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What is a "principal's hearing"

Crazystepmom956's picture

Long story sorta short...My husband(BD) shares legal joint custody of his 14 year old son(Mike) with exwife. BD also has a 17 yr old son(Ryan) with same exwife but does not see this son. Reason?? Two years ago Ryan who has been causing problems(bad grades,disrespectful,stealing, ect) since middle school had a wild party(drugs, police involved) when we were at work and basically not only trashed our house($$$$) and could have gotten both BD and In big trouble with the law. We wanted to punish Ryan for what he did but the exwife who babies both kids fought us (another story). So BD said Ryan can't come back to our house till he agrees to follow our rules and pays for some of the damage to the house. Ryan refused and has not been back to our house in two year. THANK GOD!!

HERE IS MY QUESTION...Ryan is in 12th grade and failing most of his classes, cuts half his classes and can never make it to school before 9am( school starts at 7am)ect. We know this as we still have access to the school website for Ryan and hes in the same school as his brother. Due to all of above the school has requested a "principal's hearing" with Ryan, principal and parent. Does anyone now what this is and what usually happens? Why do I care if we don't have to deal with him you may ask. I care because we only have 6 more months before the little shit turns 18 and then legally the courts will stop sticking their nose in why daddy does not reach out to beloved son. Now my fear is BD is going to get pulled into this mess and have to get involved with Ryan. I'm sorry and you all may hate me but Ryan has caused so much trouble for us and obviously has not matured or changed so I don't want him anywhere near me or my house or belongings.

notarelative's picture

How did you find out about the meeting? Did the school contact you? BM contact? Reading on school portal?  If the school.requested DH's presence he should go. If BM told him, he might want to go to protect himself. But, if it was by reading the portal,  personally, I'd forget I saw it. 

A principal's meeting here is a discipline meeting. You cannot get an IEP here at a principal's meeting. Even if you request one, it would have no bearing on the outcome of the meeting. 

Now if he already has an IEP, the only way it would come into play here is if the parent can document that the behavior that is the focus of the meeting is a result of the disability stated in the existing IEP. In that case another meeting to review the IEP would be held. Or they could combine the IEP meeting with the discipline meeting. A combination meeting here can result in transfer to alternate school (also known as discipline behavior school) when the student is in high school. 

SS is soon to be 18. But, I wouldn't count on CS ending if he is failing multiple classes. Failing classes takes him off the standard graduation track. My state continues CS to 19 if the child is still in high school.


Crazystepmom956's picture

Neither the school or BM has contacted us yet but this only got posted Monday. HOPING they keep BD out of this. We plan on forgetting we saw it unless the school contacts us. Ryan already has a IEP in place since middle school. BM pushed for him to get every accommodation there was so I'm not sure how this will effect the outcome.

tog redux's picture

Around here, it's called a "superintendent's hearing" and it means he got long-term suspended (more than 5 days) and is entitled to a hearing as a result. Does your school website portal tell you about suspensions?

Crazystepmom956's picture

behavioral problems( rude to teachers) but its mostly cutting class, coming in late almost every day and really poor grades from missing so much class and not making up the work. Thats what has built up to the hearing. Ryan is a VERY smart kid, dangerously so and scores high on tests but its the missing class and not doing the homework that is killing his grades. Niether BM or the school told us about the "hearing" we only found out from the school portal. The school portal states the meeting is about " students academics and behavior ".

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Could be several things. It's basically school court... Could be behavioral issues, could be failure to pass causing him to flunk out, could be the school's attempt at an intervention.