So this is an update. I spoke previously about my SDs bad hair. Last week iwent on strike and didn't help her with her hair. She looked crazy but I didn't care cuz I was pissed about the situation her being thrown on me because of her trifling ass mother being too lazy to raise her own kid. (sigh) But I felt guilty for not treating her like my own daughter. so today I went on YouTube to try to figure out how to style her hair. First I don't know how to do hair at all. God knew this, that's why I have a son. Secondly, my hair is in dreadlocks so I'm really low maintainence, just get up and go. So spending 2.5 hours trying to do a little girls hair which is damaged and broken is no fun! Well,I'll update you all on how she looks tomorrow. God help me!
Good luck. I am also
Good luck.
I am also handicapped in the hair department. I have a short pixie cut. I literally get out of the shower and put a little wax in my hands, run it through my hair, smooth it out, and go. 2 minutes max.
I am somehow blessed with 4 daugters (including my steps, who live here full time). They all have what I call "dry and go" styles. All but the 2 year old can fix their own, and hers just has to be towel dried and brushed...real similiar to mine but she doesn't put product in it.
I feel your pain. lol