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Well this about sums it up....

Out of the loop Stepmomma's picture

:O Wow and it never ends....these continue into your marriage also

Auteur's picture

Utter GARBAGE!! Once again, kids dictating to adults. NO WAY!!

Are you listening you women who are new into StepHell? This is the type of attitude that these skids have. They're number one and you are just to disappear. They're calling the shots! RUN!!!!!!

Auteur's picture

I can't express in words how HAPPY i am for you, Stacey13. You are a smart woman to see through it all. Can't tell you HOW many times posters on here keep going back to the biodad nad he just gets worse and worse, until the final painful breakup.

They keep trying over and over again to re-establish the relationship thinking that biodad is the "love of their life" (TM) and if only they could compartmentalize all his other baggage and drama. Soon they find out that they can't as the baggage and drama is intrinsic to being a biodad in this day and age of child adoration, gov't sponsored bad parenting and family courts sponsoring an anti-father, pro BM agenda.