we had full custody of both SD's and took them to all appointments and she was required per CO to keep insurance on them and give us a card)
When I was calling the police to have her locked up for trespassing I informed her of such and told her to speak to a lawyer. Of course she raised hell but left and called DH to cuss at him. A few days of her nasty text messages and it was over, her lawyer told her I was right, lol!
She always calls every year or so to ask him to fix her car or help her buy a new car (he is a manager at an auto lot) and to help her get financing, blah blah blah! So glad he ignores the hag!
I'm late.. can't believe I
I'm late.. can't believe I missed this.
BM got pregnant by DH's best friend, SD's God father. Shortly after, the ex-best friend's mom passed away. BM called DH up, crying, like
"((ex-bestie's name))'s MOM DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! Can you send some money so he can go home for the funeral?"
Now that is funny!
Now that is funny! :jawdrop: :O

bm wanted me to move my
bm wanted me to move my exercise machine into the garage so sd could have the living room to herself to park her backside and watch tv. of course i laughed at her.
BM just asked DH for her Play
BM just asked DH for her Play Station back. They broke up 6 years ago and she took everything (car, BBQ, furniture etc)at the time as well as all her personal items. We had kept a kids table that BMs father had made and kept asking her to take it as her father died and we thought she would want it as it was a special personal item. It took until last year for her to get it after we took it to her sisters place. Now she is complaining some games are missing! It took 6 years for her to want it (it wasn't even hers it was both of theirs) and now its a big deal! We got married last year so Im wondering if that has brought it on. She has also started to "forget" to pack a bag with clothes to go home in after a weekend visit. Sigh, oh well - if she wants to create drama it hasn't worked so far - we just find it ridiculous and dont make a big deal
BM approached my fiance after
BM approached my fiance after ss12 basketball game demanding his debit account info to pay for SS12 braces. Because you know, that's totally normal of an xwife of 12 years to do......freak.
She couldn't reach us on my fiances weekend with his son because we were watching the hobbit in the theater which is 3 hours long. She called him 14 times and showed up at his house looking for him/them.
She was creating tons of drama but we found out her bf of 7 years cheated on her with a married woman and got her pregnant so we were like ooooooooooooooooooooooo......
Our BM asked to take SD7 who
Our BM asked to take SD7 who was at the time 2 on holiday vacation to the middle east to visit a military internet boyfriend she met. It was an obvious NO answer from DH. Then after some research about the area I found out it was one of the highest crime rates for kidnapping and sex slave trade. Wow good judgment BM.