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What being a "MOTHER" means......

hangingin's picture

It means that you don't HAVE to birth the child to be a MOTHER, A Mother means that she is there WILLINGLY, puts up with all the BS that comes with it, without thanks, because she loves that child, no matter the cost, emotionally, financially, and all the gray hairs that she now finds she has. She agonizes along side her husband, knowing there are limited actions that are allowed her. That there is only so much comforting that she may be able to give to both child and HD....She "grows" as the child does, learning as the child does, The only consolation that she will EVER HOPE to have, is that one day that "now grown" child will come up to her, hug her and tell her thanks for being there for me, I'm sorry that I put you through all of the crap that I did. Being a MOTHER means that even though you do not HAVE to be there for them, you ARE!
If you are a BIO MOM, a STEPMOM.... It does NOT MATTER, YOU ARE A MOM!



notsowickedstepmom's picture

Hello I'm like ya'll on here. I have one step daughter and two bio daughters. I noticed on myspace there was no page or group for stepmoms so I'm trying to create one. The myspace is
Just please come and check it out and add yourselfs if you have a myspace. I'm trying to get some blogs going and friends together. I will be opening a group on myspace also so please join when I get that done.
By the way Happy Mothers day to all the Step and Bio moms on here.